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LBPC Haunt: (Part Two) A Deadman's Rhapsody

Archive: 7 posts

Before you give this tale a read, make your you've read Part One (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=64445-LBPC-Haunt-(Part-One)-The-Troublemakers-Three&p=941464#post941464),
For then you'll clearly understand how all of this begun.

And so this ballad rolls on in that same Halloween night,
Where people from the previous tale are high-tailing in fright,
For they have truly seen a sight many should never see,
But there are things much worse in store for the next unfortunate three...

It all starts out in a small house, down the street from the hill,
Where our troupe from just minutes ago are running away still...

(UltimateClay) “There goes the neighborhood.”
(xero) “What's happening now?”
“GDN and a bunch of other guys are running around screaming their heads off.”
“Lemme see...”

Curious on the matter, xero looked outside,
Only to be splashed by a wall of screams, much like a crashing tide.

“Oi. They're really loud.”
(abyssalassassin) “Can you please shut the door? Their screams are really annoying.”

Getting a look at what they cared to see,
The other two returned to sorting their candy.

Abyssalassassin refused to be outdone this year,
Looking like a werewolf so that others run in fear.
Xero, on the other hand, didn't really care,
So she dressed like Ramona with her multi-color hair.
And as for UltimateClay, well, like Cyber's attire,
He also went out as a turtle... only he breathed fire.

“You make no sense sometimes, Clay.”
“Have you even HEARD of the Dark Ages, dear?”
“Those were dragons. Not turtles.”
“Well then! I guess I won't be sharing my stockpile of Reese's with anyone tonight...”
“Your costume looks great!”
“That's what I thought.”

While our intrepid trio resumed sorting their treasure,
A chilling wind began to stir, one of quite great measure...
The woods next to their house began to glow a ghastly blue,
Perhaps a spirit is haunting their house? If only our trio knew...

“I'll trade yah two Hershey's and a Laffy Taffy for two of your Three Musketeers and a Starburst.”
“Pffft, you're kidding me, right?”
“Come on! That's a good deal, right?”
“Really, abyssal, you've been hogging all of the shares on Starbursts over there.”
“How do two bars of chocolate and taffy equate to two bars filled with fluffy chocolate and... uh... some juicy things?”
“Seriously. This is Halloween, not algebra.”
“I'm just saying! It makes no sense when put into theory!”
“Whatever. I'm gonna be rebellious and take some anyway.”

As xero reached over to steal from abyssal,
A ghost shot through the floor like a heat-seeking missile!

“Oh God!

The two young ladies quickly jumped back,
Recuperating from the spirit's attack.

“Great! Who brought the ghost over?!”
“That's no ghost- that's a poltergeist!!”
“Well, don't just sit there! Do something!”

The misinterpreted spirit slowly spun around,
Although no signs of malice on its face could be found.
His malevolent eyes were instead replaced by salty tears,
Not resembling at all the demon from the group's worst fears.
Heavy chains dangled down from his tiny wrists,
Looking rather large compared to the ghost's small fists.
He looked rather shy, maybe even coy,
For this ghastly spirit, in fact, was merely a boy.

“Help us...”

Clay soared through the air, armed with a shoe,
But instead of a tackle, he phased right through.
Spooking the ghost with his defiant might,
It started to float away in fright.

“Get back here!”

As if Clay's actions could not get meaner,
He quickly finds himself a vacuum cleaner,
Grabbing the handle and plugging it in,
He ran, muzzle first, after this spiritual sin.
With nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide,
The ghost was sucked up and trapped inside.

“A-ha! Gotcha!”
“Clay! Please! Let me go!”
“You've got a LOT of explaining to do before I do that...”
“Hey! He knows your name!”
“Wouldn't be surprised. I've probably caught this guy plenty of times before...”
“... you're a ghost hunter?”
“Well, it's a bit complicated, really. But in a sense-”
“Please! Let me out! I mean you no harm!”
“Yeah right! As if you have any proof that will make me even consider that possibility-”
“Remember Mount Peanut? Back in 2010? When I randomly fell through that hole in the hallway?”
“... Joey?”
“YES! It's me! Joey! Now PLEASE, lemme out!!”

