Youtube dislikers
Archive: 17 posts
I go onto youtube as I do to watch a few videos, I watched this one video of a Crash Bandicoot level. The video quailty was spot on. Very nicely done and there was nothing wrong with it. SO how come it has 3 likes but 4 dislikes? What is there to dislike about it? I seen this a few times on people disliking videos on youtube like this one time where a person was doing a really good tutorial, nothing wrong with it and it has a few dislikes and this one persons comment was "This guy is helping us, how can any one dislike it?!?" I think it's either they can't do it them selfves, jealous and so on. | 2011-09-27 17:57:00 Author: Chaos_Martin ![]() Posts: 298 |
*sigh* There is a difference between opinion and fact. | 2011-09-27 18:31:00 Author: Veyneru ![]() Posts: 115 |
I know that, Im more or less saying, are there people out there that don't understand or unfaily use the dislike button. I can understand it when it comes to music but then again if you don't like that song then why dislike it because if you don't like it then why view it? One answer may be because I don't like that song, so that one perspn just disliked the whole video becuase he disliked the song? So why view it? But then again it anoys me when peopple are like "58 are stupid" the 58 being the number of dislikes. I understand opion and fact, but dislike somthing for a poor reason or a stupid reason. Na. | 2011-09-27 20:32:00 Author: Chaos_Martin ![]() Posts: 298 |
To be honest, the people complaining/over reacting about the dislikes annoy me more. ![]() | 2011-09-27 20:45:00 Author: PygmyOwl ![]() Posts: 1316 |
how come it has 3 likes but 4 dislikes? Apparently people can dislike a video on YouTube for a number of reasons (according to the top comments). Examples: X people missed the like Button X people have poor aim X people are stupid X people like twilight X people are beliebers X people should jump off a cliff | 2011-09-27 22:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Frankly, I wouldn't worry about it considering how many racists, sexists, homophobics and any number of people possessing some variety of bigotry and fanaticism who make comments are on Youtube. They've got their right to their opinions, but that certainly doesn't mean their opinions have much value in the grand scheme of things. | 2011-09-28 04:02:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
I go onto youtube as I do to watch a few videos, I watched this one video of a Crash Bandicoot level. The video quailty was spot on. Very nicely done and there was nothing wrong with it. SO how come it has 3 likes but 4 dislikes? What is there to dislike about it? I seen this a few times on people disliking videos on youtube like this one time where a person was doing a really good tutorial, nothing wrong with it and it has a few dislikes and this one persons comment was "This guy is helping us, how can any one dislike it?!?" I think it's either they can't do it them selfves, jealous and so on. People could just have different taste. Tho I must say, rather interesting you have such a negative opinion of people... Tho LBPers HAVE shown to be one of the most spiteful kind of gamers I've met (ironically.) so not surprised. ![]() | 2011-09-28 06:10:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
The Youtube community is garbage. You should disregard any comments or ratings on that site. | 2011-09-28 06:23:00 Author: xero ![]() Posts: 2419 |
@ Dizzyzebra glad you can see what I mean. Im not really complaining about but I can't say some comments what people put on there are the best ones ever, like the small list TheHipHopOpotamus gave us. Silly people just giving a silly rating. As I said before, I know people are intitled to there opions but is it well thought? for exsample. Why don't you like this cheese? Answer because its round. -_- now is that a propper opioion or is it just a daft answer. Because there has to be a reason why to click the dislike button. Its a good reason like I clicked dislike because the video quailty is poor or is it a bad reason like I clicked dislike becasue its ***! So what I am on about really is not about people click the dislike button on my favourit video and I think there stupid. No not at all. I just saying about people who just post stupid comments and click the dislike button for a silly reason. Xero gets kinda gets what I mean most of the youtube comments are eh. | 2011-09-28 16:31:00 Author: Chaos_Martin ![]() Posts: 298 |
Not everyone likes the Like button on super serious premeditated reasons, same with the dislike button. Both sides gonna have the group of people that just don't really care. All I'm saying is, taking all of this so seriously is rather silly, just ignore them, people are entitled to their opinion wether they had a super justified reason or they just felt like thinking that, right? ![]() | 2011-09-28 22:05:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I go onto youtube as I do to watch a few videos, I watched this one video of a Crash Bandicoot level. The video quailty was spot on. Very nicely done and there was nothing wrong with it. SO how come it has 3 likes but 4 dislikes? What is there to dislike about it? I seen this a few times on people disliking videos on youtube like this one time where a person was doing a really good tutorial, nothing wrong with it and it has a few dislikes and this one persons comment was "This guy is helping us, how can any one dislike it?!?" I think it's either they can't do it them selfves, jealous and so on. http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/entries/icons/original/000/000/128/slowpoke_pokemon.gif?1238966917 Whoa! Guys, did you hear? People on YouTube dislike videos for no reason. I never heard of that before! | 2011-09-28 23:24:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
I know i know all that, I just saying. Seeing what everone eles thinks about this. | 2011-09-29 00:46:00 Author: Chaos_Martin ![]() Posts: 298 |
http://belieber.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/haters-gonna-hate.gif | 2011-09-29 01:08:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
No reason? What if the tutorial video was needlessly long, contained omissions or tangents, the speaker may have an annoying voice or treats the viewer as if they have no intelligence (explaining things that need no explanation). Or they might just not like the game in question. There are plenty of reasons to dislike a video; Why should it be assumed that people are going to automatically like something - as if that's the default position? It takes something quite special for me to like it - it only takes something small for me to start hating it. Aside: No, it wasn't me who disliked it Double aside: everytime I see that "Haters gonna Hate" meme - I picture Hitler on the other side of the keyboard ![]() | 2011-10-04 04:36:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Double aside: everytime I see that "Haters gonna Hate" meme - I picture Hitler on the other side of the keyboard ![]() Ooooh! Macnme! Godwins law, I thought you knew better. ![]() | 2011-10-04 06:11:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
Triple aside: I'm not comparing anyone to Hitler, I just imagine Hitler using a "Haters Gonna Hate" meme when people say "Oi! Hitler!!! Leave those Jews alone!" ![]() .... Quadruple Aside: Actually yes, people who post *slightly* annoying video's are as bad as, if not worse than, Hitler! - there I've said it! ![]() | 2011-10-04 06:46:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Quintuple: Quintuple is the one after 4. | 2011-10-04 17:41:00 Author: Chaos_Martin ![]() Posts: 298 |
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