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Question Mark? (CARS?)

Archive: 5 posts

Ok I'm sure that 90% of the people viewing this ave seen my previous car threads, and I was wondering what type of cars my next showroom shall have. I would like to begin a new one, so comment on any other ideas of your sfor my showcase, and hopefully i'll see you on lbp soon! I would simply like to get others oppinions kk, so if you want to answer use the poll above. (yes, I shall post the cars in the showcase in other threads)

Preview of Rally cars:
(thanks for noobslayer145 for help with logos)
2011-10-25 02:03:00

Posts: 157

sports cars! they are awesome!2011-11-22 00:50:00

Posts: 157

pfftt! how about some American muscle. Old Corvettes, Camaros, '32 Ford Coupe2011-11-22 01:09:00

Posts: 8424

kk guys sorry I've been play'n MW3 and BF3 so I'm behind a lil' and I shall continue production soon
ohh and I'm Glad to say my current hearts on all of my car levels on lbp2= 206, with 781 plays! and If you count my lbp1 in their is 2852 plays! and 328 hearts! THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE SUPPORT! (not counting all my other levels)
2011-11-22 02:25:00

Posts: 157

pfftt you rouge! sports cars for the win!2011-11-26 22:24:00

Posts: 157

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