Hi Im crow
Archive: 17 posts
hi^^ Im crow or little crow or crow- ((my psn id)) yes I like crows XD infact thats going to inspire my outfit for sackboy when it comes. any way im 21, love art and am told I am good at drawing. I love games and creativity. and my mind is blank so just ask and ill fill in^^ | 2007-07-09 05:34:00 Author: Little Crow ![]() Posts: 198 |
Hey, welcome here. What's cool is that a lot of people who like this game are also into art it seems. Maybe I should create an area where you guys can post your art or something.... That'd be cool. Again though, welcome here. ![]() LBP | 2007-07-09 06:13:00 Author: lbp ![]() Posts: 423 |
you should ^^ we can draw level ideas and costums to show whats on our minds^^ | 2007-07-09 06:20:00 Author: Little Crow ![]() Posts: 198 |
-telling someone to steal/pirate photoshop (bad influence) -double/triple posting (spamming) I kindly ask that you use multiquote and edit next time also to not promote illeagal activities. I am not an admin, but I'm trying to keep the forum from chaos ![]() other than that welcome to the boards and glad to have you in the lbpc community | 2007-07-09 07:39:00 Author: Reshin ![]() Posts: 1081 |
huh??i didnt see any photochop thing, but yeah no double posting.. ART!?!!?well like i said in the other threads I LOVE ART lol i am at the time creating a manga of my own story | 2007-07-09 11:50:00 Author: ReignOfDeath ![]() Posts: 466 |
-telling someone to steal/pirate photoshop (bad influence) -double/triple posting (spamming) I kindly ask that you use multiquote and edit next time also to not promote illeagal activities. I am not an admin, but I'm trying to keep the forum from chaos ![]() other than that welcome to the boards and glad to have you in the lbpc community nxt time pm me this. and another I did not duble post. you know what that even is? its when you post the same thing more then once. if I post something ealse right after I posted something its not duble posting. and I dont feel like waiting 5 hours or so for some one to post after I did. your not an admin but I am for another site so I know what is what. and letting some one know they can get a program that is nolonger on sale and updateing it is not a crime. | 2007-07-10 00:28:00 Author: Little Crow ![]() Posts: 198 |
1. double posting could mean 2 post that are the same but also 2 posts that are made by the same user that could have been posted in one. 2. photoshop CS3 just came out so how the heck is it not being updated. and if your talking about outdated photoshops, its still licensed to adobe so it is piracy and it is illeagal 3. being admin doesnt say that you know whats regulation, it means you are in charge of a certain group or what not. Just because your admin in the other site doesn't mean you know the regulations here : "your not an admin but I am for another site so I know what is what" that just sounds obnoxious 4. I am sorry I should have pmed you but :o | 2007-07-10 01:05:00 Author: Reshin ![]() Posts: 1081 |
1. double posting could mean 2 post that are the same but also 2 posts that are made by the same user that could have been posted in one. 2. photoshop CS3 just came out so how the heck is it not being updated. and if your talking about outdated photoshops, its still licensed to adobe so it is piracy and it is illeagal 3. being admin doesnt say that you know whats regulation, it means you are in charge of a certain group or what not. Just because your admin in the other site doesn't mean you know the regulations here : "your not an admin but I am for another site so I know what is what" that just sounds obnoxious 4. I am sorry I should have pmed you but :o your anoying XD hey if people are shareing photoshop its because they feel sorry for those who cant pay 500+ for a disk | 2007-07-10 01:10:00 Author: Little Crow ![]() Posts: 198 |
stick to gimp if you cant afford it, it gets the job done and its free. Piracy upsets the balance of equivalent trade. and yea I get called annoying a lot lol edit: another thing 500....photoshop is 100, 200 max, here anyway | 2007-07-10 01:14:00 Author: Reshin ![]() Posts: 1081 |
lol its 300 max, but thnx anyways crow | 2007-07-10 09:08:00 Author: ReignOfDeath ![]() Posts: 466 |
oooga booga | 2007-07-11 04:13:00 Author: Little Crow ![]() Posts: 198 |
lol,whats that all bout? | 2007-07-11 06:25:00 Author: ReignOfDeath ![]() Posts: 466 |
just going nuts | 2007-07-11 07:31:00 Author: Little Crow ![]() Posts: 198 |
lol, ok i can already see that by the looks of your avatar lol | 2007-07-11 11:02:00 Author: ReignOfDeath ![]() Posts: 466 |
I swore it said little cow >.> | 2007-07-14 00:24:00 Author: DrexxJupiter ![]() Posts: 24 |
I swore it said little cow >.> lol that makes a big difference | 2007-07-14 06:29:00 Author: ReignOfDeath ![]() Posts: 466 |
Welcome to central, too bad you havent been online for 2 years! | 2010-09-17 11:30:00 Author: hannahowens ![]() Posts: 106 |
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