Now realizing, Clay took off the vacuum hose,
Turned the weapon off, and watched as Joey rose.

(Joey) “Two years, and you still don't recognize me...”
“It's pretty hard to judge what someone looks like when they rush out of the floor all of a sudden.”
“Geez, what happened to you?”
“It was horrible! Absolutely horrible...”
“Who did this to you?”
“I... I can't remember. I was locked-up for so long...”
“Locked-up?... the chains...”
“Yes. These infernal chains. Ever since that disaster last year, I've been shackled against my own will...”
“Last year? Wait, is that why-”
“Yes. But I'm not the only one.”
“Can you please explain what happened?”
“... I'll try...”

Joey began, although at first slow,
To tell his nightmare of sorrow and woe...

“It started last year, as a little charade,
Dressing-up as others was a daring escapade.
But soon enough, as more people joined our parade,
The little fad blew up into a grand mascaraed.

All of the members began dressing as each other,
Everyone I knew was there, even my Den Mother.
And also Burnvictim42, RockSauron, Fenderjt,
xkappax, Teebonesy and even comphermc.

As the night started to wind down, around the hour of ten,
The party was a great success... at least until then.
When other members went back home, one person didn't leave,
And, we didn't know at that time, a hex he began to weave...

Our bodies became stiff as stone! The curse was setting in!
Before we could cry out for help, we were forced out of our skin!
That evil man gave out a laugh, trapping us in his spell,
Our spirits were then shackled up and sent off into Hell...

When people found our empty bodies, lifeless they lied,
And since they couldn't find a pulse, they thought we all had died.
They dragged away our bodies, our fates misunderstood,
And put them in a tomb somewhere, out in the lonely wood.

One year has passed ever since that great catastrophe,
And only on this Hallow's Eve can we briefly break free,
To find someone! To take a chance! To make a final stand!...
But you're the only ones so far that even understand.”

Finished with his tale of woe, Joey softly cried.
Xero tried placing her hand on him and stood right by his side.

“It's okay, Joey...”
“No! Can't you see? For 12 long months we've been locked away in a spiritual torture chamber, unable to do anything! It's NOT okay!”
“I wish we could do something...”
“... that's the stupidest response I've ever heard. Of course we'll do something”

The mourning three turned around as UltimateClay said:

“Joey, will find a way to bring you all back from the dead.”
“... really? You'll do that?”
“You're not serious, are you, Clay?”
“As serious as the star named after it.”
“... that's spelled with an 'I'.”
“... so? We're still gonna do it, whether you're with me or not.”
“Well, I guess I'll come along with you...”
“I'm not going. You two can go die by yourselves.”

The trio looked at her in shock, unsure of what to say,
But they can see the fear in her eyes, for trouble was at bay.
So without saying another word, they went with their ghostly friend,
To see if they could bring this desperate nightmare to an end.

“... wait up!”

Quickly thinking opinions, abyss ran out the door,
To rejoin with the trio so that they'll be a group of four.

“Glad you reconsidered.”
“If we do die during this... I'm blaming you.”
“So, where to first, Joey?”
“To the deep reaches of the woods in the Forum Game Wilderness. Our bodies are laying in a tomb.”
“First we're following a ghost, and now we're heading to a tomb. Great...”
“You could have just stayed back at the house, like you originally planned.”
“Well... if you guys do die, I don't wanna be left behind.”
“Sticking together, to the end.”

With the lively three fist-bumping to symbolize their bond,
They unknowing step into a patrol zone of a mod.
With a large administration badge and Banhammer in hand,
Joey briefly disappeared during the obstacle's stand.

