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'Sticker'figure: Controllable Animated Stickfigure

Archive: 1 post


Apparently I'm the first to post something like this around here, but I've seen a few with similar ideas to this about, such as in the Community Game Jam a few months back. Anyway, This is a Pivot-like Stickfigure I made with sticker panel and the Paint tool, which is animated, which walks back and forth, and defaults to standing up when it stops moving.

This is probably the most advanced and challenging thing I've made so far. Because of that the animation is a bit choppy and doesn't look good. I sadly cant go back to fix that since it's all glued together and I don't want to break it. Not really looking for F4F, but I'll accept any that comes my way; however I'm pretty busy and might not be able to return it for a while.
2011-09-18 18:58:00

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