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I'm currently working on a HUGE project so BIG that it challenges the limits of LBP2's tool engine. Currently I only have 160,000 possible ship variations/combination, fully customizable, to fit ANYONE's play style. My final goal is to have at least ONE MILLION possibilities, but that won't be here til future updates.

This game has it's own unique Main Menu, that has it's own designated level. However, even that is under very heavy construction, so there's not much to see yet, except to give a sense of idea of where I'm going with it. If you want to check that out as well, it's called "X-VOLUTION MAIN MENU"

Here's the link to that:

The game currently showcase a very complex ship selection menu system, that even Comphermc and Hazbell would be jealous of. You can have it choose random weapons for you in a certain category or have it randomly select in all categories. It features 10 primary weapons, 10 secondary weapons, 10 missile types, 4 drone positions(will be 6 soon), 8 shield variations, 5 power weapons and I will add in a new category in future updates.

It will even rate the weapons Power and Range. I took out the Rate of Fire rating because I was still debating on how frequently the weapons shoot. I might add it back in future updates.

Unfortunately, there is no gameplay as of yet, I'm still deciding on a few things and how the game play mechanics will work. So as of now, the TECH DEMO only allows you to mess around with the ship selection menu and see how everything works.

So far the game has nothing but good ratings and 1 boo, because one little kid decided that he feels the need to boo my level because everyone booed his. Well, ummmm I update the DEMO daily. Any suggestions and whatnot is very appreciated.
2011-09-24 01:06:00

Posts: 90

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