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Some Dizzy Art

Archive: 121 posts

So you probably won't remember I made a thread ages ago showcased my hand drawn sackpeople doodles. n_n Anyway I got a tablet a few weeks ago to finally tempt me away from my beloved HB pencils, (which my art teacher disapproves of >.>) and since then I have been trying out some digital art. I don't think I could handle painting actual people, i.e humans yet, so I thought what better than a few sackpeople? Everything here is work in progress, so I hope you don't mind me showing my efforts. n.n

Ta daa. I'll to update this thread with whatever else I draw, if you are interested. Nothing's perfect yet (and may never be), but I hope I'll improve with practice. ^-^ And, (for better or for worse x3 ) I probably won't stop, because the digital medium eliminates all that frustrated me previously with art.

*edit* Holy tacos, so much stuff here now. Glaacciiaaal improvement, I am makin' it happen. o/


Forgive me. orz
2011-09-25 20:36:00

Posts: 1316

Very nice! I like how the sackbot has a nice texture to it.
Your other art pieces are great too. Keep it up
2011-09-25 20:54:00

Posts: 262

Wow, you have amazing scenery there!
The Sacks look really good, they have an artistic texture of shading.
Nice work!
2011-09-25 21:08:00

Unknown User

Very nice! 2011-09-25 22:32:00

Posts: 3458

They rock, Dizzy.
Good work!
2011-09-26 07:46:00

Posts: 5482

Awesome artwork you have going on Dizzy, especially like that feather painting, very intruiging, and the sackpeople are great aswell, and of course, all the other Non LBP Art. I don't wanna makeyou too busy but if you really are okay witht aking requests, would it be okay if you drew my Monkey Sackperson. Dazzle, for some reason, won't pick up an input signal at all and han't been and Lbp.me is being glitchy, not letting me sign in even though I keep putting in the right usernae or password so I won't be able to show a picture but I can show some drawings for reference and tell you the pieces it has on or I could just add and join you. (Unless you don't have LBP2 or LBP1)2011-09-27 15:57:00

Posts: 5208

I am afraid I only have the PSP version. Sorry Dragon, I hope its starts working again. D: I can use any drawings you can give me for reference, if you like. 2011-09-27 17:01:00

Posts: 1316

Hey Dizzy! Great job on the artworks!
All of them are really cool. I'm also going to buy a tablet.
2011-09-27 17:55:00

Posts: 3378

Alrighty, hope these help.



By the way, could you make the drawing with me wearing the red torso piece, a.k.a. The Ringmaster's Jacket, the one shown in the first image, sorry if it's hard to see with me being hugged to death I know there's a sketch of me showing it better, I'll go look for it...

EDIT: Well, I couldn't find my sketch but since I could just go to uploaded pics on lbp.me, I went to my old account's pictures taken and uploaded, so here's two.


2011-09-27 18:06:00

Posts: 5208

Thanks, I'll try and get it done as soon as I can. ^-^
To avoid a double post, here it is! I hope its okay. e.e
2011-09-27 20:50:00

Posts: 1316

I love it Thank you very much, I like the mischevious attitude you presented for him, what with the vine climbing and all. Once again, thank you If I can get the pen working for my tablet, maybe I can do some sort of Art for Art, in return for you doin this, along with everyone else who drew my sackperson.2011-10-01 20:37:00

Posts: 5208

Just some more non-lbp art I finished today. :blush: This time its a jester mask.

2011-10-02 18:27:00

Posts: 1316

Wonderful job creating it, I love cheap little masks like that with beautiful designs. If I can, I'll try to post a picture of this cool Rennaisance-style one I got in Italy a looong time ago.2011-10-02 18:54:00

Posts: 5208

*ka-bump!* Just to let you know I am not dead. :blush:

This is something I painted, with the seasonal theme. The details are not perfect, (bah, they never are) but the Autumn colour scheme is like sweets to me.
2011-10-14 20:44:00

Posts: 1316

Really nice!
Love that mask.
2011-10-14 21:20:00

Posts: 3458

Wonderful new painting, I can't be sure but guessing girl's wearing dress while she's sort of, flying, and are those her arms reaching out? It seems to be a sort of Summer Seasonal version of Alice in Wonderland/Coraline, with the beautiful array of yellow and orange and the vivid flowers. I mean, that's my interpretation, either way, very well done.2011-10-14 22:16:00

Posts: 5208

Some good stuff you've got here.2011-10-14 22:22:00

Posts: 1536

Yay, I can use the weekend to finish off some of my other pictures.

You can't have too many patterns in my opinion. :3 And don't ask why the lightbulb is still functioning. o-0
2011-10-15 11:20:00

Posts: 1316

Yay, I can use the weekend to finish off some of my other pictures.

You can't have too many patterns in my opinion. :3 And don't ask why the lightbulb is still functioning. o-0
The Best.
'nuff said.
2011-10-15 12:20:00

Posts: 3378

Dizzy youre so talented! Do you use gimp or something?2011-10-15 15:03:00

Posts: 1654

I really like the vibrant colors.
Very nice. I need to think of something else to say but everytime I see your work, very nice is the first thing that comes to mind.
2011-10-15 15:10:00

Posts: 3458

Aw thanks everyone. n_n

@Lady Luck: *forces head to stop bobbing along with kitty* Hehe, 'Very nice' is fine by me. ^-^

@Valmassoi: I use Sumo Paint (http://www.sumopaint.com/home/), its quite a fun free program, mostly for painting rather than designing. I haven't tried editing any photos in it yet. I do have gimp too though. I really should try doing some drawing there as well.

@Schark: I don't know about that. :blush:
2011-10-15 17:59:00

Posts: 1316

BEAUTIFUL new painting, your patterns are always fun to look over. And you can just say that the fishies brought the lightbulb back from the power of friendship....

