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Failed to load level

Archive: 10 posts

anyone know what this means? hopefully doesn't mean i have 2 start my level over cuz that's not happening2008-12-24 19:08:00

Posts: 257

If it's on your moon, then it's corrupt -> start all over again.
if its on the community levels, then the level is moderated.
2008-12-24 19:37:00

Unknown User

If it's on your moon, then it's corrupt -> start all over again.
if its on the community levels, then the level is moderated.

aw that sucks, oh well, any ways i can have a backup 4 next time then?
2008-12-24 19:58:00

Posts: 257

anyone know what this means? hopefully doesn't mean i have 2 start my level over cuz that's not happening

It happened to me and KAPBAM in the last couple of days. I think it's the 1.07 update. I had 10 hours on mine when it corrupted.
2008-12-24 20:38:00

Posts: 2575

aw that sucks, oh well, any ways i can have a backup 4 next time then?

Try publishing and lock it, so no one can touch it and you have some sort of backup.
2008-12-24 20:56:00

Unknown User

so would just copying a 2nd level on my moon work 2?2008-12-24 21:23:00

Posts: 257

so would just copying a 2nd level on my moon work 2?

No idea, but you can try.
2008-12-24 21:36:00

Unknown User

so would just copying a 2nd level on my moon work 2?

Not necessarily, seems the only safeguard since 1.07 is to publish as a locked level. I had 2 copies of a MGS themed quick level I was working on on my moon, and I published it too. The 2 on my moon literally disappeared and the published one is thankfully still there.
2008-12-25 01:15:00

Posts: 1348

Yeah, smartest idea is to have one on your moon, and publish one as a locked level...

In most cases, your whole Moon gets corrupted, so having two files on your moon wouldn't solve anything.
2008-12-25 01:19:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Yeah, smartest idea is to have one on your moon, and publish one as a locked level...

In most cases, your whole Moon gets corrupted, so having two files on your moon wouldn't solve anything.

everything?! wow, only that level did it this time but since u said that i'll be sure to lock publish all my levels, btw i've almost got my corrupted level built back
2008-12-25 02:04:00

Posts: 257

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