Item frozen in level, undeletable
Archive: 4 posts
hey guys my PS3 was turned off unexpectedly while I was working on a level, and when I reloaded it a push-button somehow became bugged. It's completely unselectable, except for being able to wire it to things, and it just floats in the air. I would just ignore it and build the level in a different direction but it's sitting on top of a massive elevator-style thing that can't go up with it in the way. Anyone have any ideas how to remove it? cheers | 2008-12-25 03:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
did you try to material change it? that happened to me when I tried to material change something | 2008-12-25 03:44:00 Author: DRT99 ![]() Posts: 431 |
hey the only option would be to delete the entire level, by selecting the level on your moon and deleting it, it is sad but i would think that that would be the only way, but you could first use your Capture Object tool and capture the rest of the level, in sections and piece them together later in the new level. USE THIS AS A LAST RESORT Cheers! | 2008-12-25 07:07:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
I had this error too, but with a magnetic switch. Just read on the official forums that dropping a bomb on the frozen object will fix it. Haven't tried it yet though. Edit: Seems this doesn't work with magnetic switches (or at least if they're attach to a thin layer). But wow, theres like tons of magnetic/sensor switches which are frozen in my level right now. I can't even select the wire of the switch. But I can still take of the wire of pistons etc. that the switch is attached to, even though the wire is invisible.. Luckily, they still work. | 2008-12-26 11:19:00 Author: Shiwayari ![]() Posts: 167 |
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