Anyway though, here are pictures taken of the mask I talked about before, incase it might inspire or if you just like looking at masks.



Yes, it has some wear and tear, like a piece off of one side of the nose, and a nasty line through the middle of the forehead, but they were pretty cheaply made Still though, lot of fun to look at.
2011-10-16 16:08:00

Posts: 5208

That looks like a fun mask to draw Dragon. I will try it after I have finished all this 'real' GCSE art prep I have to do. D:<

I drew the eyes in art class today actually, then doodled up this halloween-ish face for them. :3
2011-10-19 19:17:00

Posts: 1316

That looks like a fun mask to draw Dragon. I will try it after I have finished all this 'real' GCSE art prep I have to do. D:<

Oh, okay. Well I'm not requesting that you draw it, as I've already gotten a request done, I just showed for inspiration since the mask you did draw was beautiful. Also, that's quite an interesting drawing. Is that left (it's right) eye in a tank filled with water?
2011-10-19 20:32:00

Posts: 5208

Oh hai, I luvz this art. Very colorful

keep it up! It's coolsome!
2011-10-19 20:44:00

Posts: 785

Glad you like it >er. n_n

@Dragon, I am not sure...its a bit abstract. I was going with the image of a series of eyeballs rolling around a eye socket for some reason... However I failed to give a sense of depth.
2011-10-19 21:22:00

Posts: 1316

Hey Dizzy! New images for Luna (The pony in my sig) released today, and I figured it would be nice to come out of the halloween fiasco with a new look... could you try? I really like the watercolor-y style, and I feel it would lend itself great to Luna's new look

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FfTHnbU5KW0/TqBVVRkbn1I/AAAAAAAAO98/YqlCxLqTeog/s1600/73833+-+episode_30+luna+nightmare_night+official+screenca p+season_2+spoiler+spoiler_alert+spoilers+twilight _sparkle+wizard.jpg

Is that alright?
2011-10-21 04:13:00

Posts: 2468

Sure Swweet. ;3 I'm off for half term now, so hopefully I'll have more free time for drawing.

*edit* I am creating a copy of Luna from the pic you gave me, (would you like me to add the other pony as well, or are you not fussed about the pose?) but I got bored one time when I was supposed to be doing Art homework and also painted this:
2011-10-21 17:09:00

Posts: 1316

Sure Swweet. ;3 I'm off for half term now, so hopefully I'll have more free time for drawing.

*edit* I am creating a copy of Luna from the pic you gave me, (would you like me to add the other pony as well, or are you not fussed about the pose?) but I got bored one time when I was supposed to be doing Art homework and also painted this:

Wow! Great painting!

Luna alone would be fine for the sig pic.

Seriously, thats great!
2011-10-23 19:05:00

Posts: 2468

Sure Swweet. ;3 I'm off for half term now, so hopefully I'll have more free time for drawing.

*edit* I am creating a copy of Luna from the pic you gave me, (would you like me to add the other pony as well, or are you not fussed about the pose?) but I got bored one time when I was supposed to be doing Art homework and also painted this:

I'm not a brony, but I absolutely love that. Great work Dizzy!

Sincerely, Fake Valmassoi.
2011-10-23 20:04:00

Posts: 1703

Hey, I am gonna cheat by posting some of my older artwork. :blush:
Some transformice fanart:

And a simplified digital version of my last school art piece:

Neither are that good imo, but I thought I might post them anyway. ^-^ Also mice are cute. :3
2011-10-24 11:07:00

Posts: 1316

Hey, I am gonna cheat by posting some of my older artwork. :blush:
Some transformice fanart:
OH. MY. GOD. :3
2011-10-24 20:56:00

Posts: 5891

That's some pretty nice stuff you've got there!2011-10-24 22:53:00

Posts: 2419

Hey, I am gonna cheat by posting some of my older artwork. :blush:
Some transformice fanart:

Neither are that good imo, but I thought I might post them anyway. ^-^ Also mice are cute. :3

I have no idea what transformice is/are. But that is adorable.

Sincerely, Valmassoi's doppelganger.
2011-10-25 03:56:00

Posts: 1703

I call the ninja one Cute stuff Dizzy2011-10-26 12:20:00

Posts: 5208

Yay, mass art update. n.n

Most importantly, here you go Swweet. ^-^ I hope its worth the wait. :blush: *edit* OH CARP I FORGOT THE HORN. OnO I'll just sort that out as soon as I can get to my tablet again. -facedesk- orz
*edit again* Fixed! And no comments. The perfect crime. >:3


Secondly: I am not planning to become a mangaka anytime soon, but since its such a popular style I thought I might try it out. Wow, it took ages. e-e I had to use a reference picture for every little crease. I hope I can find my own style sometime. n_n


Also: More abstract nonsense. I doodled up a new desktop background for myself.


This is a profile picture I made for Sumo's art sharing website, I like drawing jester hats. :3 Not planning to get Deviant Art, one site is enough for me to handle (and this thread of course. n.n)


And finally a close up face, I managed to capture the exact expression I wanted completely by accident. XD

2011-10-29 11:47:00

Posts: 1316

Sorry for lateness, but as a thanks for the monkey sack drawing, here's a little Art 4 Art. Hope you enjoy


Tablet still doesn't work properly, so you'll have to enjoy amateur mouse work

EDIT: Oh, and also, great work in your post above mine
2012-01-14 18:09:00

Posts: 5208

Ahehehe thats great, thanks Dragon! (You surprised me with the bump, I thought this was dead for sure)2012-01-15 15:02:00

Posts: 1316

Ahehehe thats great, thanks Dragon! (You surprised me with the bump, I thought this was dead for sure)

LOLNOPE, not dead yet.

