Galaxy Blasters, I can Promise you, you will not regret playing it.
Archive: 1 post
37156Come on down to my earth and play my newest and coolest level i have made yet: Galaxy Blasters! Fly around in outer space with your friends and battle each other to the death! You can get many power-ups to use against you buddies but only 3 lives so watch out! This level consist of a Menu and a arena with an arcade room for the less talented Blasters who play the level and die a little to fast =) Depending on the plays and reviews will help me decide if I'm going to make more area's/arenas to battle in. I worked on this for about 2 months at the least so please play it and I promise you, you will not be disappointed!! I Spent Months on this level and it's very unappreciated for the level it is. It's very very detailed and very well thought through. I can Promise everyone that they won't be disappointed if you play this. As long as you bring a online friend or 2 because its only a Multiplayer Online level. Thanks for reading! http://lbp.me/v/19982 http://lbp.me/u/extreme_x4 | 2011-10-01 14:37:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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