Does anyone else take part in my hobby?
Archive: 12 posts
Do you drive a 50mph+ Radio-Control car? (NOT REMOTE CONTROL THATS THE POOPY RADIOSHACK KIND). Its not those source, Tyco, Radio Shack type cars either. (MUST I REPEAT). DO NOT RELATE THOSE TO MY CARS. These are a professional, build it yourself 1/10 electric Stadium truck, 1/10 Short Course, 1/10 Touring car, ALL the way to 1/5 petroleum-powered super sized Buggies that weigh 26 pounds. The fastest Radio Control car in the world is a Team Associated sponsored super car, which made a Whopping 166 mph+. The 2nd fastest R/C car in the world was driven and made by the same guy (Nic Case) who set the latest record. The car was a Team Associated as well, which made a also surprising 134mph+. Mine however, is not as of such epic proportions. They still are fast. And dangerous for those who use them in a wrong way. I fully support Tamiya (makes R/C and models, been around since 1946), and Hobby Products International / HPI (Makes the iconic Savage, a Nitromethane powered 1/8 monster truck). My two cars consist of those brands. My first car was a HPI E-Firestorm 10HT which costed $200 to start out with. Those costs pilled on... Here it is: My 50mph+ monster! http://i51.tinypic.com/2lbezbl.jpg http://i51.tinypic.com/doo16p.jpg The UPGRADES: > Tamiya 1/10 Xanavi Nissan R35 GTR Body- $55.00 > Proline 2"2 Dirt Works- $22.00 - 44.00 (2 pairs) > Axail Rockster 12mm hex Beadlock rims- $45.00 - $90.00 (2 pairs) > Castle Creations Mamba Max Pro Brushless Motor (100,000 rpm max) - $220.00 > DuraTrax 8.4v 7 Cell NIMH Battery Pack- $65.00 > Losi 2-channel 2.4ghz Transmitter/ Radio- $70.00 > Losi 2-channel 2.4ghz Receiver- $60.00 Upgrades + Car itself= $804.00 My next car is was in a mint condition state- you had to build it your self. It was an original kit dating back to 1979, and the box with all its containing parts were inside. The box was still wrapped in its plastic covers. So I built the totally vintage car. It awaits its painting stage. The R/C car Is the 1/10 Tamiya Sand Scorcher. Its slow, due to the lack of modern day technology. But the car moves at a realistic speed because at full size, the cars max speed would be 150 mph. But at its 1/10 scale state, it goes 15 mph. 1/1 (full scale)= 150mph 1/10 scale+15mph But the car is super realistic you can add a roof rack, 1/10 cargo boxes and spare tires with light up LED's Light Bars, working winchs shovels and so much more.It aslo can be modified easily. You add your own electronics. Here it is (beside the E-Firestorm): http://i55.tinypic.com/dxjtaq.jpg http://i52.tinypic.com/14ik6mu.jpg The buggy had a cost of only $300. But more upgrades are to come. | 2011-09-26 06:31:00 Author: Sylux ![]() Posts: 74 |
Cool stuff, bro! I don't do this myself, but I think it is a tight hobby. | 2011-09-26 16:05:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
What the heck have you done to the Xanavi JGTC body with those wheels? D: I don't understand why you want't to watch people use these, nor do i understand why you would particularly want to use them... If I want to pretend i'm driving a car, I'll go on Forza and use my Fanatec GT2 wheel etc for a far more realistic experience. When I want to watch racing, I watch F1, DTM, BTCC, Le Mans, ALMS etc plenty, I don't get the attraction... | 2011-09-28 12:34:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I drive real cars... only slower. It's pretty impressive how fast they are. What sort of RPM can the motor run at? | 2011-09-28 13:21:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
My dad had one but he had to sell it. | 2011-09-28 17:54:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Any. Matters which battery your running and it's KV value. Ahh, I see. How do you deactivate your account??? If the option isn't available for users you could just change your password and type randomly so you can't login. | 2011-09-29 06:42:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
I AM PAYED MONEY! So you're made of money used for payment? :O Anywho, yeah, welcome to the LBPC community, the most spiteful group of kids and adults alike. xD Worse off than the CoD community, since at least there you know what you're getting into, here, you expect a good, understanding community and THIS happens. ![]() Actually, that goes pretty much to all the LBP community alike, now that I think about it. :o | 2011-09-29 07:19:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
HA! thats what you think! Tamiya produces those bodies for scale realism and detail... I spend a $1000 to RACE MY CARS FOR PRIZE MONEY; Only $50 bucks in return! I spend a $1000 to have fun, MY CAR LANDS ON ITS ROOF IF YOU PEG THE THROTTLE. IT'S A DRAG CAR: The Xanavi Body is the most durable and aerodynamic body in my class I race in. I pull 80+ with my brand new Lipo-polymer 3S battery. And those rims: Those are rims of the original car, as it was a offroad Stadium Truck now a Touring Dragster! I choose that old picture because of the quality of the picture I took of the car. Any. Matters which battery your running and it's KV value. ONE LAST EDIT: If your going to go here to say my precious time and money has gone to waste: DONT BOTHER!!! I RACE MY CARS AS A JOB, I AM PAYED MONEY! THOISE PEOPLE WHO PRETEND RACING, HA! I DO!!! The community on this site in my opinion, SUCKS. Don't be surprised if I I'm not in this WRETCHED COMMUNITY anymore. By 2 days from now: I'M OUT OF HERE! The experience I had on the site was EXTREMELY disappointing. My objects were considered trash. Hurtful criticism the peoples only feelings in this place! AND, PEOPLE ARE TOO QUICK TO JUDGE! THEY DON'T LOOK, NOTHING! THEY DON'T SUSPECT ANYTHING, OR EVEN THINK WHICH IMAGE IS OLDER, NEWER SO FORTH. NOW TELL ME: How do you deactivate your account??? Okay. So you're saying all of the community sucks because one person voiced their opinion? I'm thinking the community isn't the issue here. | 2011-09-29 08:57:00 Author: alaskadawn ![]() Posts: 101 |