Wonderful art you got here, it's brilliant!!
2012-01-16 06:13:00

Unknown User

I suppose I might as well post some newer stuff then. x3 Spoiler'd because long post is long. I hope there is some improvement at least.

This was fiddly. My fault for doing it on such a small scale. >:[
Bluh, hate the background here.
Everyone has to draw something cute once in a while.
Close up faces I find easiest to draw. Zebra stripes because zebra stripes make everything better.
Some alien.

Another alien, or possibly spectre.
2012-01-17 17:23:00

Posts: 1316

Nice drawings Dizzy. That feather one is like, super-detailed looking. Also, that 2nd image with the blue background, is he like, falling backwards, breaking through a glass window, Matrix style? 2012-01-17 18:54:00

Posts: 5208

Those are fantastic.
My favs are the feather and diamond.
2012-01-18 01:07:00

Posts: 3458

@Dragonvarsity Haha, yep. n.~

And thankyou Lady_Luck, they were things that were very interesting to paint.
2012-01-18 17:51:00

Posts: 1316

Hey Dizzy?
If you ever get the urge to draw The Void, can you post it here pwease?
2012-01-18 20:34:00

Posts: 5482

Love the diamond with the flower painting. 2012-01-18 21:04:00

Unknown User

@Nys I can't promise anything currently, D: but I will try! n.n

Some more stuff, realism this time.

D'aw, harvest mice are so cute! *-*

Welp, the shadows are all wrong here. DX
2012-01-23 20:10:00

Posts: 1316

Love them both!!!2012-01-23 20:20:00

Posts: 3458

The Mouse looks fantastic. It looks so realistic.2012-01-24 22:41:00

Unknown User

Yea that mouse is amazing Do you have a DA?2012-01-24 22:51:00

Posts: 1924

Wow! What a steady improvement! More like the mouse dizzy! Im impressed!2012-01-25 06:35:00

Posts: 1328

Thanks everyone! No I don't Littlebigdude, maybe I shall join when I get a little better - I need the critique. o,o I don't share my work on many sites. ^-^2012-01-26 19:36:00

Posts: 1316

Thanks everyone! No I don't Littlebigdude, maybe I shall join when I get a little better - I need the critique. o,o I don't share my work on many sites. ^-^

That's fine in my opinion. But I'm impressed with your art and so are others so I think you should join an art site, you deserve the good critic.
2012-01-27 02:56:00

Unknown User

Wow, love your most recent work Dizzy. The lighting on the marbles works very nicely. Yeah, the shadows seem off there, but still, nice job. As far as the little mouse and the grain.....very well done. I guess a more texture-y background could make it even better, but that's just random rambling. Both are nicely done.2012-01-27 03:15:00

Posts: 5208

I have been thus far terrible at updating pictures drawn in chronological order. Here a few drawn a while ago that I just unearthed from my messy 'Finished' folder.

Patterns, patterns, patterns...
Some Homestuckian fan art. Its God-Tier Terezi. Credit for background stylistic devices goes to another artist who inspired me with their Vriska Ancestral Awakening art (http://www.zerochan.net/601576) (Seriously, mine looks carp in comparison :]), but I cannot find their personal page. D:
Brr, the nights are freezing this time of year.
More patterns.
And what a delightful place for tea. :3

Wow, I am seriously behind in OP updation.
2012-01-27 20:41:00

Posts: 1316

GAH, hope you will do another TZ painting. She's probably my fav character. Well mine and just about everyone else's XD.2012-01-27 22:39:00

Posts: 1924

Thanks everyone! No I don't Littlebigdude, maybe I shall join when I get a little better - I need the critique. o,o I don't share my work on many sites. ^-^

Lol, but even I joined and I'm horrible at drawing.
2012-01-28 08:30:00

Posts: 5482

I am still going to wait a bit Nys. :blush:

Had the most fun with the background patterns here. Fairly bland shading on the arms and legs, I think some tone in the background would improve it too, rather than just abstract doodlings. But the hair looks a'right. :]
Experimenting with Adobe Illustrator. Awesome vector program, I am looking forward to learning how it works. I was lucky enough to get it free from school for 'educational' purposes. *-* For now just a messy painting using the most basic tools:
2012-01-31 19:29:00

Posts: 1316

Your drawings are so beautiful =). I especially like the reastic ones but they're all really pretty. Great work!2012-02-01 15:41:00

Posts: 181

Mehmeh I dont' have anything that good to post. ._. I'll just give you some abstract doodles I did while avoiding studying anatomy. e.e Sometimes I give myself a huge black canvas and just mess about. n.n


Oh and some boring ol' lamps. u.u


Also, I joined a smallish site for uploading art. That awkward moment when you compliment someone's line-art and criticise their shading, when they were using a base. I didn't even know what the heck bases were until now. >.>
2012-02-08 21:00:00

Posts: 1316

Nice, I like the creepy face aswell, hanging from the flower.

2012-02-08 21:51:00

Posts: 5208

Dem creepy faces, always finding their way into everything I paint. >,>2012-02-09 18:05:00

Posts: 1316

Wow, I never knew you were so good at art Dizzy. ^_^2012-02-09 21:02:00

Posts: 1277

Dem creepy faces, always finding their way into everything I paint. >,>

Time to see the therapist again?

