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Mid-Layer Shift (MLS) Glitch. Possible game-changer.

Archive: 11 posts


Thanks to another glitch (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=61738-New-crazy-glitch-mystery-solved!-what-it-truly-do-changes-object-in-to-logic-pieces&highlight=mystery+solved) I've experimented with over the last week, I found out that you could attach a logic piece to a material, hold R2, select the logic piece, box select the material (while holding R2) then copy it. The game will treat the copied material as a logic piece. If you place it on another material, it will be shifted forward approximately 1/3rd of a thin layer.

I've simplified the glitch (kept only the game's 11 thin layers), and created a 'cascade'. It works in pretty much the same way as the cascade that pushed emitted objects into the 3D layers. It should hopefully allow a lot less restriction in the amount of detail you can add to an object!

Like the 3D layer glitch, it is quite fiddly to work with. The restrictions are explained in the tutorial level.

I look forward to seeing what the incredibly talented LBP community can do with this!
2011-10-08 01:36:00

Posts: 274

hmmm, interesting... I can't jump on to check it out right now but are the properties similar to theck, or does it need to be attached to a layer behind it?

I guess you can just use a stack holo to position it though.
2011-10-08 02:28:00

Posts: 1799

Shifted materials will pop back into their 'correct' position once they are selected by popit. You'll have to use the advanced glue tool to glue them to a stack holo, and emit them into place. Or you can use movers.2011-10-08 09:46:00

Posts: 274

this sounds interesting. Will check it out later.2011-10-08 20:13:00

Posts: 8424

well, there is definitely some layers that I haven't seen before, I found your tutorial a little fast to follow and am struggling a little with actually using your cascade. This may be because the emitter has stuck all the shapes into one object though. I'm not sure... have to play around a little more.

But it may be a good idea to slow down the tutorial text a little.
2011-10-08 23:45:00

Posts: 1799

You could hide the layers of the cascade you don't need. They shouldn't be selected by the emitter's capture tool.2011-10-09 01:47:00

Posts: 274

You can also capture them individually, so that's good.

They are quite unstable and very easy to mess up, but do bring some interesting possibilities, and they look 'right'... theck can seem a little 'too thick' sometimes.

I think that if you slow down the tutorial a little and maybe add something you have made with it to show the potential it would help others experiment.

Maybe post a full text tutorial also, might help with exposure meaning more people experimenting.
2011-10-10 06:31:00

Posts: 1799

if this is what i think it is ( i havent played the level yet ) then you have done something i have been hoping for since i first played lbp1.
imagine the extra detail you could add to scenery if we can stabilise and ergonomicalise ( is that a word? ) this glitch?!?!
thanks i will play this asap
2011-10-10 16:36:00

Posts: 920

This is neat, I'll try it out. If it's lenient enough, I could see myself using it a lot.2011-10-10 16:55:00

Posts: 2419

ok, so can some wonderful person make a tutorial on this and put it in the tutorial section please2011-10-18 18:17:00

Posts: 3910

Interesting discovery. Will have to give it a look.

Perhaps you could post a photo of the kind of geometry you can make utilising this bug?
2011-10-21 12:40:00

Posts: 2454

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