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Wreckloose, a new song by schm0!

Archive: 9 posts

Hey everyone,

Just published a new track. It kinda cuts off a bit at the end, but I couldn't think of a proper end, and the song has literally been sitting on my moon waiting to be heard. So get out there and give it a proper listen, and let me know what you think!


2011-10-07 04:06:00

Posts: 1239

Will play today and get back to you.
2011-10-07 14:39:00

Posts: 3458

Dude, that is a sweet beat that slowly builds there. I like it. It has a little bit of urgency to it, but also a restraint that keeps the whole thing under control.

It does need more bassoon though.
2011-10-07 23:33:00

Posts: 1799

Queued. I'll let you know. 2011-10-08 01:32:00

Posts: 2419

Nice use of sequencer to create TB-303-esque analog synth effects. As for the ending, I'd take the part which just goes "whee whee" every so often (echoed), played in isolation for a couple of bars, so from the last bar you currently have it sounds like everything except that part cuts out.

Overall, though, I'd prefer something more orchestral, preferably with lots of bassoon.
2011-10-09 04:20:00

Posts: 2870

queueued (looking for music ppl for an epic big project)2011-10-09 13:16:00

Posts: 2136

Nice use of sequencer to create TB-303-esque analog synth effects. As for the ending, I'd take the part which just goes "whee whee" every so often (echoed), played in isolation for a couple of bars, so from the last bar you currently have it sounds like everything except that part cuts out.

Overall, though, I'd prefer something more orchestral, preferably with lots of bassoon.

Well, the Move pack and the Move along with it has been put on hold indefinately. I may be able to purchase the content and convince someone to help me get 100% on the levels, but even $10 right now is a tough sell. I am hoping to have the content by the end of the month, but I'm just not sure.

Also, regarding the synth... I couldn't resist and wish that the sequencer had some more modulation options or perhaps some more 303/808/909-based beats, synths and basses. And certainly an arpeggio function for some old-school 8-bit emulation. Who knows, there may be some sort additional music pack or additional instruments in the future.

I would like to delve into something orchestral, perhaps maybe even a bassoon quartet!

queueued (looking for music ppl for an epic big project)

Well, let me know if any of my tunes strikes your fancy. I'm always willing to try new things, too. I prefer making original tracks for the levels themselves, rather than me just goofing around in the sequencer. There are "game" songs, and there are "songs I just like to make for fun."
2011-10-09 15:44:00

Posts: 1239

Loved the drumming in it, and the synth sounds sounded great too. Can't wait to hear more, as I've already enjoyed your previous work.

(I wish I actually knew more about music so I could give you a better review )
2011-10-09 16:04:00

Force Ten
Posts: 60

Queued two.2011-10-09 19:47:00

Posts: 415

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