0-1: The Warehouse - Worth Playing For Changes
Archive: 9 posts
Level 0-1 The Warehouse This level is the first of many, and it serves as the tutorial level. The information provided from SuperPhillip's friend, Dan, may seem elementary, but I'm making it so the game takes it that LittleBigPlanet doesn't even exist and that SuperPhillip: The Game is all the player has to learn these things. As it is its own game, I'm including everything that a retail game would have-- a coherent story, a tutorial to assist players, and loads of collectibles. The Warehouse does not have anything to kill the player, though I'm sure with some ingenuity on some aspiring masochists it's possible. I didn't want the tutorial level to have anything like that, but rest assured every other level definitely will. There are checkpoints in case for whatever you reason you get stuck (which you shouldn't since there's a way out of everything). Unlike every other level, this one has six prize bubbles. The others will have five. They're usually well-hidden or hard to reach. It is a tutorial level, but there are definitely secrets to be found! WHAT'S NEW: The MGS4 Level Pack came with some very cool stickers that make this level look more worn down and dilapidated. The boxes in the secret room no longer move after a prolong period of time. They've been strategically bolted to not get knocked around by the falling boxes. All of the prize bubbles have names finally (don't know why it wouldn't register before). PRIZE BUBBLE LOCATIONS - It's more fun to explore the level and find them yourself, so please search for the goodies yourself before spoiling the locations! 1) After stepping on the button to open the first door, you'll notice an arrow pointing to the left. This hints at a light on the leftmost side of the room that is now operational. Not only did the button open the door, but it also engaged the light to dip up and down. Ride the light to the small alcove for the first picture. 2) In plain sight as part of the tutorial. 3) In the green-glassed platform where you utilize switching between planes, you'll notice an arrow pointing downwards. In the middle plane here, there is a hole in the platform which you can fall down to the storage facility below. Scamper across the boxes to the right (and a tricky platforming stunt that is hinted at) to reach the picture hidden behind the rightmost box. You can take the thin lift in the middle of the storage facility to be taken back up to the glassed platform. KEY LOCATION) Instead of heading right in the storage area, head left. Follow the boxes until you reach the left side where you'll see a hidden lift. Take it down to a secret room. You need the picture that is awarded for getting all the prize bubbles in the level to open the door. The key will unlock 0-1* - Frantic Factory (it's currently unlocked for people to try out without finding everything). 4) When Dan tells you to pull the elevator switch right, pull it up instead to go up. Head right to learn that you can crawl under cramped areas. Again, there's a pink arrow hinting the location of another prize. In the cramped area, move to the plane in the back and jump. The prize will be yours. 5) This one's probably the most difficult to find. In the first flying portion of the level where the tutorial takes place, there's two platforms on the right that move out of the wall and back in. Jump on the very first moving platform. As it slides out, you have enough time to squeeze through the gap before the platform moves back in. In this secret alcove is this prize. Be sure to jump to it as there's a hidden hole which will take you back to the bottom level where the receptionist desk is. 6) On the home stretch up the second building, you'll come across another flying segment. Usually you'd just fly past the boxes, but there's an air vent up above where several score bubbles and the final prize rest. Please enjoy my updated level. ![]() EDIT: Frantic Factory has had more checkpoints added to it, and it's been giving a more worn down look, too. Here you are, Bob and anyone else who can't find the bubbles. I had posted the locations of the bubbles. | 2008-12-24 19:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I replayed it with a friend who had never played the game before, and it was a pretty good tutorial. I still think that swinging from the lights is very awkward though. Even I have to try a couple times, and I have been playing the game since release. My new friend also had a lot of trouble with the moving platforms in the jet-pack section. Also, why can you go backwards in the race, so that you have to re-do the entire section starting with the jet-packs? | 2008-12-31 11:10:00 Author: Walter-Kovacs ![]() Posts: 542 |
This looks promising, especially since it's going to be a fully fledged "series" of levels. I'm going to check this out in a little while. I'll edit to give some of my views on it later on. | 2008-12-31 11:13:00 Author: harrypmgaga ![]() Posts: 114 |
Thank you... Apparently I'd gotten the hardest one the first time I played the level :O I'll try for the two I'm missing ASAP. | 2008-12-31 15:57:00 Author: Bear ![]() Posts: 2079 |
I replayed it with a friend who had never played the game before, and it was a pretty good tutorial. I still think that swinging from the lights is very awkward though. Even I have to try a couple times, and I have been playing the game since release. My new friend also had a lot of trouble with the moving platforms in the jet-pack section. Also, why can you go backwards in the race, so that you have to re-do the entire section starting with the jet-packs? That's only if you want to explore the warehouse more. | 2008-12-31 21:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I played it, and i've got to say it's quite good ![]() | 2008-12-31 21:59:00 Author: Yarbone ![]() Posts: 3036 |
Of course. It's a series. Not burnt out already. lol ![]() | 2008-12-31 23:47:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
That's only if you want to explore the warehouse more. The first time I played your level, I went in there on accident, thinking it was somewhere I had never been. Then the door closed behind me and I had to go re-do a bunch of stuff. Is there anyway to leave the door open after the race starts? | 2009-01-01 00:57:00 Author: Walter-Kovacs ![]() Posts: 542 |
The first time I played your level, I went in there on accident, thinking it was somewhere I had never been. Then the door closed behind me and I had to go re-do a bunch of stuff. Is there anyway to leave the door open after the race starts? Definitely. I'll work on that and reupload it. I need to do it anyway to give out the key for level 1-1 in that level, too. ![]() | 2009-01-05 00:37:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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