2012-02-10 03:47:00

Posts: 1703

HOLY CRAAAAA... Okay I'll stop myself right there. Nice drawings!
No... nice is an understatement. AWESOME DRAWINGS!!
2012-02-10 06:52:00

Posts: 359

Simply amazing. That's all I can say.....2012-02-10 22:35:00

Posts: 222

o.o Your comments surprise me. Thankyou. ^‿^

This is Aradia's ancestor from Homestuck - The Handmaid. I did another painting of her a while ago, but I didn't deem it good enough to post here. But this appears alright. Other than the lighting, which is impossible, and frankly could not exist. The background is just me being stylistically derpy - as usual. The shading itself is very messy up-close, but shhhhh... n.~

Anyway, I might open requests officially if anyone is interested. I have a half-term to burn. Plus I also want to try out a new cartoonish style on something. ^w^
2012-02-12 13:16:00

Posts: 1316

Another awesome drawing Dizzy, now where's Waldo Creepy Face?
And requests?

Void Void Void Void Void Void Void
2012-02-12 18:44:00

Posts: 5482

Hehe okaaay. :3 Can you possibly link me a bigger picture of it? ^-^2012-02-12 19:29:00

Posts: 1316

No, I want a dizzyZebra impression of The Void. =32012-02-12 19:33:00

Posts: 5482

Great work! I like all the detail in the dress and such, but those horns, just- ...the way they are, placement, angle, colors, lighting (or lack off) makes me go -->

so much
2012-02-12 20:31:00

Posts: 1924

I know, I tried a few methods of shading them, but none seemed to work with the crazy tones on the rest of the thing. What do you think their texture should be? I don't know. Gosh darn those awkward curly horns! I want to try some smoothing techniques next time.

Btw: Give me all the critique you like people - I need it. :'3 Kind of grappling about in the dark most of the time art-wise, when I cannot do the appropriate research.
2012-02-12 22:12:00

Posts: 1316

Well to start, the horns should be just above the hair line in the front and sprout back and away from the face and then go down and under in to the spiral. How much spiral you put in to them seems to be up for grabs. I've seen them range from nubby to practical ram status. As for the texture it may not be important for this particular piece, but in general horns will have lot's of tiny grooves running from base to tip. Lighting is simple, just identify the source(s) and give it a try! Don't want to pry, but the DA community eats this stuff up. You will get plenty of jerks like me picking at your art. It's great 2012-02-14 00:45:00

Posts: 1924

x3 Hehe okay. That sounds like good advise. I was annoyed Aradia's ancestor's horns in particular had to be curled forward. It looks good from the front, but not the side. Rams horns also have a sort of twisted flat side too, don't they? I might try adding that in next time too. I did seriously fudge up my light sources here. Mostly coming from above and the left, I think. However it is inconsistent. e-o

Did you mean good eating up as in *GLOMP* or bad eating up as in 'LET US TEAR IT APART WITH OUT TEETH'? Oh. It was the latter.

Working on The Void Nsy. ^-^

*edit* Here is the finished piece, hope its okay for you. n.n I haven't really painted anything like it before. o.O

*double edit* ~gently rocks dieing thread to sleep~ I have more artwork to post, but I don't want to self-advertise so...shhhh lil' thread. I shall let you go in peace.

2012-02-14 10:45:00

Posts: 1316

Oh FUDGEIT. I really need to get these off my chest. I promise it won't happen again. >_< Arrgg, I need to find someone in real life to help me. My art teacher seems an obvious option, but I am not entirely sure how she would take it that I had the time to draw these, and not the time to complete my observation drawing homework. *facetodesk*
Psh, and I like any feedback you can give me too. ^-^

2012-03-13 22:07:00

Posts: 1316

Oh FUDGEIT. I really need to get these off my chest. I promise it won't happen again. >_< Arrgg, I need to find someone in real life to help me. My art teacher seems an obvious option, but I am not entirely sure how she would take it that I had the time to draw these, and not the time to complete my observation drawing homework. *facetodesk*
Sorry if I fail to understand your "artsy" point of view or whatever you are referring to. Anyway, feedback.

The drawings are pretty neat. They look very abstract.
Failed to think of anything better. Or just needs to sleep. Test tomorrow.
2012-03-14 01:19:00

Posts: 5891

Some older stuff I forgot the post, the first is a very quick, carefree painting I did in about half an hour for fun, and the latter is just a explosion of pointless colour + incorporating a technique from Nys's request.

2012-03-14 21:45:00

Posts: 1316

Some older stuff I forgot the post, the first is a very quick, carefree painting I did in about half an hour for fun, and the latter is just a explosion of pointless colour + incorporating a technique from Nys's request.




This... is actually my favorite by far. It's like realism and fantasy in a garden. Nice!
2012-03-15 21:36:00

Posts: 5551


Went for a more simplistic style with the shading here. The perspective has?issues, shall we say. Please tell me if doesn't look deformed! QoQ

Its a witch. I want to do something more original, but I got wrapped up in the technical stuff and put no thought into the design.

2012-03-18 22:01:00

Posts: 1316


Went for a more simplistic style with the shading here. The perspective has?issues, shall we say. Please tell me if doesn't look deformed! QoQ

Its a witch. I want to do something more original, but I got wrapped up in the technical stuff and put no thought into the design.


I'm getting dizzy just looking at it!

Good job gurrrl!!!
2012-03-19 01:06:00

Posts: 1328

I might as well keep updating, to show I am not dead. n.~ Went away for a week, so I feel behind on my drawing.

Very colourful (just about gave me diabetes), but vaguely appropriate because extremely bright colours are often warning signs in nature. Therefore it fits the not-particularly friendly tone (bordering uncanny valley).

Not much behind it, I had a very simple drawing and I wanted to colour it. Being Dizzy I forgot the nostrils.

And yeah I signed it, so I could feel sophisticated. o3o
2012-04-02 10:26:00

Posts: 1316

Nice As per usual, the colors are great and composition is fine. It's just the rendering of some of the trickier things like hair. Heres a video that helped me a lot!

2012-04-02 15:50:00

Posts: 1924

Thats was a very helpful video, I have been practicing from it.

