Don't Fall Asleep - Indie Game - Developer Thread
Archive: 43 posts
Hello everyone. About a week or 500 ago I posted a thread asking for ideas for an indie game that I planned on creating for my virtual space theory assignment at uni. I got some great ideas from both this forum and the Unity forum. Anyways one of you suggested I set up a thread here to keep you updated with my progress. So here it is! The Game The game is about insanity. You play as a man who wakes up from a coma with non recollection of anything at all. He does not know his name, age or even his past. Obviously the memories are not wiped from his mind completely, but are unaccessible at the current moment. You have to figure out what happened. It's a simple concept on figuring it out. All you need to do is explore your home to find clues which will unlock the memories from their crevices. Great. You find the clues you learn what happened up to your coma and... Well you see, when you fell into a coma you forgot what happened, but your subconsciousness did not. This means that whilst deep down inside, beyond your control, you are trying to commit suicide to punish yourself for whatever it was you did. We then have a split personality in a way. One side of you wants to kill yourself, the other wants doesn't remember a thing. The one that doesn't remember anything is your conscious self - the one you are controlling to find the clues. So why are you not dead yet? Well your subconsciousness can only affect you when you are not actually conscious(Makes sense). Our dreams deal with the thoughts that are at the back of our minds during the day that we don't have time to entertain. The player's dreams will deal with exactly that. It will deal with his/her memories. In fact, it will deal with them by trying to kill the player! Alrighty. A subconsciousness that tries to kill you when you're asleep. Perfect. Why do you even bother staying alive then? Eventually you'll pass out and die, right? Yeah. I suppose you would. Luckily for you however, there is a way out. There is a way to remove the suicidal thoughts. A psychiatrist has been assigned to help you with this. He can not begin treating you unfortunately until you remember and break the barrier between you and your subconsciousness! This gives you the motivation to find the clues around the house so as you can remember, be treated and hence be freed from the torture that haunts you in your dreams. The Development 18 October 2011 - Completed opening and shutting door interactions as well as the basic clue interactions 23 October 2011- I did the primary coding for three dreamstates. By Primary I mean very basic, simple first attack. My favourite of these has to be what will later be an entrapment of the player inside their dream. This dream will be targeting claustrophobia. The dreamstates are independent of each other, meaning that the dreams will jot run at the same time. I will be doing a lot more with these dreams to create AI for your actual dreams. They will lure you into an innocent corner or a "safe" room then strike! Yeah it's going to be a lot of fun! Anyways, here's the demo for this update: http://www.sendspace.com/file/yq96ic You may press 1,2 or 3 to manually switch between dreamstates in this demo, and as usual spam the keys to wake up! Press ESC to bring up options for restarting or quitting the game. Have fun! And remember, all assets are temporary! 26 October 2011 - I have begun to give the subconsciousness A.I. It will now know which room you are in around the house, and act accordingly. I haven't finished this yet, and the only A.I element is present in the first dreamState. I plan on changing the droopy eyes from a random interval to a controlled interval. By consuming pills, the frequency of your eyes drooping will lower. Accidentally consuming sleeping pills will heighten the frequency dramatically. And of course the frequency will gradually rise over time as well. Anyways, here's a demo: (Yes you will drown in the blood) http://www.sendspace.com/file/w5bokp Enjoy, comment, feedback! 29 October 2011 - I have partly created one branch path of my dream tree. If you're wondering what I mean by that, think of it like this. When you fall asleep you are plunged into 1 of 3(at the moment) dream states. depending on where you are when a partricular dreamstate hits will decide on what you experience in the dream. This is my attempt at making the game as less repetitive as possible. For example, if you fall into DreamState01 and you are in the dining room, the dream will close off a doorway trapping you. If you stay in the dining room, something will happen and if you move to the kitchen something different will happen. Anyways here's a demo(with some new assets I modelled and need to remodel) so you can try it out. In this Demo I have deactivated all dreamstates other than dreamState01 from occuring. You can experience what I have done in dreamState01 so far by playing this! http://www.sendspace.com/file/1c0ap4 03 November 2011 - Hey guys! I got on to creating some game assets today. Here's a pic of how they are coming along: http://i.imgur.com/Eo5Db.jpg Software I'm using: -Unity3D -Maya 2011 -PhotoShop CS5 -SoundBooth CS5 Questions feel free to ask some! I'll add them with the answer here. What are the graphics going to be like? I want to stay away from super stylised and colourful graphics for this. I am aiming for a more realistic approach. What point of view is this? Absolutely first person. It will be hard to change my mind about that! Will it be a 'free roam' kind of level. Or will it be a 'follow a certain path' kind of game It will be free roam around your home. Plenty of interactions and the such. No linearity to it if I can help it. Demos you can try out When I have some more stufrf done Ill post links to playable Demos! Dream State Start Demo (http://www.sendspace.com/file/yq96ic) Dream State A.I Start Demo (http://www.sendspace.com/file/w5bokp) DreamState01 branch path party done Demo (http://www.sendspace.com/file/1c0ap4) | 2011-10-18 10:52:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
