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Another Random Question... :P

Archive: 6 posts

So I've noticed that for the past few days, my activity percentage hasn't gone up at all. No matter how much I post. Can only one person at a time have a certain percentage? Thanks in advance to anybody who lets me know. It's probably some simple answer like 'yes' or 'no' but still...2011-10-19 00:49:00

Posts: 1614

(What? Too simple?)
2011-10-19 18:38:00

Posts: 5482

Activity is based on the person who has the most activity in the forum. That person has 100%, the others are based on that person. (max of 99%)2011-10-19 19:08:00

Posts: 5891

So I've noticed that for the past few days, my activity percentage hasn't gone up at all. No matter how much I post.

Well, according to the logs, around 75% of the posts you made in the last 24 hours were in "Forum Games", which is excluded from all vBExperience calculations.

Additionally, the statistics are calculated based on a rolling average of post counts over the last 45 days, so making lots of posts in a single day won't affect the average that much.

Can only one person at a time have a certain percentage?

According to a FAQ (http://www.thexuniverse.com/threads/11488-FAQ-vBExperience-Statistics) posted three years ago, the scale is based on an average of the ten most active users, so, theoretically, more than one user could have 100%.

However, other sources claim it's only based on the most active user, and since the documentation is virtually non-existent, if you really want to know, you'll have to go read the source code.
2011-10-19 20:37:00

Posts: 2870

I Had (May Still have) 100%..
Read it and weep!
Probably because i haven't been here for 30 days, so my activity isn't based on that time ^^
2011-10-19 21:27:00

Posts: 1581

Well, according to the logs, around 75% of the posts you made in the last 24 hours were in "Forum Games", which is excluded from all vBExperience calculations.

This is true. But I was just talking about the Activity... Not the experience... I could care less about the experience. I got my title thingy... And that's all I wanted... xD I think Activity still goes up in the forum games though. Since that's how I got my 99.9% the first time and then dropped to 99.8%. And then my brother left me logged in and played Yu-Gi-Oh online so basically it thought I was sitting doing nothing and dropped me to this 90.something% I have now... D:

Though you did answer it in the next part...
2011-10-20 05:36:00

Posts: 1614

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