Anyway, heres another doodad:

The Post-scratch ancestor, Aranea of Homestuck. But I find plain characters drawings boring, so I went crazy with the Light symbolism, (she is the Sylph of Light). It came out looking more related to Life, but I suppose typically those two 'elements' are related.

Much softer and less vector-esq than I was originally going for, but the change was for the best. n.n Truusst me. Although it does look a bit like she is sitting on an exploding firework of flowers (flowerwork?). Hm, I have lots of problems with it but I won't bore you with them here.

2012-04-07 20:01:00

Posts: 1316

So Dizzy, do you use a tablet for these?2012-04-07 20:17:00

Posts: 1703

Yep, if the line art is complex I may do sketches first. n_n But I often start from scratch digitally. I am beginning to find it hard to choose between my tablet and a pencil. I know there is certainly a difference, but I am used to using both now.

It's of the small, cheap-ish Wacom variety.
2012-04-07 20:44:00

Posts: 1316

Another fast painting, I think I like using a softer style.
*edit* Arg, double post. If a mod comes round, merge please!

2012-04-09 11:04:00

Posts: 1316

Some older stuff I forgot the post, the first is a very quick, carefree painting I did in about half an hour for fun, and the latter is just a explosion of pointless colour + incorporating a technique from Nys's request.


nys will do anything to get the void anywhere.
2012-04-09 11:17:00

Posts: 1061

Yeah that void one looks like a psychedelic sinus infection. 2012-04-09 15:47:00

Posts: 1924

That made me laugh.

Got bored and did another half-an-hour painting, I must learn to focus on my other unfinished things:

2012-04-10 10:04:00

Posts: 1316

That made me laugh.

Got bored and did another half-an-hour painting, I must learn to focus on my other unfinished things:


It looks like a explosion of awesome. =3
2012-04-10 11:02:00

Posts: 5482

awesome! can you do anything like this in littlebigplanet? or the second one i guess? i would love to see a landscape you've done2012-04-10 18:47:00

Posts: 24

She doesn't have a ps3 (As far as I remember), but her levels on PSP have the same artistic look.
If only she was still creating levels ... (Hint hint)
2012-04-10 18:54:00

Posts: 5482

@Cydaddy: I don't do many landscapes, they take calmness and patience I find, most of the time I am too busy to get into the right mindset to finish them properly. But I do enjoy doing detailed backgrounds sometimes. c:

And yes most of what I create is similar to what I paint, or inspired by other artists. (: But since then I have changed with practice. So I think what I create shall have evolved too. o: (Not starting again till the Vita I think Nsy. >3<)


Trying out wider spaces and lighter colours for abstract stuff. It needs refining though!

New style test triggered by this PV:

2012-04-12 21:49:00

Posts: 1316

Oh yeah that reminds me...

2012-04-12 23:37:00

Posts: 5891

My Pink Floyd senses just went off. What seems to be the problem-

Oh yeah that reminds me...



You have good taste, sir.

/jumps out of thread
2012-04-12 23:43:00

Posts: 5551

Good attitude of get-out-while-you-still-can Cyber.
I need to concentrate on my landscapes more. These abstract, patterned offshots are always what appear when I am trying to do a large bordering-realism drawing. I have a 'screw this' moment and go crazy. I suppose its good for inspiring creative freedom, even if it is out of lack of concentration. >‿<

I always get to a point where I don't know how to improve this sort of thing though, not because it is perfect (certainly not :/) but because I am not very learned in what makes abstract/patterned pieces good. It doesn't have the technical rules of cartoons or realism to refer to. Its all stupid complex relationships between shapes, colours and spacing. hng. ):
2012-04-15 21:30:00

Posts: 1316

Good attitude of get-out-while-you-still-can Cyber.
I need to concentrate on my landscapes more. These abstract, patterned offshots are always what appear when I am trying to do a large bordering-realism drawing. I have a 'screw this' moment and go crazy. I suppose its good for inspiring creative freedom, even if it is out of lack of concentration. >‿<

I always get to a point where I don't know how to improve this sort of thing though, not because it is perfect (certainly not :/) but because I am not very learned in what makes abstract/patterned pieces good. It doesn't have the technical rules of cartoons or realism to refer to. Its all stupid complex relationships between shapes, colours and spacing. hng. ):

I can try to help a little bit, since I took some design theory in college, but other than that, probably not much help.

You've made something out of basic shapes at least. Design is always good when it reminds people of something, even if it's a bird's eye view down, or an ant's view up. For example, this last piece looks like it could be a floating helicopter over a city. Or a hovertank over grass/dirt. Or a super complicated vacuum blueprints. In any case, it's kind of hovering, not attached to the border. You have some implied lines, with the left circle and the border wrapping around it. The heavy black lines at the bottom ground the floating object, even though it's crooked. You really only have one color, and they emphasize stuff, such as the 'flames' or the red circles spread around. We did several projects in class that involved greys and blacks, but with one color. It looks like you even have some hidden goodies, or objects to find. I found a key, two fan looking objects, a stylish borderish object, Some arrows that look like they belong to road signs, etc.

On the piece before that one, the piece with the rainbow background, clocks, and white objects, it's not so much solid, it's a lot more light feeling. The white circles with music notes bring you back to not only the small bird in the lower right corner, but also to the clocks, since they look at each other, and the music notes go to the bird. The rainbow feels like a sunrise, and also makes me think of singing birds, which also goes to the music notes. The white branch in the middle not only divides the piece, but it also points to the different objects floating around, grounding them. The leaves point to the clocks, the bird, the roses in the lower left corner, but also relate to the roses in a nature sense. Which also goes with the sunrise/rainbow.

Hope I'm helping here
2012-04-16 03:14:00

Posts: 296

That is very helpful Aden, I might need to learn more about design myself, since I am only working by instinct here.

