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Comeroiroc's detailed cars: GONE!?

Archive: 13 posts

Hello< no this isn't an object, but I believe it is time for me to stop my production of lbp2 cars. So I would like to know what people think, should I stay or Go?
If people say yes for me to stay, i'll continue production, if not I will publish my last car...
2011-09-20 20:28:00

Posts: 157

What are u doing??????????? Stay

Don't fall ill To CoD. I dont like CoD what so ever.
2011-09-20 21:59:00

Posts: 74

its not CoD its my hobbies Airsoft, Basketball, etc.2011-09-20 22:20:00

Posts: 157

If you like making cars, and have fun, nothing should stop you from doing it. If you would rather do something elce, then go for it! Dont worry about what others say, its all up to you.

I feel like sitting out on this poll...
2011-09-21 02:28:00

Unknown User

If you like making cars, and have fun, nothing should stop you from doing it. If you would rather do something elce, then go for it! Dont worry about what others say, its all up to you.

I feel like sitting out on this poll...

If you are pointing fingers at me, then your wrong.

I am supporting him as a friend, not deciding for him. He asked for an opinion.
2011-09-21 04:49:00

Posts: 74

I was in no way pointing fingers to anyone or even ever wanted to... all i was saying is that even If every single person on this fourm posts saying the same thing, there is nothing keeping him to the peoples choice... if everyone posts saying to stop making cars, what is keeping him from building them? Thats all im saying.

You want my opinion?
All these cars can do is to go left or right. Since they have a low ground clearence, they are limeted to almost flat ground. If I had to pick, I would say that all his talent with detail can go towards something elce that can do more then go left or right. So to cut to the chase, No... Point your fingers at me if you want. You asked.
2011-09-21 21:03:00

Unknown User

I was in no way pointing fingers to anyone or even ever wanted to... all i was saying is that even If every single person on this fourm posts saying the same thing, there is nothing keeping him to the peoples choice... if everyone posts saying to stop making cars, what is keeping him from building them? Thats all im saying.

You want my opinion?
All these cars can do is to go left or right. Since they have a low ground clearence, they are limeted to almost flat ground. If I had to pick, I would say that all his talent with detail can go towards something elce that can do more then go left or right. So to cut to the chase, No... Point your fingers at me if you want. You asked.

That hurts me. Me and him make cars together.I have made a VW Baja Bug that CONQUERS most hills and terrains.
I guess I wasting my time on LBP.

Actually all controllable objects go left and right. I GUESS ALL CREATORS THAT MAKE SUCH OBJECTS SHOULD JUST QUIT.
2011-09-22 00:19:00

Posts: 74

If you just look at my levels/hearted creaters or levels, YOU WILL SEE WHY I POSTED THAT... I LIKE PLATFORMERS. that is the end of my thoughts... I feel that this is going to far. I am leaving this thread.2011-09-22 02:34:00

Unknown User

I agree with bike's first statement. Do whatever you like most. 2011-09-22 14:22:00

Posts: 153

ok I was only wondering if anyone even used my cars, because I enjoy making them, but I thought it was pointless. Anyways I have started a new car, for this. Its a Lamborgini Galarado! It currently has some bugs, so only the show model is complete, but here is a preview! http://i6.lbp.me/img/ft/b663b108bd91693ec914de0abca9e9409278ef35.jpg
If you want me to finish a production model, please leave a comment at my Super Car showroom. http://lbp.me/v/55p4mx
2011-09-24 17:55:00

Posts: 157

ok I was only wondering if anyone even used my cars, because I enjoy making them, but I thought it was pointless. Anyways I have started a new car, for this. Its a Lamborgini Galarado! It currently has some bugs, so only the show model is complete, but here is a preview! http://i6.lbp.me/img/ft/b663b108bd91693ec914de0abca9e9409278ef35.jpg
If you want me to finish a production model, please leave a comment at my Super Car showroom. http://lbp.me/v/55p4mx

I saw a white superleggera at a car show on Wednesday. At your recreation looks a lot like it!
2011-09-26 02:22:00

Posts: 74

Ok, I've made Zondas before, so this is my 3rd official one, and I was wondering what the lbp community thought of this *NEW* prototype of mine.
I apologize for the bad pics, but I can add more upon request, and yes it has a functioning convertible top!
please review on what you think should be edited (specifically if I should paint the car white/other instead of carbon fiber)
2011-10-01 03:46:00

Posts: 157

*shoves open double doors in room* nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! don't stop!!!!!!!!!!! *dramatic gasp!2011-10-05 00:07:00

Posts: 157

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