sounds cool, cant wait for demos/vids, any chance of a few pictures? | 2011-10-18 17:52:00 Author: Skalio- ![]() Posts: 920 |
I know your very comfortable with maya but I Hope your not going in the Art direction I think you are, what I mean is are your graphics gonna make your characters look like Plastic like most indie games. As this game kinda reminds of The Game Catherine and It could really be successful if your game goes in a similar art direction and If you want to add some charm by putting a picture of acorn with a face on a t-shirt which I was planning to put on one of my characters. (I cant find the pictures of my game, I think I deleted them in Rage) | 2011-10-18 18:17:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
I have a question: what point of view is this? I seriously believe that this will strive in first person, especially with a concept like insanity. It reminds me a lot of Amnesia's insanity concept, and it was really done well. | 2011-10-18 18:19:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
My question is will it be a 'free roam' kind of level. Or will it be a 'follow a certain path' kind of game | 2011-10-18 19:17:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
Do you Like tomato sauce? (the questions part didn't say they had to be related to the thread...) and one related to it: does the Charachter like BBQ? | 2011-10-18 19:53:00 Author: Valeview ![]() Posts: 1581 |
sounds cool, cant wait for demos/vids, any chance of a few pictures? Yup! Ehen things start shaping up I will show you guys everything. Right now it is just grey blocks. I know your very comfortable with maya but I Hope your not going in the Art direction I think you are, what I mean is are your graphics gonna make your characters look like Plastic like most indie games. As this game kinda reminds of The Game Catherine and It could really be successful if your game goes in a similar art direction and If you want to add some charm by putting a picture of acorn with a face on a t-shirt which I was planning to put on one of my characters. (I cant find the pictures of my game, I think I deleted them in Rage) I don't want my models to look plastic at all! I will try and create my gameobjects as well as I can for the purpose they serve. I want them to aid in emersing the player into the experience. Man I wish you could find them! It sounds so interesting! I have a question: what point of view is this? I seriously believe that this will strive in first person, especially with a concept like insanity. It reminds me a lot of Amnesia's insanity concept, and it was really done well. Yep 1st person! I actually discovered amnesia after coming up with my game concept and so it;s now a little disappointing that as soon as I tell people my idea they automatically say "Oh! Like amnesia". So it will be a challenge breaking free of that! My question is will it be a 'free roam' kind of level. Or will it be a 'follow a certain path' kind of game Free roam for sure! I have answered all these questions in the OP also! | 2011-10-18 20:08:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Do you Like tomato sauce? (the questions part didn't say they had to be related to the thread...) and one related to it: does the Charachter like BBQ? Yeah tomato sauce is great! Well the character likes whatever you like. When you play, the character represents you. So do you like BBQ? | 2011-10-18 20:09:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
No! not At All! >.< | 2011-10-18 20:11:00 Author: Valeview ![]() Posts: 1581 |
It sounds good having a development thread for the game aswell. I've never played Amnesia so I'm not sure about any similaarities, but still, it sounds like a wonderful idea. You said in the other thread you used Unity. It seems there are different versions and add-ons, could you care to explain what kind it is? Also, I've only used one game making program, Game Maker V. 8.0, but that was a while ago sort of, are there any certain types of codes you recommend learning or software somewhere between free to under five hundred dollars that's not too hard to navigate around? | 2011-10-18 21:14:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Yep 1st person! I actually discovered amnesia after coming up with my game concept and so it;s now a little disappointing that as soon as I tell people my idea they automatically say "Oh! Like amnesia". So it will be a challenge breaking free of that! Yeah, sorry about that, I played Amnesia last year,and hardly anybody knew about the game. I find it odd that it just suddenly became popular. :L Anywho, how will the graphics fare? Will they be cartoony, or will it be "as realistic as possible"? | 2011-10-19 06:34:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