(schm0) “Hold up there, kiddos. Young folk aren't allowed beyond this point.”
“Please, sir. We're on a very important expedition that could determine-”
“Lemme guess... 'a highly secretive mission that will determine the fate of LittleBigPlanetCentral', huh?”
“Hey! How did you know?”
“As if you're the first ones to try that card on me.”
“This is serious, schm0. We don't have much time.”
“I have a hard time dealing with you youngsters inside town, and now you expect me to let you guys wander into the wilderness like no one's business?”
“Uh... pretty much. Yeah.”
“Well, you can kiss those wishes goodbye. No members under the age of 18 are allowed to enter at nighttime. ESPECIALLY tonight.”
“Please, schm0! You gotta understand-”
“That's 'moderator' schm0 to YOU, young man. And I understand enough that I'll be liable for anything- repeat, ANYTHING- that happens, and I'm just not in the mood to wager my job tonight.”
“If we can't proceed, our community is doomed.”
“... gimme one REALLY GOOD reason why I shouldn't just silence you three right now...”

At this moment, the ghostly Joey reappeared out of thin air,
Standing schm0's whiskers on end, or whatever was left of his hair.


At first schm0 couldn't believe his eyes; he thought it was a joke!
But once Joey poked through his chest, the mod began to croak:

“... I-i. Dah. Erm. Guh-guh-guh. Gho-oh-oh-Oh-OH-OH-OOOOS-”

Before the frightened moderator could finish his scream,
Clay finally knocked old schm0 out and sent him into a dream.

“... oh geez.”
“Let's get going before someone notices.”

Trekking beyond safety, the quartet entered the wild,
At first the air was calm, though the chill was rather mild.
Tall, dead trees lingered amungst this scarred wasteland,
As it serves as a haunting ground... for both the living and the banned.

“How deep is this tomb, Joey?”
“It's pretty far in there. The memorial thread hasn't received a new post since last year.”
”I guess the community forgot...”
“Yeah... I guess they have...”

The four lamented for a minute or two,
Thinking Joey's situation through.
But soon enough, they trekked on-

“I think this was done by RockSauron.”
“Do you think he'd do something like this?”
“Of course. He's the most evilest guy in all of LBPC.”
“Yeah, but that's just his face value. You don't really know what he's like.”
“You don't even know what went up in Mount Peanut. Right, Joey?”
“Eh-heh. Well, about that. See, the whole thing was stun-”

Suddenly, a creature screeched out in glee!
Littlebigdude805 popped out of a tree!

(LBD) “Wazzup!”

Xero panicked, spooking Clay,
Causing abyssal to save the day.
Running forward and tackling the monkey,
She was about to strike, but then smelled something funky.

“Whoa! Chillax! I mean no harm!”
“Littlebigdude, what are you... what's that smell?”
“... and WHY exactly do you have eggs?”
“I was gonna go egg some houses, but my partner-in-crime bailed out on me for some 'seance' thing at the old mansion.”
“... seance?”
“Yup. Weird, huh? Anyways, so I decided to venture out here to see if I could spook some passerby.”
“... by egging them.”
“I wouldn't hit them! Besides, they've already gone rotten, so... yeah. That's what you're smelling.
“So what're you three doing out here?”
“We're retrieving some bodies for Joey here.”
“Joey? I thought he moved to LittleBigPlanetarium.”
“Think again.”

Littlebigdude slowly looked at the ghost.
He thought Joey's death was only a hoax...

“... Joey? What happened?”
“That hoax is real.”
“Oh... oh geez.”
“I wish I was lying...”
“Well... wow. I'm sorry for spooking you guys there. If I'd known-”
“Don't worry. You're probably the only other guy who knows about this.”
“Wait. Isn't schm0-”
“We took care of him.”

After thinking it over for about a minute,
Dude figured out how they actually did it.

“Yeah, he'll feel that in the morning. Now let's get going. We don't have much time.”

