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Captain Blueberry's Bouncing Tower of Brilliance by Scuzzy1973

Archive: 1 post

Hey everyone! Here I am with another great level by another great creator. It's called Captain Blueberry's Bouncing Tower of Brilliance, and it is made by Scuzy1973. I have played this level many times and enjoyed it every time I played it. It has inspired me to make a level, that will hopefully be done soon. This level by Scuzzball here is spectacular and is a rush (In the good way!) to play! I highly recomend it to anyone that is bored. Actually, no, just quit what you are doing and go play it.

Here's the link!
Captain Blueberry's Bouncing Tower of Brilliance by Scuzzy1973 (http://lbp.me/v/5jdmqn)

Have fun playing it!
2011-09-25 01:37:00

Posts: 50

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