It sounds good having a development thread for the game aswell. I've never played Amnesia so I'm not sure about any similaarities, but still, it sounds like a wonderful idea. You said in the other thread you used Unity. It seems there are different versions and add-ons, could you care to explain what kind it is? Also, I've only used one game making program, Game Maker V. 8.0, but that was a while ago sort of, are there any certain types of codes you recommend learning or software somewhere between free to under five hundred dollars that's not too hard to navigate around? I'm using Unity3D which is free game engine software. I am not using any additional plug-ins or what not and I am creating the game for computers, nothing else at this point. Unfortunately I don't have any programs I can recommend you at this point. I have only really used Unity. I do however recommend learning some form of javascript if you have never coded before. Once you have learnt that then you can easily transition to a different scripting method like C++ or C# or whatever the program you choose to create your games happens to support. Really though, the main thing to keep in mind is persistence will get you places. A lot will probably go wrong, and you have to do trial and error a lot. If you can't find a better recommendation, I'd suggest downloading Unity. It's free! Yeah, sorry about that, I played Amnesia last year,and hardly anybody knew about the game. I find it odd that it just suddenly became popular. :L Anywho, how will the graphics fare? Will they be cartoony, or will it be "as realistic as possible"? Hahaha no worries! I do understand why people would associate this concept to Amnesia though. Just as people would associate anything to do with dreaming with inception. I want them to be as realistic as possible. | 2011-10-19 12:30:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
@Alismuffin: Oh, okay. Really? I'd expect yout be using the Pro version, yet you can still make something like thaT? I'llhave to see the differences between the free and Pro versions. By the way, when I went on the Unity 3d software website, it had a number of games, I'm supposing those are games made using Unity? Like Zombieville USA for example. | 2011-10-19 13:38:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
I Just remembered something extremely important, The reason why i can't find anything to do with my Game Is because of it was on my old computer. ![]() and I would love to work with you on this but I can't because Last time I checked Unity doesn't allow anyone to Use the same folder/project. Or was that the old version? As well as this I am Slightly worried about this, because you just said You wanted The graphics as real as possible, I don't wan't to go Overkill on them because making something UltraRealistic can Make it charmless | 2011-10-19 16:44:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
Hahaha no worries! I do understand why people would associate this concept to Amnesia though. Just as people would associate anything to do with dreaming with inception. I want them to be as realistic as possible. I psychological first person game with the ability to interact with the environment? My hats off to you, sir, for thinking outside the box! ![]() Good luck with your project. | 2011-10-19 22:13:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
It sounds good having a development thread for the game aswell. I've never played Amnesia so I'm not sure about any similaarities, but still, it sounds like a wonderful idea. You said in the other thread you used Unity. It seems there are different versions and add-ons, could you care to explain what kind it is? Also, I've only used one game making program, Game Maker V. 8.0, but that was a while ago sort of, are there any certain types of codes you recommend learning or software somewhere between free to under five hundred dollars that's not too hard to navigate around? I'd also recommend Unity, but instead of Maya (due to the fact that it's $7000) try Blender for meshing/animation/shaders. I'm using it for my project and it's working well. ![]() EDIT: And it's freeeeeeeee! ![]() | 2011-10-20 00:03:00 Author: abyssalassassin ![]() Posts: 717 |
@Alismuffin: Oh, okay. Really? I'd expect yout be using the Pro version, yet you can still make something like thaT? I'llhave to see the differences between the free and Pro versions. By the way, when I went on the Unity 3d software website, it had a number of games, I'm supposing those are games made using Unity? Like Zombieville USA for example. Well I haven't bought pro yet, but I may in the future. The differences don't matter to me at this point because regardless of which version I use, the coding will be generally the same so I can just transition everything over later on. I Just remembered something extremely important, The reason why i can't find anything to do with my Game Is because of it was on my old computer. ![]() and I would love to work with you on this but I can't because Last time I checked Unity doesn't allow anyone to Use the same folder/project. Or was that the