Proceeding forward without a moment to lose,
They continued on toward the lonely refuge.
Stepping over branches and weaving through the trees,
A sense of fear grew, and it wasn't gonna leave.
The deeper they hiked, the more it seemed,
That at any given moment... they'd run into the fiend.

“Ohh... I hope we find this tomb soon.”
“... wish granted.”

Deep in the woods, surrounded by leaves,
Laid a small tomb, covered in ivy.
Large cracks ran all over the walls and the door,
Masking the horrors that lie in store...

“Well, Clay, since you opted for this... you go first.”
“Erm... I dunno...”
“It's not so bad. I mean, it's just a door, right Joey?”
“I'm not sure if anyone's altered it during the past year...”
“Oh, for Pete's sake-”

Without a hint of hesitation,
Dude issued the door some devastation.
Without much of a kick, it opened wide,
Revealing only darkness that laid inside.

“Ugh. You can't see anything.”
“Anyone have a flashlight?”
“Nope. Cin took that with him when he ditched me.”
“Sorry. This costume doesn't have pockets.”
“Joey?... nevermind. Clay?”
“Not a flashlight, but... got a stick?”

Looking at whatever lied around,
Xero finds a stick lying on the ground.
Handing it to Clay, fixating his gaze,
He breathes out some fire and sets the branch ablaze.

“Whoa. Since when can you do that?”
“I told you turtles were medieval.”
“... okay. I took some fire-dancing lessons over the summer.”
“That explains it.”

Proceeding with caution, the begin to walk,
None of them daring to even talk.
With the torch inside, one could see...
There was 5 benches, each with a body.

“Oh my Spaff.”
“There's Joey's. And Morgana's... and Comph's...”
“So much is coming back now...”
“And they're still preserved.”

Suddenly, without warning, there came a mighty shout!
The door slammed shut before the group could get out!
With no light left, and the shouts getting more manic,
The group locked away got into a panic!

“Aah!! What's happening?!”
“The door's locked!! We're trapped!
“But who could've... JOEY...”
“It wasn't me!! How could I've shut the door if my hand would've passed through it anyways?!”
“You TRICKED us into following you, HUH?!”
“I didn't trap us inside here! I swear!”

Not wanting to be in the tomb at all,
Joey tried escaping... but ran into the wall.

“What the?! I'm stuck!”
“But you just said you'd pass through!”
“There's some sort of magical force keeping me in! I'm trapped here as well!”
“How could you tell-”
“It doesn't matter, CLAY!! We're stuck in here!... and we're all gonna die...”
“... HELP!!”

With our trio-turned five now trapped in a tomb,
It seems as though this fiend has sealed their doom.
But what will truly happen? You'll have to wait and see,
To see what really happens in LBPC's ghost story... ~ Outlaw-Jack
2011-10-23 03:33:00

Posts: 5757

MOAR story, this is awesome, even without Voids. 2011-10-23 08:28:00

Posts: 5482

An interesting turn of events Outlaw-Jack. It seems there is something more devious at work here...so devious that mere eviel (purposefully spelled that way for inflection) is nothing more than a puppet pawn. I wonder what lurks behind THE MASKquerade. How will this saga unfold? And is it getting darker in here, or is that just my imagination running wilder than before?

Scary well done!
2011-10-23 14:55:00

Posts: 1567

You know he's called Toortle now?

What were you going to say abut Mount Peanut? That it was stunted? Riiiiiiiiiiiight. Ah well. So, I think there's only one more of these? ONO i would enjoy more.
2011-10-23 16:19:00

Posts: 10882

I agree! Why stop at three?
These are very entertaining.
2011-10-23 16:26:00

Posts: 3458

Awesome read again Jack, keep 'em coming man.2011-10-23 17:59:00

Posts: 8424

I am honored to be chosen as one of the three,
even if the character is only sort of me...
2011-10-25 22:07:00

Posts: 2419

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