(I really am going to knuckle down and finish everything I have got going before I start and new things again.) Homestuck fan-art. Talk-sprite form is fun to draw.

2012-04-16 10:24:00

Posts: 1316

I can try to help a little bit, since I took some design theory in college, but other than that, probably not much help.

You've made something out of basic shapes at least. Design is always good when it reminds people of something, even if it's a bird's eye view down, or an ant's view up. For example, this last piece looks like it could be a floating helicopter over a city. Or a hovertank over grass/dirt. Or a super complicated vacuum blueprints. In any case, it's kind of hovering, not attached to the border. You have some implied lines, with the left circle and the border wrapping around it. The heavy black lines at the bottom ground the floating object, even though it's crooked. You really only have one color, and they emphasize stuff, such as the 'flames' or the red circles spread around. We did several projects in class that involved greys and blacks, but with one color. It looks like you even have some hidden goodies, or objects to find. I found a key, two fan looking objects, a stylish borderish object, Some arrows that look like they belong to road signs, etc.

On the piece before that one, the piece with the rainbow background, clocks, and white objects, it's not so much solid, it's a lot more light feeling. The white circles with music notes bring you back to not only the small bird in the lower right corner, but also to the clocks, since they look at each other, and the music notes go to the bird. The rainbow feels like a sunrise, and also makes me think of singing birds, which also goes to the music notes. The white branch in the middle not only divides the piece, but it also points to the different objects floating around, grounding them. The leaves point to the clocks, the bird, the roses in the lower left corner, but also relate to the roses in a nature sense. Which also goes with the sunrise/rainbow.

Hope I'm helping here

Okay, I may sound like a ******* for saying this, but I have to disagree with almost everything you said. You are both wrong and right: you are able to interpret the image into what you believe is being conveyed, so the art has done its work and did what it was meant to do. However, you are also wrong because there is no point in the whole piece whatsoever.

"But Cyber, it's abstract. It's supposed to be like that!"

Sort of. The artist is supposed to have a sense of direction in what they're painting, drawing, sketching, and so on. She even admitted it herself; she said "screw it" and went wild on the thing. She lost focused (or interest) and as a result she threw off any theme she had going in the piece. While you may have interpreted to your liking to help make the piece seem 'worth' having a meaning, you are asking her to make adjustment to things she didn't even consider 'things' (ex. your telling her to work on the fire, yet she didn't even specify it was fire in the first place). These type of pieces are somewhat lazy in my eye because people will attempt to make them look like they're high in value when in reality it's just a collision of random thoughts and creativity. An example of these overrated and lazy art pieces is a popular (and often copied) piece made by Jackson Pollock:


Notice the random paint splatter, the different colors, and the color pallet leaning towards cool colors. What does that tell you? The answer: nothing. The image is only to be interpreted by whomever it catches the eye. However, the man based most of his career on these pictures, a lazy artist if I do say so myself. There are people in the world, however, who would blindly look past this and call him a genius. It's BS, and rather saddening because his other works are better yet underrated.

"So Cyber, you just criticized this whole thread, a praised artist, and Dizzy in one single post. Are you done?"

Somewhat. I said I was going to sound like a *******, but the truth is I see Dizzy's art and I quickly lose what she's trying to tell us in her pictures. One second I was seeing silhouettes and clocks, the next DOTS, DOTS EVERYWHERE. Every time she gets me to see her vision, she manages to completely lose me with those unnecessary additions. I'm not saying she's bad; on the contrary, she has a lot of potential, and the flower image posted a while back was my favorite because it had a sense of direction. My point is she needs to learn how to not only keep focus, but to allow herself to 'go wild' but still keep her vision in view. It's like creating an LBP level: you have half of the level completed with a certain theme, but then you want to change the direction it's going. It's good to wonder off and let your imagination loose, but don't let it ruin the end result.

Oh, and in case you think all abstract has no focus/point:


A beautiful and well painted scenery of a town under the night sky. But wait, what's that brown thing on the left? Is it fire? Why is it there? Is it just a tree grown horribly wrong? Is this a feature of the earth? Maybe it's peaceful and just sharing the quiet night sky with the town. These are the ideas and thoughts art should give people, not "What the hell am I looking at?"

On that note, the Dizzy's image was good, but again... no vision. Other than that, I hope I wasn't too harsh. I tend to rant on these things when I notice people don't actually give constructive criticism (be honest here guys, you've mainly been sugar coating everything so far in the thread; I'm not saying you should say she sucks, but don't try to change your opinion to please her). Either way, I hope your art takes you places, Dizzy. Maybe ones you'll enjoy and make a living off of.
2012-04-17 05:32:00

Posts: 5551

Can I just say, that thanks was as sincere as the rest.

1. I agree with most of what he said. Although I don't think Aden was leaning too far one way or the other in terms of criticism.
2. The Starry Night is one of my favourite pieces, ever.

Besides, it is hard to find criticism. And I end up appreciating anything helpful I can get. Most art sites seem to have a 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything' policy amongst the community. I have had a few incidents myself with backlash against my own criticism.
I know where I stand roughly artwise, I know there is rarely a forwarding emotion behind them. I am almost always working with just colour and shapes alone, just to see if they look good together. I need to learn the basics of drawing too actually. A lot of work goes into the simplest poses so far. So I can either learn the basics of realistic painting and illustration (out of interest; I would like to learn and it would be very useful), or try and express myself with what I am doing abstractly.
I have a few illustrator-y things going on now. I must finish them.
Maybe I'll alternate. c:
2012-04-17 09:05:00

Posts: 1316

Can I just say, that thanks was as sincere as the rest.

1. I agree with most of what he said. Although I don't think Aden was leaning too far one way or the other in terms of criticism.
2. The Starry Night is one of my favourite pieces, ever.

