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ZoMg ZoMbiEz! - Ready for brain smashing!

Archive: 47 posts

Hey guys, I'm just here plugging my level Zomg Zombies .. V 2.1 . My PSN is Ham_Salad. I've been pretty much constantly updating it every day due to feed back from other forums and what not i post on. As the title indicates its a zombie themed level that takes you from a police station to a graveyard to inside of a mausoleum and into a laboratory where you will face the tyrant boss at the end! You get my boss for acing the level and other goodies just for beating it have fun and post any questions or feedback!


[Edit]: I'll try to get some pics up

/bump , I put a lot of work into this give it a go you'll like it! :eek:

I am participating in the feedback4feedback system. Its a great system conjured up by some of us in the reviews section. Any participating members that review another ones account must go back and review / give their opinion on their level in return!
2008-12-26 17:12:00

Posts: 2551

i'll try this tomorrow hopefully. 2008-12-26 17:20:00

Posts: 843

I'll try it now.
I hope its better then all those bad zombie levels....
2008-12-26 17:24:00

Posts: 2824

I'll try it now.
I hope its better then all those bad zombie levels....

ya when i was making mine i checked out a lot of other ones, I don't think i found one decent zombie level. But you be the judge I think its better. I think i need to make it a little lighter. my TV must have bad contrast or something cause on mine i thought it was perfect and i played it on my sisters big screen and it looked too dark. still very playable though

bump let me know wat you think
2008-12-28 16:36:00

Posts: 2551

Stop bumping the thread or you'll proably get infracted.2008-12-28 17:38:00

Unknown User

I m with u, i dont like bumps anymore, i got a warning from it D:2008-12-28 22:52:00

Posts: 70

Ok, playing it right now, first thing first. It's way too dark. I can barely see where I am going.

- Add some lights to a few places, especially the spot when you get to the big boulder/block on fire infront of you, I had no idea a winch was sending a sponge down. Smart idea would be to add a light to the sponge, and some lights on the ground.

Next, you need to have a checkpoint after the bats, I'll tell you why soon. It's too frustrating to get past those zombies, grab that next sponge right after the "321" ( which should also have a light on the sponge )

Then pass the zombies next to the "666" and find yourself next to a button which you can barely see, ( and you need to glue that button down, I couldn't press it because it kept moving around )

Now, when you blow up the debree or whatever it is thats blocking your path. I got stuck here, first time I played the level, I made a leap of faith and ended up where I was suppose to go, the cemetery. I will get to that part as well.

Second time I played the level, I made that same random leap of faith because it's so dang dark, I died, fell into the red gas.

Now, the cemetary part was where I got stuck. You need to make the holes bigger, or make the white boulder or whatever that is. Smaller. Because it happened to me twice. I fell in the hole with the boulder, and was stuck under it. Making me have to suicide, did it twice which made me end up with no lives. Thus having to restart, and getting stuck at the random leap of faith.

So, fix these spots, I'll keep trying to pass it. I'm really digging the feel of the level, the polishness of the cracks on the walls and stuff. The zombies are pretty nice too. I'll go play your other level now too. And remember, your using the Feedback4Feedback system.

I don't have a level to give you but, if other people give you feedback. You must do the same.

Good level so far, I'd like to know when you have implemented my suggestions, so I can play it again!

Wow, stuck for the 3rd time? Your second grabbable sponge ( near the 321 doors or w/e ) Isn't coming down anymore. It seems like it got stuck, might want to check that out as well.
2008-12-30 22:21:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

i was afraid of that... my TV contrast must be jacked up or something cause on my TV my atmosphere i set was perfect...i played it on my sisters new TV (this shoudlve been a sign) and it looked too dark. but i played it on my friends and it was fine.. Ill adjust the brightness tonight. I thought the second sponge was pretty much impossible to get stuck but ill set it just on a repeating up and down pattern. as far as getting stuck in the graves. i got stuck before too... i guess i can try to make them more shallow or something, and or ill angle it so it slides down easier that might work best

Ya that lightning issue could be ruining it for a lot of people maybe thats why its only at 3 stars. D: **** my TV, I'll fix that ASAP tonight. If its not too bad you should finish it. I think i have the rest of the level light alright when you go underground.

tip with filling the graves tap x while holding it that might help
2008-12-30 22:31:00

Posts: 2551

i was afraid of that... my TV contrast must be jacked up or something cause on my TV my atmosphere i set was perfect...i played it on my sisters new TV (this shoudlve been a sign) and it looked too dark. but i played it on my friends and it was fine.. Ill adjust the brightness tonight. I thought the second sponge was pretty much impossible to get stuck but ill set it just on a repeating up and down pattern. as far as getting stuck in the graves. i got stuck before too... i guess i can try to make them more shallow or something.

Ya that lightning issue could be ruining it for a lot of people maybe thats why its only at 3 stars. D: **** my TV, I'll fix that ASAP tonight. If its not too bad you should finish it. I think i have the rest of the level light alright when you go underground.

tip with filling the graves tap x while holding it that might help

Yeah I suppose I was getting really unlucky with the filling the graves section. Because I would always go in with it...
2008-12-30 22:32:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Sounds pretty good, waiting for screenshots!2008-12-30 23:23:00

Posts: 14

I guess i'm going to have to adjust the lighting a little bit since my TV is old and crappy but it could be a little bit b4 i get some screenshots up i don't think you'll be disappointed if you play it but i can try to get some up later tonight when i get home.

[Edit]: And yes what whale said, if you review it / give your opinion i will return yours!
2008-12-30 23:29:00

Posts: 2551

Sounds pretty good, waiting for screenshots!