old version? As well as this I am Slightly worried about this, because you just said You wanted The graphics as real as possible, I don't wan't to go Overkill on them because making something UltraRealistic can Make it charmless I have no idea, but I think collab is possible. However I have to do this myself as it's for a university assignment. I psychological first person game with the ability to interact with the environment? My hats off to you, sir, for thinking outside the box! ![]() Good luck with your project. Thanks a lot man ![]() I'd also recommend Unity, but instead of Maya (due to the fact that it's $7000) try Blender for meshing/animation/shaders. I'm using it for my project and it's working well. http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/ EDIT: And it's freeeeeeeee! Yep Blender is actually very user friendly with their latest update. Definitely something you should look into! Hey guys, if you were [playing this game, would you want the doors to open via animation (That means they will be either iopen or shut, they can't stop in between) or would you rather you could control the amount that doors are open? Have a look at my test demo to let me know if this way is good, or the other way would be better suited: http://www.sendspace.com/file/z477be Download, Unzip, open the .exe file Controls: wasd OR keyboard arrow keys = movement Look directly at a door when you are in front of it and press the left mouse button to open or close (Ignore the mouse position. You have to be actually looking at the door If the doors turn blue, that is simply indicating that you are dreaming (The colours are obviously very temporary and used only as a indicator to me when Im testing the game) If you are dreaming, spam the keyboard keys until you wake up I think if you spam the keys when you are awake, you teleport somewhere? Can't remember ![]() If the doors are hard to open and close or you have to press multiple times, let me know! I myself am experiencing this problem and don't know if it applies for everyone else Thanks!! | 2011-10-20 00:35:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
The doors typically take 2-3 clicks to open and close for me but besides that everything else seems to be pretty solid. | 2011-10-20 02:08:00 Author: Cheddars ![]() Posts: 447 |
Yep Blender is actually very user friendly with their latest update. Definitely something you should look into! Thanks for the recommendation you two, I've actually heard people say the exact opposite, that Blender, while free, is pretty confusing at first, but maybe this new update disproves them. Anyway though, I tried clicked the link, tried downloading it, it told me to install, and I did, a good bit of times, but now Im getting spammed with "Weather Bug", and when I try closing out, another one appears, and I can hear continuous clicking sounds, better shut off the computer, so it erases it, let's just hope it's not some virus :/ Oh, and it won't open the actual thing I tried downloading...at all. | 2011-10-20 02:12:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
The doors typically take 2-3 clicks to open and close for me but besides that everything else seems to be pretty solid. Yeah it's extremely frustrating! I am working that out atm and hoping it's simply an error in my scripting rather than a bug in Unity. Thanks for the feedback! Thanks for the recommendation you two, I've actually heard people say the exact opposite, that Blender, while free, is pretty confusing at first, but maybe this new update disproves them. Anyway though, I tried clicked the link, tried downloading it, it told me to install, and I did, a good bit of times, but now Im getting spammed with "Weather Bug", and when I try closing out, another one appears, and I can hear continuous clicking sounds, better shut off the computer, so it erases it, let's just hope it's not some virus :/ Oh, and it won't open the actual thing I tried downloading...at all. Trust me, the new update fixes all issues with the interface! I think you may have clicked the wrong Download link on the page :c There are ads on the page that say "Download Now" and stuff like that to trick people into downloading them rather than the actual file. Find the thing that says "Download from sendspace" and click that! I hope your computer is ok!! I am now scripting different dream events. One of these changes the gravity of the dream and requires you to jump along furniture to escape to a sturdy place to wake up at | 2011-10-20 08:38:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Trust me, the new update fixes all issues with the interface! I think you may have clicked the wrong Download link on the page :c There are ads on the page that say "Download Now" and stuff like that to trick people into downloading them rather than the actual file. Find the thing that says "Download from sendspace" and click that! I hope your computer is ok!! I am now scripting different dream events. One of these changes the gravity of the dream and requires you to jump along furniture to escape to a sturdy place to wake up at No worries, I was able to take it off the list then go to info on it and completely exit out. Altough I've never had something like that with an X button that didn't exit out, biut only minimize. Anyway though, you're right, it's just there's a download thing on the top, a download thing in the middle, and a download thing on the side.........and then there's the actual thing to download at the bottom x] But anyway, I downloaded it, went to Door Test, ran it, although it just toldme go to Door Test Data, eve though that didn't help run it. But I'll have to check out Blender. Oh, and may I ask, what language of coding is used for Unity? I know a popular one is C++, even though it's been around for a while. | 2011-10-20 13:49:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