Besides, it is hard to find criticism. And I end up appreciating anything helpful I can get. Most art sites seem to have a 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything' policy amongst the community. I have had a few incidents myself with backlash against my own criticism.
I know where I stand roughly artwise, I know there is rarely a forwarding emotion behind them. I am almost always working with just colour and shapes alone, just to see if they look good together. I need to learn the basics of drawing too actually. A lot of work goes into the simplest poses so far. So I can either learn the basics of realistic painting and illustration (out of interest; I would like to learn and it would be very useful), or try and express myself with what I am doing abstractly.
I have a few illustrator-y things going on now. I must finish them.
Maybe I'll alternate. c:

Understandable. I know abstract isn't about realism, but I just want to have an idea on what's going on in your pictures. People sometimes use abstract as an excuse to make poor work and then sell it for a lot of profit to gullible rich people. It's an annoying trend, and actual abstract art either gets unnoticed or considered not abstract because it isn't paint thrown on a canvas randomly. As for those 'if you don't have something nice to say' communities, I never really understood how people can tolerate those. I hate making something I put my time into, and then get praised about it even though I know I made mistakes. I like appreciation as much as the next guy, but if nobody gives me actual advice or a real opinion, then I get kinda irritated with them.

Also, Starry Night is a favorite of mine, yet there was one I loved as a kid. During my middle school years I studied art for an art competition I participated in for years, and I ran across a piece that looks similar to this:


The only differences were the hills had a more variety of tones, the sky was in different shades, and the whole piece looked like it was made with watercolor. I personally thought it amazing, yet I forgot the name of it and the artist who painted it. A dam shame considering I would have bought a copy of it.
2012-04-17 14:34:00

Posts: 5551

I was actually trying to be neutral in my critique. I personally don't like abstract art, which is why I haven't commented in this thread before. I assume that if somebody has read the thread, but hasn't commented, has done so for the same reason, or something similar. I wasn't trying to sugar coat anything, but be respectful at the same time.

Understandable. I know abstract isn't about realism, but I just want to have an idea on what's going on in your pictures. People sometimes use abstract as an excuse to make poor work and then sell it for a lot of profit to gullible rich people. It's an annoying trend, and actual abstract art either gets unnoticed or considered not abstract because it isn't paint thrown on a canvas randomly.

I actually agree with this. Abstract art makes no sense to me. One of the main reasons I see really bad abstract art hitting large sales is because the painter/artist is very well known. It rather frustrates me, even though my art isn't that great.

As for those 'if you don't have something nice to say' communities, I never really understood how people can tolerate those. I hate making something I put my time into, and then get praised about it even though I know I made mistakes. I like appreciation as much as the next guy, but if nobody gives me actual advice or a real opinion, then I get kinda irritated with them.

Also, Starry Night is a favorite of mine, yet there was one I loved as a kid. During my middle school years I studied art for an art competition I participated in for years, and I ran across a piece that looks similar to this:


The only differences were the hills had a more variety of tones, the sky was in different shades, and the whole piece looked like it was made with watercolor. I personally thought it amazing, yet I forgot the name of it and the artist who painted it. A dam shame considering I would have bought a copy of it.

Like I said earlier, I try to be respectful and nice. If I sugar coat something, it's because it's for a child or someone who doesn't understand better. Otherwise, I give an honest neutral critique, whether I like it or not.
2012-04-17 23:28:00

Posts: 296

I hope thats sorted. n_n

I am happy enough with this picture. Its a bit messy round the edges, but it was very enjoyable doing an interesting post-apocalyptic landscape. There is something wrong with the red and orange in the head-area of the dragon though. The colours clash. It bugs me. I am tempted to do a quick edit to turn the eye ruby red, but I will see if how much it annoys other people first - I need to go shower.

I wanted to practice bending some of what I knew about realism into a fantasy setting. I didn't attempt to go too realistic though, I think I would like to practice that with simple objects first. I do so envy those very talented artists who can bend reality into awesome sci-fi landscapes. Some illustrations I have seen are amazing, nigh photo-realistic.

Inspired by this great picture - which is my current desktop background - my own rendition is poor in comparison. n.n (May contain llamas)
If anyone knows who the artist is, I would love to find more of their work.

2012-04-18 21:02:00

Posts: 1316


Reminds me of The Keyblade Graveyard, my fave place in KHBBS. C:
But this is more dark and ... I don't know, but I like it alot.
2012-04-19 17:59:00

Posts: 5482

Really beautiful work Dizzy. It's an awesome environment, I love the scraps, the use of colors, and of course the dragon that someone would regret waking. 2012-04-20 13:27:00

Posts: 5208

Practicing lighting effects. Not very detailed, an attempt to use it to capture emotion - not sure if it worked. Also: Crazy hair is fun to draw.
2012-04-23 20:56:00

Posts: 1316

Practicing lighting effects. Not very detailed, an attempt to use it to capture emotion - not sure if it worked. Also: Crazy hair is fun to draw.

Looks like a ritual to me.

Also, on the left side, is the hand supposed to be open? If it is, it looks like it merged with the stick/staff a bit. Maybe if the thumb was moved below the staff, it would give the illusion that it is being spun in the air like a baton (I say this because the right arm looks like it's holding the staff with its knuckles facing toward the viewer; both arms conflict with each other's perspectives).
2012-04-23 22:45:00

Posts: 5551

Close enough Cyber.

I see the hand. It is supposed to be open. Its in conflict because both the hand's knuckles are facing the viewer, they are in fact the same way round. If there was light from in front the finger nails would show. However because of the lighting it messes with the perspective. I often have this trouble with silhouettes, I need to think more about how I position things that are slightly obscured, so it doesn't get confusing.
2012-04-24 17:08:00

Posts: 1316


*ansty pants dance*

Double posts how I hate thou. Ack, spoilers aren't working!