If you have a level up, he has the Review 4 Review system set up, so he can give you feedback if you give him feedback. That's if you have a level...
2008-12-30 23:31:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Now, when you blow up the debree or whatever it is thats blocking your path. I got stuck here, first time I played the level, I made a leap of faith and ended up where I was suppose to go, the cemetery. I will get to that part as well.

im trying to think of what this part is, i think its the part where the zipline spawns. i guess i need to make it spawn faster and or add text letting the player know
2008-12-30 23:38:00

Posts: 2551

Zipline?? Wtf... Didn't see one... Maybe adding a light there? It's when you press the button, the bombs explode the stuff infront of you, then you jump on top of this weird looking thing but you can barely see it...2008-12-31 00:02:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Zipline?? Wtf... Didn't see one... Maybe adding a light there? It's when you press the button, the bombs explode the stuff infront of you, then you jump on top of this weird looking thing but you can barely see it...

ya thats prob what it is i bet you cant see it cause i guess the lighting...man that ticks me off i bet thats why it wasnt reviewed nicely 3 stars seemed disappointing to me.... when you can see it its actually a nice stair case going to the roof and there is a zipline going to the graveyard
2008-12-31 00:06:00

Posts: 2551

ya thats prob what it is i bet you cant see it cause i guess the lighting...man that ticks me off i bet thats why it wasnt reviewed nicely 3 stars seemed disappointing to me.... when you can see it its actually a nice stair case going to the roof and there is a zipline going to the graveyard

Ah really, I swear I would just jump up there, I never used a zipline. I just walked across lol.
2008-12-31 00:15:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Ah really, I swear I would just jump up there, I never used a zipline. I just walked across lol.

lol doh! ya i think i tried that b4 and saw i could. oh well i guess haha. i really need to work on the lighting though that bugs me, its going to be hard for me to even test it...grrrr
2008-12-31 00:18:00

Posts: 2551

lol doh! ya i think i tried that b4 and saw i could. oh well i guess haha. i really need to work on the lighting though that bugs me, its going to be hard for me to even test it...grrrr

Lol, that sucks. Just do what you're doing with those lights that turn on and off, add the LED lights on the sponges. Add a few LED lights on the ground or something. You can ask me and I'll play test it when you've done so.
2008-12-31 00:24:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Lol, that sucks. Just do what you're doing with those lights that turn on and off, add the LED lights on the sponges. Add a few LED lights on the ground or something. You can ask me and I'll play test it when you've done so.

k sounds great, i really appreciate it; i need to save up for a new TV! idk i might just try to make it less dark cause on my TV it looked pretty good but having it pretty dark but well light might be a nice effect too but it sounds way to dark. i might just try to add some more light and or take away darkness
2008-12-31 00:46:00

Posts: 2551

I played this with Whaaale a couple of hours ago and it was quite fun. I genereally don't like mini-games but the promise of killing zombies was to good to pass by lol (I am a big Resident Evil fan and have owned every single RE game). The day/night cycle you have simulated is brilliant and for me was the main feature of the level. The zombies were slow to come out at first and it was a bit boring at the beginning but the action soon picked up and it was fun. I loved the air-strike, nice touch. A couple of suggestion:

- Edit your writing. Capitalize the first letter of every sentence and get rid of the omg, I personally find it sloppy and a bit childish but maybe that's just me.

- Consider creating another weapon on the ground so you would have someone firing the paintinator from the balcony and someone doing damage from down below (a gatling gun or something like that). To compenaste you could make the zombies that come out at night fire projectiles so the players would be forced to maneuver and not just sit there holding down the fire button.

Overall this was one of the most enjoyabel mini-games I have played and I recommend everyone try it out. Please check out my levels when you get a chance and leave me your thoughts.
2008-12-31 01:09:00

Posts: 1536

I played this with Whaaale a couple of hours ago and it was quite fun. I genereally don't like mini-games but the promise of killing zombies was to good to pass by lol (I am a big Resident Evil fan and have owned every single RE game). The day/night cycle you have simulated is brilliant and for me was the main feature of the level. The zombies were slow to come out at first and it was a bit boring at the beginning but the action soon picked up and it was fun. I loved the air-strike, nice touch. A couple of suggestion:

- Edit your writing. Capitalize the first letter of every sentence and get rid of the omg, I personally find it sloppy and a bit childish but maybe that's just me.

- Consider creating another weapon on the ground so you would have someone firing the paintinator from the balcony and someone doing damage from down below (a gatling gun or something like that). To compenaste you could make the zombies that come out at night fire projectiles so the players would be forced to maneuver and not just sit there holding down the fire button.

Overall this was one of the most enjoyabel mini-games I have played and I recommend everyone try it out. Please check out my levels when you get a chance and leave me your thoughts.

thanks a lot i really appreciate your kind words and i am very pleased you enjoyed that means a lot, put a lot of work into this. I should edit those text bubbles. I didn't really intend for it to be 2 player but i was thinking about making a multi player verision im glad its still fun 2 player though. But this is also the wrong level thread! I know there both zombie related so its prob kind of confusing. I'll be sure to check out one of yours when i get home!
2008-12-31 01:22:00

Posts: 2551

Alright, here goes. If you're paranoid about a mass of words taking over the planet, I suggest you avoid reading this. XD

At the beginning, when you go to the left, there is a large flaming chunk of something. Obviously it's to stop the player from going to the left, as there is nothing there. It should be changed to something that fits with your level. I recommend a building of some sort. Hmm, there's a police station right there, perhaps a donut shop? XD

Leading up to the police station is a set of stairs. They look a bit sloppy, so you should probably redo them. Turn the small grid on, and you'll have nice even stairs. And while you're there, why not put a banister there to pretty it up. And at the top, maybe those old style streetlamps (think of the one that Dumbledore puts out in the beginning of the first Harry Potter XD). Presentation is very important.

