The Heist - Series
Archive: 1 post
http://lbp.me/v/0p88y9 I'll be honest, this series really took me by surprise. I was doing a routine scan through the level showcase threads, queueing up every level that had a cool name, when i stumbled upon this absolute gem. Frozen50's series follows Jack Sackington as he prepares to pull off a robbery. The visuals are what immediately strikes you about these levels. Frozen manages to purvey the gritty side of the city superbly, and everything from the buildings to the characters shows an incredible attention to detail that really brings out the urban decay of Jack's hometown. Unlike many other levels the quality isn't limited to just the visuals, but the gameplay is incredibly slick too. The character controls are easy to pick up and the environment interaction is very neat. In level two Frozen has succeeded in creating possibly LBP's finest tutorial level, one that plays as a fun standalone level or as a very neat and integral part of the story. But as you clamber around on rooftops, crawl through ventilation shafts, and dodge lasers it is all very easy to forget the story. And it's a story so rich with humour and subtle nuanced LBP references that I wouldn't be at all surprised to find it as an Mm DLC story. Even the cut-scenes are perfectly executed!! All in all I'm not sure there is anything I could find fault with in these levels - even experienced point hoarders can enjoy searching for the hidden stashes everywhere. The number of plays that these levels have is simply ridiculous. All I can do now is sit here and wait for the final chapter to come out. | 2011-09-25 01:34:00 Author: Skalio- ![]() Posts: 920 |
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