This one took me quite a while. Haha, its one of those pictures that doesn't show time, and still looks shoddy because I forgot the basics.

I have trouble with large pictures, I am not very experienced so I am bad at keeping quality consistent. I wanted to add some atmosphere or overall shading, but it faded the colours - which are the main things I like about this.

Perhaps I should work more on composition, then focus on details later, rather than from the start. I find them more fun and it shows. c[: I get too caught up in the small things and forget about the main structure.

The style this came out in is hard to describe (other than 'amateur). Not realism, definitely.

Annoyances for me: the shading on the leopard, it doesn't show any texture or shine on the fur. o:<

Anyhow, learning learning. This wasn't the best thing to pick for practice (I painted it for the colours, as usual), I'll try some solid landscapes next.

Still had hours left of my art exam so I practiced eyes. Did them Manga-style for an excuse to make them huge and easy to shade. I also wanted to shade some green hair, because green hair is awesome like that.

And so Megpoid appeared.
Hm. Her V3 isn't growing on me. The oposite to Lily, who now sounds much better.

Basically having fun refining this technique. n.n I aimed for something airier. I want more detail, but its getting crowded already. Lighter colours?

*narrows eyes* Definitely needs more orange though.

...Have a break from moaning. I am just 0k with this.
2012-05-05 09:20:00

Posts: 1316

I love the clock one, but I just have a weak spot for clocks. xD
But that flower one ... That's amazing! Like that flower gives new life to the barren wasteland around it.
Eh, yeah ... *Runs*
2012-05-05 12:19:00

Posts: 5482

Nice leopard. Part of it's stance looks a bit weird, but the face is amazing. I also really love the flower one. Great lighting and the rocks around it really work great with it.

EDIT: Stalagmites, that's it.
2012-05-05 16:29:00

Posts: 5208

I would say that last one is your absolute best yet. 2012-05-05 19:41:00

Posts: 1924


Battle poses are ridiculously fun to draw.

I have just realised, I would not want to be up against Iroha in a Vocaloid fight. Those photon busters. o_o

Copyright of design to AH-Software, Vocaloid to YAHAMA.

2012-05-07 10:46:00

Posts: 1316

Great work! Outstanding! Keep it up! 2012-05-10 03:26:00

Unknown User


Third time lucky drawing the Handmaid? I completely gave up trying to make logical sense of her hair.

Character (c) Andrew Hussie
From Homestuck.

Now enough with character designs, next time I am either painting a landscape or rabbits. o:<

Characters stay the same through a game, but the landscape is always changing.
2012-05-13 14:20:00

Posts: 1316

next time I am either painting a landscape or rabbits. o:<

Rabbits, just rabbits.
2012-05-14 00:06:00

Posts: 1703

Apologies Silver, I haven't been able to get a good picture, as they had to go to the vets, and the weather has been dreeaary.
So, I had to do more fanarts. (When one hasn't mastered the basics, its easier to found what you are doing off other designs, so you at least get something to work from)
...Also the landscape was totally wacky.

Homestuck (c) Hussie. Yes, its Land of Quartz and Melody crossing Land of Crypts and Helium. I wanted to do both, so compromice. n.n

Landscapes are nice, but still confusing for me. Its hard to get the colour tone to portray a suitable sense of distance. >:-/ The water being blue despite the gray sky in canon was annoying. Lets say there was simply a seriously high copper content.

Mini Aradia's are so fun to draw. x3
2012-05-18 21:11:00

Posts: 1316

My dearest apologies for the lack of rabbits for so long. Let me rectify this.


(Messed up the background a little ): )
2012-05-24 17:06:00

Posts: 1316

My dearest apologies for the lack of rabbits for so long. Let me rectify this.


(Messed up the background a little ): )


In all seriousness though, good job, I actually like the background.
2012-05-24 17:55:00

Posts: 5208


Started off as practice painting bubbles from a very handy tutorial. (I can link if you like n_n) Thus that is why there are bubbles floating in a forest. Although I practiced some lite realism, the landscape is definitely not aimed to looking Earthly. I hope it works for you. (:

Some things are rather sloppy, and the composition obviously not planned (completely my lazy fault.) But it was very enjoyable to paint. Slowly I can getting better at doing atmosphere, although it is barely noticeable here.
2012-05-28 18:15:00

Posts: 1316

Many, many things wrong with this. But you know that situation when you have been working on something for six zillion hours, Sumo is dieing under too many layers...its about time to post. I used one of my own photos in the background, its pretty easy to spot, I couldn't blend it in properly to fit with the rest of the piece.

I like how the colours worked out, I haven't done patterns as dark as this before.
The little butterfly is the part I truly happy with. Draw it big then shrink, that is the trick.


Also, some old stuff I had forgotten about:

*edit* Ugh, merge please!

*edit* UPDORT. Triple post you cannot tempt me.

I liked IA's look, so I decided to attempt some fanart. I do not do manga much. As you may be able to tell.

I am having serious trouble with clothes, I am going to do a lot of research and practicing into that. Her hair is a bit iffy. I always end up improvising with manga hair. Translated to realism it appears to be made of metallic ribbons. o_O Strange, but pretty, and I can't pull it off. Her face also needs work.

Patterns: fun
Lighting: didn't plan properly

However IA's design is very nice. I was torn between an calm picture or an action one. Her top and boots = bad-***. Her skirt and hair = elegant. Confusing. I went for calm and relaxed in the end. Her voice is nice. Good quality, I especially like her lower notes.

Vocaloid and mascot (c) YAHAMA and various designers.
2012-06-03 22:01:00

Posts: 1316

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