I also saw that the sign out front said "Cop Shop". Consider changing that to "Police Station", as I have never had the desire to purchase a police officer. XD

So, that section of the floor that slides out from underneath got me. Quite tricky. However, on one of my playthroughs, I fell down as far to the right as I could go, and didn't die. That's not to say that I couldn't kill myself, as all I had to do was inch to the left. You might want to take a look at the Gas down there and make it larger, to ensure my death. XD

Okay, so we move to the right, and we get to our first Checkpoint. And then there's that. A huge block of something. Burning metal? I can't say I was able to tell what that was. :/ Anyways, up the Sponge we go, and then we're on the second level. I think that you should move the Checkpoint from next to the burning hunk of metal to the start of the second level, to save time from going up the Sponge again if another death occurs.

Here's something that you don't even have to consider, it's just something that urks me. Once you blow up that pile of rocks, there's a little chunk left. Every time. You could always make one of the explosives a bit bigger, and that would take care of that. Also, if you don't mind me asking, why is there a random pile of rocks inside of a police station? XD

Alright, we get to the second Sponge hung by a Chain Winch. This one was a pain, but I believe it was some little bug you didn't notice. It doesn't go down far enough. I spent about ten minutes there jumping and grabbing in the air, until I finally got lucky and took hold of it. Simple solution: increase the Maximum Length.

The bats. Those are the bats from The Darkness. I'm not a big fan of Story Mode objects making appearances in user created levels. You should definitely make your own. Actually, you should probably remove them, and replace them with something else. Seeing as how the theme here is obviously zombies, try making a different zombie to take the place of the bats. My idea is that you make one that is sticking out of the ceiling, revealing its torso to its head, with its mouth open. You could have it shoot Plasma from its mouth. If you don't have the MGS stuff, maybe try a green Gas breath that emits from its mouth, a timed on and off. If you want to get really fancy, make the zombie's head so that the jaw opers when it emits Plasma/Gas, and closes when it does not. I timed Wobble Bolt should do the trick.

More stairs that lead to the roof. You know what I'm going to say about them.

There's another flaming chunk on the roof to prevent wanderers as you know. Try to put something else that fits. More of the building extending up? You got to get to the roof somehow when there isn't a zombie invasion, right? Also, I really want there to be at least one zombie on the roof. I miss them. XD

Cemetery time. My favorite part in terms of looks. First off, you've placed burning Felt Trees here and there, and I assume they're meant to be obstacles. Unfortunately - and I find this quite odd, the trunks don't burn you. You can touch it as if it weren't on fire, which is odd as they take up one of the normal sized layers. The tops, however, still hurt you, but the only time those ever come into contact with you is when you jump at them. If that bothers you, I can only suggest that you make your own tree. One more thing: they're not glued down. I can knock them over. XD

Another bat. Props to you this time for making your own. You have text that reads that you can hear the wings flapping. However, there is no sound. XD Try finding one that sounds like that, but if you can't, I'm fairly certain there's one you can use for a general bat noise.

Back to the bat. After dying two times after taking the bat up (lol, I suck, I know XD) and respawning before the bat, the third time revealed a nasty problem. The bat didn't come down that time. I'm not sure if I previously had swung somewhere and it got stuck, or if that is a reccurring problem of multiple uses. I'm not sure how you have it set up, so I can't give you any specific example on how to fix it. I would take a look at it if I were you.

Something else here I'd personally like to see are ghosts. They appear later in the level, so why not have them in the cemetery? Try playing around with emitters, and you might be able to make something pretty darn spooky. XD

Okay, so I jumped across the dissolving pillars, and died at the last one. It was at that moment when I respawned that I saw a ghost. Pretty friendly too. So I'm noticing through my playthroughs that it only appears after you've respawned from falling into the pit of fire. And only the first time. Any other times after falling down, the ghost isn't there. Just to confirm: Is it supposed to be like that?

Finally, some more police officers. I was getting scared being all by myself. One of the cops said to see if the gunner needed more ammo. I spent about five minutes grabbing things here and there thinking that I needed to get him some sort of ammunition. XD I then found out that I needed to go up the coffins. Perhaps you could have something to indicate that you're supposed to go upwards? Unless that is, I'm just a dull person. XD Also, you should put a camera to show the gunner shooting the zombies better.

I do some walking, go through the laboratory, and then the boss fight. The music finally changes to that epic boss battle music from the Wilderness. XD The little problem with this is that if you die, you respawn to a Checkpoint that is in the zone of the previous music. So the fix for this is to either move the Checkpoint within the zone of the boss battle music, or enlarge the zone of the boss battle music to include the Checkpoint.

As you are fighting the boss, while going for the Brains at its waist, you can't really see its entire head. This would be another oppurtune time to make use of the camera, so that you can show the entire zombie. I like to see the face of the guy I'm hip checking. XD

Last thing I have to say about the boss: I think you should get rid of the emitting zombies. It gets pretty crowded in there, and I see zombies coming from the ground, not from another zombie. XD Now I've got an idea to make up for the loss of the little zombies. I noticed that it's got these Edward Scissorhands claw things. You should see if you can make those shoot out. And once they've been shot, they can grow back, and are ready to attack again. If you implement this, you're going to have to remake some new arms for it. So I'm thinking you have the claws emit, and with some hidden and timed pistons, you can have them knock the claws out. This way they won't just constantly emit, and you'll be able to get a good look at those bad boys. XD

My final suggestions (for now XD) in your level. About time, right? XD There weren't any Score Bubbles in your level. I personally like collecting them, and in certain cases, I'll even revisit a level to beat my previous score by getting more of them. You may even want to put in some of the objects you made as Prize Bubbles, which could possibly be another initiative for someone to play your level again. And finally, you should go through your entire level and give it a nice touch up. Decorate more, think of ways you could make something look better. You can never be too detailed. Like I mentioned before, presentation can really tell a person how good a level will be.

