Dead Nation? LBP Style!? (A level you SHOULD NOT miss)
Archive: 12 posts
http://lbp.me/v/66tvv1 Did you ever miss your chance to play the popular Dead Nation game offered free to many ps3 users? Or maybe you've already beaten it or wish you could continue the journey with more than just one of your friends. Well, now you can! Get ready to experience mega zombie killing action LBP STYLE! * Level Highlights * Hundreds of zombies to beat the crap out of! A Weapon Shop for each player to purchase their OWN individual upgrades in (Grenades, Flares, etc.). Expert logic for the most professional and detailed experience. Playable with up to 4 of your friends (Difficulty level automatically adjusted). An experience that's very similar to the original game. High re-playability that will keep you coming back again and again! Stashes of treasure hidden throughout the level! Please report any problems or suggestions in this topic. THANKS! http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/6712/aphoto9.jpg http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/7582/aphoto6b.jpg http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/2252/aphoto8.jpg http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/1407/aphoto5c.jpg | 2011-10-10 03:46:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I will not play this level, simply beacuse of the blatant lie you wrote there! "A level you CANNOT miss." Well, I most certainly can, and will now! ![]() | 2011-10-10 05:11:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I was thinking of doing a Dead Nation remake in LBP2, but now maybe I won't have to! I've queued it up. | 2011-10-10 06:27:00 Author: xero ![]() Posts: 2419 |
I'll test this and see if its any good as i have been looking for a top down zombie shooter other than mine that could entertain me. Queued. I see you didn't think much of mine but you have to realize mine is based on Dead Nation not a remake. And flares and new weapons like claymores and mines are in progress and yet to come to my level or part two wich is a WIP. I have also started making a buzz saw thrower for it. | 2011-10-10 18:39:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Great work! This level is a very close facsimile to the original, and almost as fun ![]() My only complaint is the lack of need to reload. Timing your reloads well was a large part of survival in the original game for me, so to just have an infinitely deep clip seems off. | 2011-10-10 18:43:00 Author: xero ![]() Posts: 2419 |
I see you didn't think much of mine but you have to realize mine is based on Dead Nation not a remake. Actually, I thought your level was really good, I played it many times. ![]() I'll work on adding reloading, thanks Xero! | 2011-10-10 21:12:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Actually, I thought your level was really good, I played it many times. ![]() Ah ok well its just that the way it was written on the level profile sounded like a brag of how yours was better and put mine in its place. Obviously that was was not the intention so sorry for the misinterpretation. On to the review First off i do have to say that for once i was quite pleased to play a level with Dead Nation in the name that actually resembled the original game. Where as my level went a lot for the look more than gameplay of dead Nation yours actually felt like the gameplay of the original. And its because it was better than all the crappy top down zombie boredom levels out there with over 10,000 plays and no effort added to them that i hearted it. Gameplay was pretty good though a little easy as i found all or most of the treasure and destroyed all cars and killed all enemies in the first playthrough but i'm sure a second part to this will be harder. The one thing that i really liked was that the cars alarms went off and attracted the zombies before exploding as well as the grenades. I do think the shop should actually use points as currency though as it would be closer to the real game. Also if you did this it would add to the challenge slightly as you would need to consider how many points you really wanted to spend on upgrades and weapons or if you wanted the points to stay for a high score on the scoreboards. The levels design was ok but needed more decoration and trash lying around the place though thermo may be a problem i'm not sure how much you have left. My level has three bars left as you are playing only and once zombies start to spawn it has quite less. The fact you used the same controls as Dead Nation and similar objects and collectables was great and made it more enjoyable. Though i would have enjoyed to see more zombies on screen for one player. Maybe you could make a difficulty setting. Talking of zombies i was really happy to see you made your zombies actually look like zombies. You see so many levels with plastic toy looking things that are suppose to resemble zombies. I was a little depressed to see that there was only one kind of zombie though as the original game had many different types. Also after the advertising you have given this level i was expecting more weapon types as well. Overall this was one of the better zombie levels out there and had a certain charm to it. But i would like to see a little more to make it the best Dead Nation remake going in LBP. | 2011-10-11 10:40:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Gameplay was pretty good though a little easy as i found all or most of the treasure and destroyed all cars and killed all enemies in the first playthrough but i'm sure a second part to this will be harder. Yes, the first level was simply to introduce players to it and get them used to the controls. I do think the shop should actually use points as currency though as it would be closer to the real game. Also if you did this it would add to the challenge slightly as you would need to consider how many points you really wanted to spend on upgrades and weapons or if you wanted the points to stay for a high score on the scoreboards I would have done it this way, but the Score Sensor is unable to detect individual players scores, only the person with the most score. The levels design was ok but needed more decoration and trash lying around the place though thermo may be a problem i'm not sure how much you have left. My level has three bars left as you are playing only and once zombies start to spawn it has quite less. Haha, I've maxed out the thermo, it keeps giving me emitter failed warnings. :-p I think it's cause I'm using so much logic. Though i would have enjoyed to see more zombies on screen for one player. Maybe you could make a difficulty setting. The first level will have the least zombies. More zombies will be added in each additional level. :-) A difficulty setting sounds neat though. The zombies are harder to kill too when you have more players. I was a little depressed to see that there was only one kind of zombie though as the original game had many different types. I know, I'm still working on a way around that. When I added another type, the meter overloaded. I'll probably have to optimize some stuff. Also after the advertising you have given this level i was expecting more weapon types as well. Hehe, it's based on Dead Nation. The first level only had those weapons if I remember correctly. The next levels will have more stuff! Overall this was one of the better zombie levels out there and had a certain charm to it. But