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New Awesome Tool __ The Drawinator :O

Archive: 4 posts

mmm well... hey sackfriends! play my new level " New Awesome Tool __ The Drawinator :O ". in it u can test n collect the drawinator. a portable instrument. with it u can draw n write n with the rubber cancel all. there are many colours. hope tht u play it thx enjoy <3

PS it's a power tool
2011-09-21 21:13:00

Unknown User

Looks interesting, ill give it a play2011-10-01 03:53:00

Posts: 732

Is the powerup glitched in any way to achieve what you're doing with it? Asking because I saw somebody else making custom powerups and he's using glitches to achieve it, and apparently using those COULD be dangerous.2011-10-14 11:17:00

Posts: 128

Are you talking about the Painting Tablet or a flying stick emitting dark matter?2011-10-15 13:18:00

Posts: 1195

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