So, overall, I liked your level. The ghosts were awesome because they looked like Bakemon (that's a Digimon), the tipping of the coffin to avoid the squashing of the platform was smart, the gunner talking trash to zombies was hilarious, and the atmosphere actually had me spooked. I recommend this level to everyone, as it'll be a fun time and it really is a pretty piece of pie. XD

By the way, I've got the number 1 score. XD
2008-12-31 07:52:00

Unknown User

Clank's Epic Review

Wow Clank, that was the first time I've seen you leave feedback to another level. Seems like the system is working! + Rep for that Clank!
2008-12-31 08:02:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Alright, here goes. If you're paranoid about a mass of words taking over the planet, I suggest you avoid reading this. XD

At the beginning, when you go to the left, there is a large flaming chunk of something. Obviously it's to stop the player from going to the left, as there is nothing there. It should be changed to something that fits with your level. I recommend a building of some sort. Hmm, there's a police station right there, perhaps a donut shop? XD

Leading up to the police station is a set of stairs. They look a bit sloppy, so you should probably redo them. Turn the small grid on, and you'll have nice even stairs. And while you're there, why not put a banister there to pretty it up. And at the top, maybe those old style streetlamps (think of the one that Dumbledore puts out in the beginning of the first Harry Potter XD). Presentation is very important.

I also saw that the sign out front said "Cop Shop". Consider changing that to "Police Station", as I have never had the desire to purchase a police officer. XD

So, that section of the floor that slides out from underneath got me. Quite tricky. However, on one of my playthroughs, I fell down as far to the right as I could go, and didn't die. That's not to say that I couldn't kill myself, as all I had to do was inch to the left. You might want to take a look at the Gas down there and make it larger, to ensure my death. XD

Okay, so we move to the right, and we get to our first Checkpoint. And then there's that. A huge block of something. Burning metal? I can't say I was able to tell what that was. :/ Anyways, up the Sponge we go, and then we're on the second level. I think that you should move the Checkpoint from next to the burning hunk of metal to the start of the second level, to save time from going up the Sponge again if another death occurs.

Here's something that you don't even have to consider, it's just something that urks me. Once you blow up that pile of rocks, there's a little chunk left. Every time. You could always make one of the explosives a bit bigger, and that would take care of that. Also, if you don't mind me asking, why is there a random pile of rocks inside of a police station? XD

Alright, we get to the second Sponge hung by a Chain Winch. This one was a pain, but I believe it was some little bug you didn't notice. It doesn't go down far enough. I spent about ten minutes there jumping and grabbing in the air, until I finally got lucky and took hold of it. Simple solution: increase the Maximum Length.

The bats. Those are the bats from The Darkness. I'm not a big fan of Story Mode objects making appearances in user created levels. You should definitely make your own. Actually, you should probably remove them, and replace them with something else. Seeing as how the theme here is obviously zombies, try making a different zombie to take the place of the bats. My idea is that you make one that is sticking out of the ceiling, revealing its torso to its head, with its mouth open. You could have it shoot Plasma from its mouth. If you don't have the MGS stuff, maybe try a green Gas breath that emits from its mouth, a timed on and off. If you want to get really fancy, make the zombie's head so that the jaw opers when it emits Plasma/Gas, and closes when it does not. I timed Wobble Bolt should do the trick.

More stairs that lead to the roof. You know what I'm going to say about them.

There's another flaming chunk on the roof to prevent wanderers as you know. Try to put something else that fits. More of the building extending up? You got to get to the roof somehow when there isn't a zombie invasion, right? Also, I really want there to be at least one zombie on the roof. I miss them. XD

Cemetery time. My favorite part in terms of looks. First off, you've placed burning Felt Trees here and there, and I assume they're meant to be obstacles. Unfortunately - and I find this quite odd, the trunks don't burn you. You can touch it as if it weren't on fire, which is odd as they take up one of the normal sized layers. The tops, however, still hurt you, but the only time those ever come into contact with you is when you jump at them. If that bothers you, I can only suggest that you make your own tree. One more thing: they're not glued down. I can knock them over. XD

Another bat. Props to you this time for making your own. You have text that reads that you can hear the wings flapping. However, there is no sound. XD Try finding one that sounds like that, but if you can't, I'm fairly certain there's one you can use for a general bat noise.

Back to the bat. After dying two times after taking the bat up (lol, I suck, I know XD) and respawning before the bat, the third time revealed a nasty problem. The bat didn't come down that time. I'm not sure if I previously had swung somewhere and it got stuck, or if that is a reccurring problem of multiple uses. I'm not sure how you have it set up, so I can't give you any specific example on how to fix it. I would take a look at it if I were you.

Something else here I'd personally like to see are ghosts. They appear later in the level, so why not have them in the cemetery? Try playing around with emitters, and you might be able to make something pretty darn spooky. XD

Okay, so I jumped across the dissolving pillars, and died at the last one. It was at that moment when I respawned that I saw a ghost. Pretty friendly too. So I'm noticing through my playthroughs that it only appears after you've respawned from falling into the pit of fire. And only the first time. Any other times after falling down, the ghost isn't there. Just to confirm: Is it supposed to be like that?

