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Schwerer Gustav 800mm Railway Gun/ Cannon

Archive: 3 posts

I've done what no other LBP creator has done, create a working replica (sort of to scale of sackboy) of one of the most destructive weapons to ride the rails the, Schwerer Gustav,straight out of the history book into LBP. This beast is truely a sight to behold, you can choose weither or not you want to follow the round launched or just to fire blindly. I also made it so you have to load it like the did back then fire it at the desired elevation then level it out and reload it after each shot fired. I have a link to my lbp.me, http://lbp.me/v/6qe32h for the level. Also did I mention it is a prize, if you can hit every single targets I set up and find the bubbles hidden around the Gustav. If you have any other historic trains or weapons you want to see me create just tell me and It shal be done. I still have yet to take pictures of the LBP version because its a bit difficult to photogragh since it can't really completely fit into the entire photo screen, just search the name and you'll find it on google since I don't really know how to put images on here yet correctly. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=schwerer+gustav+800mm&um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=654&tbm=isch&tbnid=wxM6QtuzQXpimM:&imgrefurl=http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/526697&docid=8LXyjm79bYUAQM&w=600&h=337&ei=UqGKTr6fI5GGsAL5juyTBA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=59&page=1&tbnh=92&tbnw=164&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&tx=74&ty=542011-10-04 06:57:00

Unknown User

I've done what no other LBP creator has done, create a working replica (sort of to scale of sackboy) of one of the most destructive weapons to ride the rails the, Schwerer Gustav
Other people have made it in the past, like this one by nana773:

2011-10-06 23:51:00

Posts: 2454

Other people have made it in the past, like this one by nana773:
I searched it never found one, TSFRJ couldn't find it either, it doesn't look like a Schwerer Gustav(Heavy) it looks more like a Langer Gustav(long gustav) mixed with a DORA because the barrel of the gun is hanging farther off the front than a Schwerer because Langers were built for range which is why missile like rounds were used ,and the Schwerers were built for power. Also the back is a bit shorter than a Schwerer because DORA had a short back and Schwerer's had a bit of overhang off the back. Also the wheels sort of make it difficult to tell what type of Railway Gun it is, it also makes it look like a bit of the standard railway gun too. I'm the first person to make a Schwerer Gustav to scale(of sackboy) and in so much detail/functionality too, sure nana773 made the first railway cannon but I wouldn't call it a Schwerer, I mean its a good creation, but just too much of it conflicts it being a Schwerer Gustav, I'm a train nut so its hard to say if it really is but, I've had many arguments with people who say stuff like this train was bigger or this one was more popular, and a bunch of other stuff too.
2011-10-07 19:34:00

Unknown User

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