The doors typically take 2-3 clicks to open and close for me but besides that everything else seems to be pretty solid. No worries, I was able to take it off the list then go to info on it and completely exit out. Altough I've never had something like that with an X button that didn't exit out, biut only minimize. Anyway though, you're right, it's just there's a download thing on the top, a download thing in the middle, and a download thing on the side.........and then there's the actual thing to download at the bottom x] But anyway, I downloaded it, went to Door Test, ran it, although it just toldme go to Door Test Data, eve though that didn't help run it. But I'll have to check out Blender. Oh, and may I ask, what language of coding is used for Unity? I know a popular one is C++, even though it's been around for a while. Make sure that you the Test Data folder and the .exe file are in the same location (for example on the desktop) then run the .exe. Unless you are on MAC? Unity uses a javascript language, a javascript and C++ hybrid known as C# (C sharp) and also Boo. Javascript is the best one to learn if you're new to the whole coding thing ![]() | 2011-10-20 14:09:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Make sure that you the Test Data folder and the .exe file are in the same location (for example on the desktop) then run the .exe. Unless you are on MAC? Unity uses a javascript language, a javascript and C++ hybrid known as C# (C sharp) and also Boo. Javascript is the best one to learn if you're new to the whole coding thing ![]() Oh, okay. So you think I should do the C sharp first, then go into C++? (Sorry, I'm still new to all this stuff, that's why I'm asking all the questions) And I went to the Test Data Fodler and looked into all the subfolders but couldn't find an exe. file. Oh, and the gravity furniture part sounds very interesting. ^^ | 2011-10-20 14:44:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Oh, okay. So you think I should do the C sharp first, then go into C++? (Sorry, I'm still new to all this stuff, that's why I'm asking all the questions) And I went to the Test Data Fodler and looked into all the subfolders but couldn't find an exe. file. Oh, and the gravity furniture part sounds very interesting. ^^ Well I'm pretty new to it myself, but yeah I would recommend that. Definitely start with javaScript though! When you extract the .zip file, there should be a .exe file and a folder. The .exe isn't in the folder, it's outside it | 2011-10-21 00:21:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
I managed to fix the door issue! For some reason it was due to the height of my character controller A bit odd, but glad that's fixed | 2011-10-22 04:03:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
I am now scripting different dream events. One of these changes the gravity of the dream and requires you to jump along furniture to escape to a sturdy place to wake up at That last part kinda reminds me of Inception, which makes me wonder; will the main character ever wake up? Anyways, good luck with this project Ali. ![]() | 2011-10-22 04:27:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
23rd October 2011 I did the primary coding for three dreamstates. By Primary I mean very basic, simple first attack. My favourite of these has to be what will later be an entrapment of the player inside their dream. This dream will be targeting claustrophobia. The dreamstates are independent of each other, meaning that the dreams will jot run at the same time. I will be doing a lot more with these dreams to create AI for your actual dreams. They will lure you into an innocent corner or a "safe" room then strike! Yeah it's going to be a lot of fun! Anyways, here's the demo for this update: You may press 1,2 or 3 to manually switch between dreamstates in this demo, and as usual spam the keys to wake up! Press ESC to bring up options for restarting or quitting the game. http://www.sendspace.com/file/yq96ic Have fun! And remember, all assets are temporary! | 2011-10-22 14:50:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
This sounds very good! I love the concepts you're putting into place. Downloading the demo now. On a side note, do you know whether Unity is capable of creating 2D games akin to Limbo? | 2011-10-22 15:13:00 Author: FlipMeister ![]() Posts: 631 |