Finally, some more police officers. I was getting scared being all by myself. One of the cops said to see if the gunner needed more ammo. I spent about five minutes grabbing things here and there thinking that I needed to get him some sort of ammunition. XD I then found out that I needed to go up the coffins. Perhaps you could have something to indicate that you're supposed to go upwards? Unless that is, I'm just a dull person. XD Also, you should put a camera to show the gunner shooting the zombies better.

I do some walking, go through the laboratory, and then the boss fight. The music finally changes to that epic boss battle music from the Wilderness. XD The little problem with this is that if you die, you respawn to a Checkpoint that is in the zone of the previous music. So the fix for this is to either move the Checkpoint within the zone of the boss battle music, or enlarge the zone of the boss battle music to include the Checkpoint.

As you are fighting the boss, while going for the Brains at its waist, you can't really see its entire head. This would be another oppurtune time to make use of the camera, so that you can show the entire zombie. I like to see the face of the guy I'm hip checking. XD

Last thing I have to say about the boss: I think you should get rid of the emitting zombies. It gets pretty crowded in there, and I see zombies coming from the ground, not from another zombie. XD Now I've got an idea to make up for the loss of the little zombies. I noticed that it's got these Edward Scissorhands claw things. You should see if you can make those shoot out. And once they've been shot, they can grow back, and are ready to attack again. If you implement this, you're going to have to remake some new arms for it. So I'm thinking you have the claws emit, and with some hidden and timed pistons, you can have them knock the claws out. This way they won't just constantly emit, and you'll be able to get a good look at those bad boys. XD

My final suggestions (for now XD) in your level. About time, right? XD There weren't any Score Bubbles in your level. I personally like collecting them, and in certain cases, I'll even revisit a level to beat my previous score by getting more of them. You may even want to put in some of the objects you made as Prize Bubbles, which could possibly be another initiative for someone to play your level again. And finally, you should go through your entire level and give it a nice touch up. Decorate more, think of ways you could make something look better. You can never be too detailed. Like I mentioned before, presentation can really tell a person how good a level will be.

So, overall, I liked your level. The ghosts were awesome because they looked like Bakemon (that's a Digimon), the tipping of the coffin to avoid the squashing of the platform was smart, the gunner talking trash to zombies was hilarious, and the atmosphere actually had me spooked. I recommend this level to everyone, as it'll be a fun time and it really is a pretty piece of pie. XD

By the way, I've got the number 1 score. XD

WOW! ahha, thanks man i apprecaite all the feedback. Ok...the thing to the left of the start not really sure what else i can put there my thermometer is like 2 stickers away from being capped out. The beginning staircase ya I really need to fix that I know its pretty sloppy that was actually one of the first things i made i think, this was my first level i need to retouch that. Good call on the cinematic camera i'll add that on the boss. Ya I only added the spawning zombies on him to try to ramp the difficulty a little. If i want him to be more of a challange i think ill have to do a BIG revamp, the claw shooting thing was a good idea. And there is a check point when you go in the boss room, its after the door closes behind you? And about the bat getting stuck im not sure why it does as its suposed to just move left when you get in the sensor switch but ill have to try to fix that.

the second sponge lift i fixed last night for some reason it completely bugged out the max length was set fine for it but for some reason it was just spazzing so i just made a new wench and it fixed it.

the trees in the graveyard werent really suposed to be obstacles more of something to look at. and both the friendly ghost just give you one warning, i could change it but idk i figured one time of telling you would be enough.

i didnt think the stairs going up to the roof were bad D:

the bats at the beginning of the second lift i was tempted to take out i think i just through them in there due to drawing a blank when i first made it. maybe more spike traps or a zombie there or something. thanks a lot clank glad you enjoyed it...oh ya im going to add in bubbles too, so you wont be number 1 for long! mauhahaha
2008-12-31 15:21:00

Posts: 2551

Good to see the participation in Reveiw4Review hope it gets up and running2008-12-31 17:51:00

Posts: 805

Ok...the thing to the left of the start not really sure what else i can put there my thermometer is like 2 stickers away from being capped out.

First off, you might want to look at this. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=4562 They're tips on creating, and there is a section about saving thermometer space.

Put a building of some sort there, but only design it up to the point where the player can see. No point in putting anything else there if the player can't see it right?

The beginning staircase ya I really need to fix that I know its pretty sloppy that was actually one of the first things i made i think, this was my first level i need to retouch that.

There was also a random triangle cut out inside of it. Too lazy to fill it in, eh? XD Make it look nice. Police officers take pride in a fine looking set of stairs.

Good call on the cinematic camera i'll add that on the boss.

Don't forget the gunner shooting the zombies! XD

And there is a check point when you go in the boss room, its after the door closes behind you?

Yeah, I know there is a Checkpoint, the problem with it is that it is in the zone of the previous music, and not the boss battle music. Play your level, and take notice of the music at that part. Die, and when you respawn, you'll notice that the music changes back to the previous one.

And about the bat getting stuck im not sure why it does as its suposed to just move left when you get in the sensor switch but ill have to try to fix that.

I don't think it has anything to do with a faulty Sensor Switch. I think it might be that I accidently swung it somewhere and it got stuck. Take a look at it in Create Mode, and see if you can find anything that seems like a place where it could get stuck. Test it our for yourself and see if you can reenact the same issue.

the second sponge lift i fixed last night for some reason it completely bugged out the max length was set fine for it but for some reason it was just spazzing so i just made a new wench and it fixed it.

Yeah, I noticed sometime through the night that it had been fixed. Before it was completely random, as if the result of something else obstructing its path.

the trees in the graveyard werent really suposed to be obstacles more of something to look at.

