SA reviews "A Horror Level V1.5"
Archive: 4 posts
Well then, after 2 reviews in a row, I'm trying to do a third stage right now while being massively sleepy. Lucky for me, this level woke me up......waaaay too much. Not due to shock value, but rather to sheer detestment. Ok, for starters, the title is called "A Horror Level" so obviously someone (specifically someone named HERO489) was trying to create a level that would scare people, and with a game as generally silly as LittleBigPlanet, I don't think people including our HERO489 realize how much time, effort, and fragments of your soul need to go into making a really good horror level. Let me be frank, creating horror levels in LBP requires a certain degree of finesse, you can't just turn the lights off and make tons of random sounds with a Cloverfield type environment where the monster shows up all of twice in the entire level. Please leave that **** in the movie cinema business where it can safely die and still benefit the maker with random cash. Unfortunately, what we have here is one such level, where the lights are all off, the path is lit by having lights in the wall go on when you get near, having a plethora of randomly placed shrieks and roars and whatnot, plus having the so called "monster" skim the screen at the beginning of the level and not show up again until you "accidentally" blow him up in the last 20 yards. The level (which is really putting it lightly) doesn't really have much going for it other than poor visibility and what sounds like a House of the Dead sound test, I suppose I can vouch for a couple of neat details I noticed. Along the way there are many details that leave themselves somewhat open to interpretation, usually it's something simply like a word written out in blood or something, but that's good because it gives you a slight case of anxiety, which is preferable for scaring people with the level. Also, at some point near the end, the wall is full of eyeballs that stare at you does add for a really nice touch. At the end of the day though, the anxiety tends to fade pretty fast, and the eye wall was both too little and too late, and the level that isn't really a level get's snuffed by being a horror level that is in my opinion "stagnant". I really wish I could actually say more about the level than this, but that would be like forcing Koei to make more Dynasty Warrior games, it's certainly doable and you might gain some new features, but at the end of the day it just gets stale and repetitive. So, in closing, the level is short, easy, doesn't even really feel like a level, and with horror being the one redeeming quality it relies so heavily on, it isn't even all that scary either, so why would you ever play it? Only one reason I can think of and that's to wake someone up in the morning by hiding a sub woofer in their room, cranking it up to high, playing through the level from another room, and scare the **** out of the unconscious individual. Final Score: 3.0 / 10 (RESCORED) Not actually a level, it's a scare fest, but it's not even scary. Couple of neat quirks, but shiny things a level does not make. The level could potentially be great, but it would take a face lift. On a side note, it's currently 4:30 AM where I am right now. Guess where I live? | 2008-12-23 12:21:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
hey man can you review my level too? Its called Home. Just search up my psn xD JabbaMonkey123 Thanks man ![]() | 2008-12-29 08:09:00 Author: JabbaMonkey123 ![]() Posts: 16 |
Oh I didn't see this, haha! I love a good slap in the face every once in a while, thanks! ^^ I seriously don't know what to think of my level, 50% love it, and 50% hate it, I guess I can't really impress everyone ![]() | 2008-12-29 08:12:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
hey man can you review my level too? Its called Home. Just search up my psn xD JabbaMonkey123 Thanks man ![]() Um, I have a separate topic for requests, so why don't you just shimmy this over to there. THE MORE YOU KNOW ![]() | 2008-12-30 19:18:00 Author: Shining Aquas ![]() Posts: 353 |
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