Hey Ali, I finished playing both your demos, so here's my feedback. ![]() DoorTest.exe Well, first off you may want to consider finding a way to "lock" the mouse on the center of the screen. It took me a while to maneuver it correctly. Also, I had to spam the left-click to open doors, and the last one I opened made me fall off the area... then it rocketed me above the area, where I saw nothing but blue. Weird. Anywho, I like the doors changing affect. IMO, I don't think you should tell the players if they're dreaming or not; isn't part of the game supposed to make the character go insane trying to figure out what's reality and what's in his mind? (That means they will be either iopen or shut, they can't stop in between) or would you rather you could control the amount that doors are open? I think being allowed to open he doors to whichever amount the player chooses will be better. It gives people more "freedom" and a sense of more interaction with the environment. Oh, and you may want to copyright that name: I'm pretty sure Apple may want to use it after they produce their new product, iDoor. ![]() DreamTest.exe I really love this one. The world tilting is really neat and I think it could be used as part of the game. Like some puzzles require the player to dream so they can use the world tilting feature, so players could choose to rest and do so! I don't know, but the tilting thing was fun (and I didn't try to spam the keyboard since I was exploring the rooms while going upside down). Only thing that annoyed me was the voice. I get the concept of staying awake, but the guy just kept breathing hard nonstop. Maybe if he only breathed like that when he enters a dream or sees something scary (like the bathroom filling up with what-I-believe-is-to-be blood)? Oh yeah, and I found all the cubes! Awesome demo man! ![]() | 2011-10-22 20:09:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
This sounds very good! I love the concepts you're putting into place. Downloading the demo now. On a side note, do you know whether Unity is capable of creating 2D games akin to Limbo? Yes Unity can create 2D games ![]() Hey Ali, I finished playing both your demos, so here's my feedback. ![]() DoorTest.exe Well, first off you may want to consider finding a way to "lock" the mouse on the center of the screen. It took me a while to maneuver it correctly. Also, I had to spam the left-click to open doors, and the last one I opened made me fall off the area... then it rocketed me above the area, where I saw nothing but blue. Weird. Anywho, I like the doors changing affect. IMO, I don't think you should tell the players if they're dreaming or not; isn't part of the game supposed to make the character go insane trying to figure out what's reality and what's in his mind? I think being allowed to open he doors to whichever amount the player chooses will be better. It gives people more "freedom" and a sense of more interaction with the environment. Oh, and you may want to copyright that name: I'm pretty sure Apple may want to use it after they produce their new product, iDoor. ![]() DreamTest.exe I really love this one. The world tilting is really neat and I think it could be used as part of the game. Like some puzzles require the player to dream so they can use the world tilting feature, so players could choose to rest and do so! I don't know, but the tilting thing was fun (and I didn't try to spam the keyboard since I was exploring the rooms while going upside down). Only thing that annoyed me was the voice. I get the concept of staying awake, but the guy just kept breathing hard nonstop. Maybe if he only breathed like that when he enters a dream or sees something scary (like the bathroom filling up with what-I-believe-is-to-be blood)? Oh yeah, and I found all the cubes! Awesome demo man! ![]() Yeah there was a bug in the door test level unfortunately which created an inconsistency with my doors opening and closing so that's why you had trouble! Also rather than snapping the mouse to the centre of the screen, I am going to remove visibility of it and put a dot or something similar to a crosshair in the centre. Hahaha! That is weird! Yeah the doors changing colour are just a part of the dev build so as when Im testing it I know that the dreams are working fine. In the final build the player won't know at all ![]() Yeah Im seriously considering changing the doors to being able to open controlled amounts, but I'll get onto that a bit later! Im glad the tilting world appeals to you! I'll definitely build on it some more to create something great ![]() Yeah when Im finishing up with audio I'll create the breathing how you described it ![]() And yes the bathroom was filling up with blood! Thanks so much for the feddback! I appreciate it ^^ Ill use your wise words to improve :3 | 2011-10-22 20:49:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Played the newest demo and I have to say I used my usual tactic of Hiding in a corner and saying to my self "I dont wanna" repeatdley Time well spent ![]() | 2011-10-23 13:43:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
Played the newest demo and I have to say I used my usual tactic of Hiding in a corner and saying to my self "I dont wanna" repeatdley Time well spent ![]() Hopefully when the game is completed, hiding in a corner will only make things worse! | 2011-10-23 14:27:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Oh.....(looks for an attic) Must find a hidng place to hide form scary things, I can't.... ![]() | 2011-10-24 10:20:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