Just a reminder: They weren't glued to the ground. The trees getting knocked over didn't present any problems where the level became unplayable, but it's there if it concerns you.

and both the friendly ghost just give you one warning, i could change it but idk i figured one time of telling you would be enough.

No, it's fine. I was just letting you know in case you wanted them to appear differently.

i didnt think the stairs going up to the roof were bad D:

Which reminds me, I think you should move them to the inside of the building. Stairs don't really lead you outside of buildings like that, now do they?

oh ya im going to add in bubbles too, so you wont be number 1 for long! mauhahaha

That's what you think.

WOW! ahha, thanks man i apprecaite all the feedback.

No problem. I had fun giving it. XD

2008-12-31 22:26:00

Unknown User

for that stair case, i was thinking it was more of a fire escape really thats why it was on the side like that. and i thought the blockers kind of fit it cause of flaming debris. but making a mock building only for player view wouldnt be hard. i read that thermometer saving thread i think the only thing that could really benefit me would be to take out the dark matter out of the objects and attach them w/ a piston.

i think i have a lot of complicated shapes. And the staircase cutout thing was suposed to be for looks kind of but i didnt do a very good job like i said it was like the first thing i made when i was a newb.

and good call on the gunner camera yet again i almost forgot. and i can make him say "I'm good on ammo son, just head upstairs and take out that tyrant!"

ahh and i didnt quite get what you meant w/ the music check point thing, ill make the music radius bigger
2008-12-31 22:40:00

Posts: 2551

and good call on the gunner camera yet again i almost forgot. and i can make him say "I'm good on ammo son, just head upstairs and take out that tyrant!"

If you wanted, you could always replace that Sensor Switch with a Magnetic Key Switch, and you could make a Magnetic Key to represent ammo, perhaps a crate that reads "Ammo", and pulling that crate over to him would activate the shooting. But if you don't want to, that text should be fine.
2008-12-31 22:44:00

Unknown User

Ok, I just finished the level as you had told me. And you made a lot of changes, I'm glad you did.

A few changes I saw.

- The lightning, a lot better. I can see everything perfectly, and that zipline part, the problem was I didn't see the second set of stairs in the back layer, so what I would do was get on top of the first set, and just jump to the right. Now that thats fixed, it's very nicely done.

- The bat part, where you added the speech stating that the bat is coming nearby, a good add IMO because now people know to wait and stop for it.

- The cemetary part is a lot easier, good job. I actually passed the level with dying only once.


- Add a few more bubbles, to make it more replayable, and maybe some puzzles. That's really all I have to suggest seems like everything is in place now.

Overall, I really liked this level, the lightining is really good, and how you die and the ghost spawns to tell you something is awesome ( I'm thinking of the spot where you have to place the coffin to make it across, nice touch )

Good stuff, 5 Stars and Hearted.
2009-01-01 23:33:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Ok, I just finished the level as you had told me. And you made a lot of changes, I'm glad you did.

A few changes I saw.

- The lightning, a lot better. I can see everything perfectly, and that zipline part, the problem was I didn't see the second set of stairs in the back layer, so what I would do was get on top of the first set, and just jump to the right. Now that thats fixed, it's very nicely done.

- The bat part, where you added the speech stating that the bat is coming nearby, a good add IMO because now people know to wait and stop for it.

- The cemetary part is a lot easier, good job. I actually passed the level with dying only once.


- Add a few more bubbles, to make it more replayable, and maybe some puzzles. That's really all I have to suggest seems like everything is in place now.

Overall, I really liked this level, the lightining is really good, and how you die and the ghost spawns to tell you something is awesome ( I'm thinking of the spot where you have to place the coffin to make it across, nice touch )

Good stuff, 5 Stars and Hearted.

sweet glad you enjoyed it man, i appreciate the love. I'll add in some more bubbles... hmm maybe ill just incorporate some lights on the roof so you can see the stair case and use the zip line
2009-01-01 23:40:00

Posts: 2551

I played this level a few days ago and forgot to post here. >.<

Anyway, other than the stuff previously mentioned, I have noticed a few things that kinda bother me. For one, I'm not a fan of unfair deaths (though, in this game, the checkpoint system makes it a little less unfair). I do like the idea of having the ghosts tell you what went wrong though.

Also, it seems kinda odd how you can just walk right behind or in front of most of the zombie enemies if you wanted to. It's no huge deal, but it makes them easy to kill too. Kinda takes away from the challenge a little.

I don't know if it was before or after you changed it again, but I felt the lighting was fine. Either way, I enjoyed this level a great deal.
2009-01-02 18:04:00

Posts: 159

I played this level a few days ago and forgot to post here. >.<

Anyway, other than the stuff previously mentioned, I have noticed a few things that kinda bother me. For one, I'm not a fan of unfair deaths (though, in this game, the checkpoint system makes it a little less unfair). I do like the idea of having the ghosts tell you what went wrong though.

Also, it seems kinda odd how you can just walk right behind or in front of most of the zombie enemies if you wanted to. It's no huge deal, but it makes them easy to kill too. Kinda takes away from the challenge a little.

I don't know if it was before or after you changed it again, but I felt the lighting was fine. Either way, I enjoyed this level a great deal.

ya if i wanted to i could make their awareness bigger and make them faste or somethign to kind of charge you but people were complaining before that it was too hard....oh welll glad you still thought it was fun overall. if you liked this style a lot you can check out my other level zombie onslaught, im doing a small revamp at the moment to stop some point exploitation people figured out and i'll be making a multi player version. ill be republishing it so ill loose all my stats but ill leave my other one up and let people know where to find the new one(i have pics up under ideas and zombie survival). But which one of your levels do you want me to check out if you have a preference if you are participating in F4F. i have to hit ock back up still D:
2009-01-02 18:15:00

Posts: 2551

Blargh. I only just now noticed you replied to me. I need to pay more attention to threads I post in. >.<

What I meant about the zombies is that they're on one layer, but you can just walk right past them on another layer in some cases. They're easy to kill because you can just jump from the other layer into the brain for a near flawless kill.

