M1: BETA Twin Stick Shooter Tester Level.
Archive: 1 post
http://lbp.me/v/6p788r Pretty straight forward and short level. There's some little things to shoot here and there and a mission objective at the end. One collect-able but it may be harder to find and get for some people if you're not good at these twin stick shooters. Explore, I encourage it. Here's a quick list of keys and a couple tips. R1: Fire R2: Laser L1: Jump L2: Jetpacks Triangle: Deploy-able Remote Turret L3: Shield D-Pad: Change Main Weapon Hold Triangle 5 seconds for self destruct Press Triangle and Square or Circle to destroy turret. A lot of keys, I know, this is no shooter for the faint of heart. Only hardcore gamers will likely get the most out of this. Shields heal you but you need to come in contact with them for it to work. The Turret's fire will kill you if you aim it at yourself, the rounds will try and explode before they hit you but it's not fail safe. It will probably happen to some. Also, at times your own shots may explode if you're too close to them hitting things or you may slam into the ground too hard and die instantly, nothing I can do about those right now. The jump resets each time you come in contact with anything, from the walls to the ground, shields, enemy fire or anything you touch. Use it as an evade when you need it. That's about all I can think of, for now. I need a break. ![]() Will play for play and give feedback per feedback, of course. Thanks. <3 http://lbp.me/v/Hobadi | 2011-09-30 00:19:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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