Tell me: When is this project due? I would assume by then that the game would be complete since you'd need to turn it in, so you do have a timeframe... Anyway... it'd be next semester starting in January that I'd actually be starting my class, I think we'll be using Unity... anyway, hopefully then I'll be able to design a game myself... lol ;-; | 2011-10-24 11:27:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Tell me: When is this project due? I would assume by then that the game would be complete since you'd need to turn it in, so you do have a timeframe... Anyway... it'd be next semester starting in January that I'd actually be starting my class, I think we'll be using Unity... anyway, hopefully then I'll be able to design a game myself... lol ;-; Apparently it's due in a few weeks time (Which scares me D ![]() But I made some good progress today and worked out how I'm going to implement the remaining game mechanics. I think I can get all the functionality done to an extent by the deadline, but all my assets created and textured? I don't know if I'll get those done. However, if I have to hand in a game with only functionality, I will complete the game visuals in the following holidays and get this thing completed to an extent that I'm happy with! So yes, a lot of work in store for me ![]() Awesome! Let me know if you're using Unity or not, because if you are I can give you many helpful links to rundowns of the basics etc. They all really helped me | 2011-10-24 11:54:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
26 October 2011 - I have begun to give the subconsciousness A.I. It will now know which room you are in around the house, and act accordingly. I haven't finished this yet, and the only A.I element is present in the first dreamState. I plan on changing the droopy eyes from a random interval to a controlled interval. By consuming pills, the frequency of your eyes drooping will lower. Accidentally consuming sleeping pills will heighten the frequency dramatically. And of course the frequency will gradually rise over time as well. Anyways, here's a demo: (Yes you will drown in the blood) http://www.sendspace.com/file/w5bokp Enjoy, comment, feedback! | 2011-10-25 12:32:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Hey guys! It's me again with another Update: 29 October 2011 - I have partly created one branch path of my dream tree. If you're wondering what I mean by that, think of it like this. When you fall asleep you are plunged into 1 of 3(at the moment) dream states. depending on where you are when a partricular dreamstate hits will decide on what you experience in the dream. This is my attempt at making the game as less repetitive as possible. For example, if you fall into DreamState01 and you are in the dining room, the dream will close off a doorway trapping you. If you stay in the dining room, something will happen and if you move to the kitchen something different will happen. Anyways here's a demo(with some new assets I modelled and need to remodel) so you can try it out. In this Demo I have deactivated all dreamstates other than dreamState01 from occuring. You can experience what I have done in dreamState01 so far by playing this! http://www.sendspace.com/file/1c0ap4 | 2011-10-28 14:26:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
03 November 2011 - Hey guys! I got on to creating some game assets today. Here's a pic of how they are coming along: http://i.imgur.com/Eo5Db.jpg | 2011-11-03 09:25:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Nice work with the furniture Alis, I haven't been able to open and play DFS (Yeahl, I went by what you said x]) so thanks for posting some pcitures, even if that part is or isn't done yet. | 2011-11-03 15:32:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Hey man! That's really weird! I think with the upcoming Demo Ill record a video for you ^^ | 2011-11-03 16:15:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Hey man! That's really weird! I think with the upcoming Demo Ill record a video for you ^^ Thanks a lot man ^^ That will be very cool to see | 2011-11-03 17:03:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
HUUUUGE update coming soon guys! here's some screens: http://i.imgur.com/VyDPV.png http://i.imgur.com/KEJwr.png Everything looks crap right now since I have textured or anything! 80% of good 3D game graphics are done with textures :3 | 2011-11-05 13:46:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
HI EVERYONE!! I have been working my bum off on this project lately! Im getting closer and closer to releasing a very playable demo so keep your eyes peeled! In the meantime here's some GUI stuff I did today: Basic menu. Pauses the game and brings up this menu when the escape button is pressed. It freezes time as well as freezing the character controller inputs. It also pauses audio, but Im currently experiencing issues with this as the audio plays sometimes. A temporary fix Ive done is to pause and mute the audio altogether. http://i.imgur.com/BmsTf.png Here is a GUI element that is present during gameplay. It displays the character's thoughts about objects that he looks at. http://i.imgur.com/5GKgu.png I also added a crosshair in the centre of the screen so as you can easily see what you are currently looking at. Ill keep the rest a surprise for now! Eager to hear some suggestions for the GUI!! ^^ | 2011-11-10 12:41:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
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