i would like to see a little more to make it the best Dead Nation remake going in LBP. With some more levels added on to it to expand the journey, I'm sure it will quickly rise to MMPick status and be quite the fun Dead Nation remake. :-) | 2011-10-12 04:21:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You can use tgs on zombies and matching tags on the hit boxes emitted by players to allow scores to go to the players that killed the zombies. I don't remember the exact logic pattern i used that SSTAGG1 helped me with but once i get to my PS3 i will try to explain it better. It is what i use in my level and it allows reach player to accumulate their own scores accuratley as well as the achievements like the kill 50 zombies achievment i have added to the level for each player. Because of the achievments and all the othr logic my characters use a lot of thermo therefore i can only have 2 player at any one time. Considering the basic look your level has i am atually amazed at how much thermo you have used. My zombies have a lot of logic for different weapons and the hit logic for each players scoring and then logic for catching fire from the flamer then there is the flames that the fire leaves on the ground and achievment logic and everything else the level has not to mention the drivable truck with logic for both players and then the survivors (Who are thermo hogs). How thermo heavy are your zombies and player characters? Also you should make sure to use as few corners and complicated shapes as possible in the level. Also the more different materials used hogs thermo so werever possible use the same materials. I did notice you use emitters to emit the zombies when your near them so thats good but all your cars and some terrain should be emitted as well. This is what i do in my level. Also i emit a large hit box in areas i have left that kills any zombies that can't be seen to keep thermo at bay and allow respawns os zombies where the players. I had to add en extra damage tag that would kill zombies without give the player points though to do this. Another thing that i found helped was that any logic on the level itself i placed in circuite boards. So if say the car has a destruction and material tweaker and a gravity tweaker on it i placed all in a circuitboard. I'm sure you mostplrobably do that already though. It just puzzles me how i can keep adding so much to my level yet other can't seem to get the same amount out of their thermo as i can. Then again you also have the shop which will take up a fair bit i would say. Thats why i gave up on the shop idea for my level. Well good job and i can't wait to see the second part of the level when its done and i'll be sure to play it if you gve me a heads up whhen its finished as i know how hard it is to get plays on top down levels sometimes ![]() | 2011-10-12 12:37:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Hehe, thank you for the review/help warblade. :-) You can use tgs on zombies and matching tags on the hit boxes emitted by players to allow scores to go to the players that killed the zombies. Giving players individual score isn't the problem. When they go to buy stuff, the score sensor just detects the player with the most score, so if player 1 has 5,000 score and player 2 has 0, then the score sensor thinks player 2 has 5,000. It was silly of MM to never fix that. Because of the achievments and all the othr logic my characters use a lot of thermo therefore i can only have 2 player at any one time. Considering the basic look your level has i am atually amazed at how much thermo you have used. My zombies have a lot of logic for different weapons and the hit logic for each players scoring and then logic for catching fire from the flamer then there is the flames that the fire leaves on the ground and achievment logic and everything else the level has not to mention the drivable truck with logic for both players and then the survivors (Who are thermo hogs). How thermo heavy are your zombies and player characters? Haha, I don't blame you for using 2. The player characters I have use up about 2 notches by themselves. If I were to copy and paste the player 4 times, it would probably take up 30% of the thermo. I can't test my level in create mode with more than 2 people, because I get an emitter failing warning, but it doesn't seem to happen in play mode, so I can use up to 4, lol. ![]() Also you should make sure to use as few corners and complicated shapes as possible in the level. I try my best not to go crazy with the corners. ![]() Also the more different materials used hogs thermo so werever possible use the same materials. At first, I used like 20 materials, then I ran out of space super fast, haha. So I did go around and remove many materials to save space. I did notice you use emitters to emit the zombies when your near them so thats good but all your cars and some terrain should be emitted as well. This is what i do in my level. All the cars, checkpoints, trees, stashes, etc. are all emitted as well, the player sensor is simply large enough that you don't notice them spawning. Also, as you play through the level too, I remove all the previous level to free up thermo so I can spawn many more zombies as you play. Also i emit a large hit box in areas i have left that kills any zombies that can't be seen to keep thermo at bay and allow respawns os zombies where the players. I had to add en extra damage tag that would kill zombies without give the player points though to do this. When the zombies are too far from the player, they are automatically deleted. I also freeze and delete any zombies when the player gets to a checkpoint. Another thing that i found helped was that any logic on the level itself i placed in circuite boards. So if say the car has a destruction and material tweaker and a gravity tweaker on it i placed all in a circuitboard. I'm sure you mostplrobably do that already though. Hehe, yes. :-) It just puzzles me how i can keep adding so much to my level yet other can't seem to get the same amount out of their thermo as i can. Then again you also have the shop which will take up a fair bit i would say. Thats why i gave up on the shop idea for my level. Haha, yes, that stupid shop takes up quite a bit. Well good job and i can't wait to see the second part of the level when its done and i'll be sure to play it if you gve me a heads up whhen its finished as i know how hard it is to get plays on top down levels sometimes ![]() Haha, I know what you mean. I see these really dorky levels on the Cool Pages and I'm like.. what in the world..? Why arent I on there? lol Thanks again for all your suggestions and tips. ![]() | 2011-10-13 00:05:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The reviews sound convincing enough to get me to try this. I'll let you know what I think. | 2011-10-13 00:40:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
I've fixed some bugs with the level and have added a screen at the end of the game that displays how much loot you collected, how quickly you beat the level, if you died, etc. Just like the real game. ;-) I didn't have enough space to add anything more to the level, so I cheated by using this little glitch, lol: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=23793-How-To-Seriously-Cheat-The-Thermo | 2011-10-13 10:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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