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Your pod

Archive: 5 posts

Earlier today, I dropped in to a random player's pod, and it was INCREDIBLE! I realized that some people spend a lot of time decorating their pods and making them perfect, so I decided to make a thread for LBPC users to post pictures of their pods!

Please post a picture of your pod(s) in the comment section
2011-09-22 05:09:00

Posts: 57

Also feel free to post pictures of your decorated earth or moon!2011-09-22 05:10:00

Posts: 57

There's already a thread for this, man: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=50574-Show-us-your-Pod!-%28Little-Big-Planet-2-Edition%29
I don't blame you for not noticing though. I searched "show your pod" in the site's search engine and way too many unrelated topics came up, I had to google it with word I know I had posted in the topic..
2011-09-22 05:55:00

Posts: 2452

Oops, sorry about that :/

To everyone else, please go to the original to post your pics.
2011-09-22 06:12:00

Posts: 57

There's already a thread for this, man: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=50574-Show-us-your-Pod!-%28Little-Big-Planet-2-Edition%29
I don't blame you for not noticing though. I searched "show your pod" in the site's search engine and way too many unrelated topics came up, I had to google it with word I know I had posted in the topic..

Pwhhh...hahaha! I've been there too. Search engine on LBPC is next to useless whenever I use it which is why I had also made a duplicate on this topic. It should just get stickied!
2011-09-22 06:33:00

Posts: 205

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