I haven't had a chance to play your other level. It's on my long list of levels I still need to play. All you people make too many to keep up (which is a good thing I suppose).

It's up to you which level you want to give feedback to (they're all in my sig). I suppose I wouldn't mind some more feedback on Return of the Factory of Mystery. Or VR Dodgeball. The rest of the levels probably aren't going to change much since I'd rather focus on newer ideas.
2009-01-08 01:20:00

Posts: 159

I played this yesterday and I thought it was a really nice level. The zombies were well made and the custom content was refreshing. I loved the detail you put into everything aswell. There were a few bugs though... Hang on, there weren't.

Very simple and satisfying, which earned 5 stars and a heart from me. I'm sorry I can't leave detailed feedback because I can't find much to say about it. That's not a bad thing though, it just means you weren't attempting to make a masterpiece (well, I'm sorry if you were... :blush and you pulled everything off neatly.

Keep up the good work!
2009-01-22 14:45:00

Unknown User

cool, glad you enjoyed it creative thanks!2009-02-11 18:24:00

Posts: 2551

cool level! 2009-02-12 18:19:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

thanks don it means a lot to hear the god father enjoyed it! now i wont get wacked yay!2009-02-13 18:15:00

Posts: 2551

Hey man, here's your review:

- The visuals look good There's atmosphere, and the darkness does get you into the zombie mood.
- The cops were quite polished

- If you fall into the grave, you will have to suicide, as the hole is too big.
- The labratory room was really laggy.
- The boss was a tad easy. It wasn't really a boss, more like a .. big creature.

- Wow, getting attacked by zombies and traps right off the bat o.O
- Died alot at those pillars, in the area under the graveyard. They just randomly dissapeard or something.. o.O?

Overall: A pretty good level, with nice visuals

Sorry it's such a short review, but the level itself wasn't too long either
2009-02-13 21:27:00

Posts: 440

I am so checking this out when I get home tonight.

by the way - I'm sort of new to the whole forum thing, what's a bump and why do you get in trouble for them?

Thanks for the info on bump.

I tried the level - really creepy (in a good way.) It is dark but it looked great on my DLP TV. Didn't have any trouble seeing the zip line or anything else. I really like your graveyard section but I was getting frustrated a little bit when I'd get killed in the smoke at the end then have to run all the way back through it. Maybe a save point after you run through it? Not essential - just a thought.

Overall a really fun level and one I'll play again. Zombies are always fun!

Thanks for sharing it.
2009-02-13 21:48:00

Posts: 5983

Thanks for the kind feedback / words. And morgana bumping means to pretty much post useful information usually just "/bump" to get your thread moved up.

And when i first joined these forums and posted this level I was unsure of the rules; but I completely agree with them. Glad to see your going to play it though. I would also recommend (obviously) my other level in my Sig Zombie Onslaught, its a survival challange level.
2009-02-13 22:08:00

Posts: 2551

-Hamsalad- ZoMg ZoMbiEz

Hooray, a zombie level! LBP is a bit lacking in these...

The intro was a bit...unexplained. You spawn, the fire to your left, and walk up some, very uneven (even them out or turn them into a ramp please) steps into a "Cop Shop" full of zombies. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with zombies, but a cop that gets attacked by one and turns into a zombie or somthing would have been nice.

The first part of the level was nicely put together, if a bit easy. The zombies could be easily circumnavigated by going on the correct layer, and can easily be killed from this position by jumping straight up. The spikes that go up and down collide with the floor and make a nasty sound that should be removed, just retract the piston a bit.

The escape from the building was cool (is it an apple you swing of), but it was very bouncy, and the grab part broke when I landed. I'm not sure if the top part is fully round, but you could just replace it with a block of glass for a smoother ride.

The cemetery was nice, but needs a checkpoint after the bat. I had no bugs with the cemetery, except a visual bug when I could see through a tiny gap between the floor and the platform behind. The bat itself should be made so that ANY part pulls you up to the graveyard.

Filling in the graves seemed unexplained, and I got stuck once when I pulled the mud in after me, but no biggie. The room you fall through the floor of annoyed me. My first playthrough I had to restart because the zombie down there was standing under the whole, meaning no matter how I orientated myself, I died on his spikes. The pillars were a bit odd, but were fun, and I loved that you had to push the coffin under the crushing platform!

I accidentally skipped the whole section on get the ammo to the guy, by following my natural curiosity up the obviously-a-ramp-up-to-somewhere-else pile of coffins, so put some obstruction that you have to clear here to stop this happening.

The lab was cool but caused so...much...lag. Remove a few thousand lights, please! The boss fight was cool as well, but quite easy. I didn't die once in it, nor do I think it would be easy to die. Needs more stages and killing parts.

Overall, I loved the nice aesthetics, the different settings, the little touches like the ghost that appears and the coffin that can't be crushed, but felt let down by the lack of story/reasoning and the few annoying bugs. Plus, you need to place a few more checkpoints, like after the bat. Therefore, I'm torn between 3 and 4 stars...have 3.5.