The community on this site in my opinion, SUCKS. Don't be surprised if I I'm not in this WRETCHED COMMUNITY anymore. By 2 days from now: I'M OUT OF HERE! The experience I had on the site was EXTREMELY disappointing. My objects were considered trash. Hurtful criticism the peoples only feelings in this place! AND, PEOPLE ARE TOO QUICK TO JUDGE! THEY DON'T LOOK, NOTHING! THEY DON'T SUSPECT ANYTHING, OR EVEN THINK WHICH IMAGE IS OLDER, NEWER SO FORTH. NOW TELL ME: How do you deactivate your account??? Hey there. I'm sorry to hear that you've had a bad experience on the site. Unfortunately, we don't deactivate accounts. If you left, the community we would surely miss you, but the decision is ultimately yours. Your account would remain active here if you would like to return in the future. However, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you to reconsider. Now, back on topic, I think your hobby is pretty awesome, and I can tell you're certainly passionate about it. And happiness is priceless, no matter how much you spend on your hobby. I had no idea that they could get radio-controlled cars to go that fast! | 2011-09-29 13:36:00 Author: schm0 ![]() Posts: 1239 |
Well I don't have any rc cars right now but I do have a few rc airplanes that I love to fly. | 2011-09-29 14:27:00 Author: aceofthorns ![]() Posts: 288 |
I have an RC10 straight axle car that was pretty darn fast carpet racer and also out on smooth parking lots. Also have a Tamiya ummm rock hopper or something? Been quite awhile since I messed with them. I had fun though when I did race them and might have to dig them out again and see if they work. I've kinda wanted one of the mini Z's or dNano cars as I have a few zip zaps and wanted something much better that was small. As far as you freaking out about Alex, dude.. just one person's opinion. Just because he isn't into R/C cars and you aren't into sim racing you freak out? I happen to like them both and see merits in each. FWIW - I also have done quite a few track days in my real car as well as compete in autoX. I'm also a pro photographer and shoot racing for national magazines. However, I still like sim racing and R/C cars. It's all fun... LBPC is full of great people, but to be honest when you ask an opinion, you get them. You just need to have a bit thicker skin. It will do you quite a bit of good later in life. ![]() | 2011-09-29 17:05:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I have an RC10 straight axle car that was pretty darn fast carpet racer and also out on smooth parking lots. Also have a Tamiya ummm rock hopper or something? Been quite awhile since I messed with them. I had fun though when I did race them and might have to dig them out again and see if they work. I've kinda wanted one of the mini Z's or dNano cars as I have a few zip zaps and wanted something much better that was small. As far as you freaking out about Alex, dude.. just one person's opinion. Just because he isn't into R/C cars and you aren't into sim racing you freak out? I happen to like them both and see merits in each. FWIW - I also have done quite a few track days in my real car as well as compete in autoX. I'm also a pro photographer and shoot racing for national magazines. However, I still like sim racing and R/C cars. It's all fun... LBPC is full of great people, but to be honest when you ask an opinion, you get them. You just need to have a bit thicker skin. It will do you quite a bit of good later in life. ![]() Have You had your Team Associated RC10 being called ugly? BY SOME WHO DOES'NT EVEN PARTICIPATE IN RC RACING? And for Alex situation: As soon I post A car thread people think it what I do on this site is irrelevent. "Why do cars need to be so detailed"??? Said zzmorg. You are a man of wise word's just judging of your description on your RC10: Are ALWAYS questioned on what you do? Another incident is when Comero -roc was going to quit car making (me and him made cars together. I didn't want to see him leave.) ANYWAYS, in that forum an individual said he should focus on other things. With all the time and effort Comero-iroc spends on his creation's??? NO. People who make cars on LBP don't thrive in LBPC from the looks of it. Anywho, yeah, welcome to the LBPC community, the most spiteful group of kids and adults alike. xD Worse off than the CoD community, since at least there you know what you're getting into, here, you expect a good, understanding community and THIS happens. Actually, that goes pretty much to all the LBP community alike, now that I think about it. :o I like your thinking: CoD would of been okay if RUDE people didn't take over it. Ive grown to much tolerance over peoples criticism... But too much is too much. I once got a review of these EXACT words on my levels: THIS MECH IS CR*P. The level being fairly new, it instantly gave my level a bad reputation just based on one little brat's opinion. OH COME ON? Where is the manners of people nowadays? It causes me to be RUDE, upset, AND VERY IRRITABLE. BUT: The people who say for me too stay are just the jewels I haven't seen in the mines of LBPC. But silence is golden, CoD is g*y (my last LOL on this forum), a promise of mine shall not be broken. Silent I shall be in a ever-fast approaching future. My dying appeal of this forum will reincarnate into an unknown home coming to this forum, a return of my patience. But most of my lambs have been slaughtered by the unruly coyotes of this place. My tolerance will be half of it's size before. I ALSO LOVE POETRY BY THE WAY!!! Then again, I suck at writing them ![]() | 2011-09-29 22:31:00 Author: Sylux ![]() Posts: 74 |
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