+A bit of creativity
+Nice visuals

-A few bugs
-Looks a bit off in places
-A tad easy
2009-02-20 10:12:00

Posts: 3280

glad you liked it over all. I was going to add a gas layer attached behind the zombies to avoid being able to walk behind them. I supose I could still add it but i've kind of lost my LBP steam after i let myself down by setting my expectations too high for how well i thoguht my levels would be received.

the beginning stairs are pretty terrible your right I really need to fix them. I'll add in some text bubbles or something at the beginning to maybe try to add some extra element to it...I know i was very close to being capped on the thermometer.

The boss I was going for mainly visuals I guess, I would like to up some challenge for him but no thermo space.. D: ..

not sure if you sincerely meant it was an apple or not just because it was red... i supose if people really think its an apple I'll make it black or something. I'll try to fix that part where you can see the gap in the graveyard as well.

It was previously a little more difficult but it seems the general community hates challenging levels (as you can see a lot of levels are just easy mode walk throughs) so i toned down the challenge.

thanks for you rreview i appreciate it
2009-02-20 17:02:00

Posts: 2551

Don't worry about the steam, with a few tweaks this could be a 4.5

And about the challenging bit, yeah, I've noticed that. It's a shame, challenging levels are awesome (usually).
2009-02-20 17:05:00

Posts: 3280

Zomg Zombiez
PSN: Ham_Salad

Gameplay (7/10):
This level is a lot of fun, and frustrating... but on purpose. You will die. And learn from your mistakes, and eventually get through the level. Took me 3 tries. It has original bad guys, an original boss, and some modified MM bad guys. There's a little platforming, mostly just get through without something or someone hitting you with spikes. The game play takes you through a lot of scenery, which is fun. The bad is the frustrating death traps which you have little or no warning. But then there's a friendly ghost that helps you, somewhat. At one point I didn't get what the ghost meant by use a coffin, and that resulted in play through number 3. There are some glitched moments, like a bat that you must grab, but only half of it triggers a switch that takes you to the next part, the other half just has you swing into red gas and die... but this is a minor issue. A more apparent issue is that the bad guys have no boundaries, no little white dots that say stop here, so they go flying into other obstructions or other bad guys and break, then their pieces like spikes can kill you just laying there. Also, you can go around every zombie in the level - every one of them! They all exist on a plane which is bypass able on another plane, either foreground, mid ground, or background. This cheapens the experience a bit. If you don't mind a bit of trickery, and cheap deaths - there are some fun moments, and overall a worth while experience to be had. The boss is sweet looking, and much more fun than the smaller bad guys, but doesn't really threaten you with anything - still you can tell A LOT of effort and time was put into this level. gameplay: 7/10

Looks (8/10):
The looks are somewhat inconsistent. This is a minor gripe, but the beginning has just a block to the left that has been hit with the fire tool - then like 30 seconds later you're on the second floor of a building with extensive detail and lighting that looks great! Where was that detail at the beginning? Not sure, but looks through out were solid. Some MM generated stuff pops up now and then, but not enough to really hurt the level, plus it's usually set on fire which is always fun. Scenes change from a police station to a grave yard to a science lab of some sort so your eyes won't be bored. The boss once again looked great, but didn't offer the EPIC fight most crave. Still no huge complaints here. Looks 8/10

Other Stuff (6/10):
The level length is just over medium. The difficulty is HARD, not platforming timing hard... just hard to mess with you - which can be fun or frustrating. The enemies are just high enough to make killing them a precision jump. Creativity factor is on the low side, only becuase I've seen a million zombie levels. I did like the cops though, and the change of scenery. The boss is a wash for points because it looked kinda sweet, but offered less challenge than I like. So for the intangibles, solid 6/10

Overall (7.2/10):
This is a fun level, worth a play. With some work it could be a really fun level. I hope you guys check it out.

-Very crude, kinda boring left most obstruction, just a huge fiery wall, maybe make it a building that looks like the background or something that's ON fire
-Use small grid when making stairs
-Don't let dark matter show, like above the bats... nice use of mag sensors as eyes, never seen that before
-the crushing line of spikes after the bats destroyed the zombie in that area, maybe but that little light/dot thing down that stops brains from going past them before the line of spikes... it's found under tools in the same area as the brains
-I liked the locker thing where you numbered them 666, very clever
-the zip line was kind of bumpy, an alternative to a wheel is a glass cirlce on a glass line - then a thin layer of metal in front hiding the glass.
-The bat only moved if you grabbed its lower body, so it just sat there if you grabbed its head, maybe make them one piece
-Didn't get the advice "move off the coffin" died a lot here
-make your elevator sensor switch "wait for all" - lost my cousin like 3 times getting in the thing
-Love the look of the lab or whatever with all the electronics, getting up stairs is kind of hard though, just have to jump a lot and hope sack boy progresses up the coffins.
-THe boss looks great, but needs some more offense. Like emit smaller zombies, or blood that kills or something - when on the ground you just aren't threatened by him at all
-You zombies can all be walked around - put something behind them so they can't be so easily bypassed maybe?

reading through other posts - guess I suck at LBP since some called it easy and i called it hard - and I don't know how I have played like 10-20 zombie levels, and dawesbr hasn't seen that many. Thought that was kind of odd. Anyway, I enjoyed it - if you're bored I gots levels! Wooo. Whatever, I suck at self promotion. Take it easy man.
2009-03-14 14:10:00

Posts: 713

Your level has been filmed:
YouTube - Zomg Zombiez!
2009-03-14 22:07:00

Posts: 329

Looks quite good, I'll try check it out on my next LBP session. 2009-03-14 22:18:00

Posts: 1341

I've played this, and I approve. I love the tyrant boss. The music rocks.2009-05-12 17:09:00

Posts: 214

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