Horror/Thriller Film at works
Archive: 1 post
:star:Hey guys! This is a short post about a new horror/thriller franchise that I began to create about a month ago. This film is called "BIONDO, the World at End", and is directed by myself (Dahaji) and my trustful friend PPiasetski. The writing of the script took us 2 weeks to manage for the first epidode of BIONDO, and the whole level storyboard took us 2 months, and were still not done! Its going to be huge, we also have great actors in our cast, including; Maver281comp, Comprehn, Hungrywerewulf, Dinkledorks, and Seeleymc. This film is intentially planned to be a film based on world events and wars, and the cahos and destruction that goes berserk through people's minds when the war started. Including riots, and demonstrations. Please note, this film does not include strong violence whats so ever, but it does have some disclaimers: 1) Has flashing and vivid lights 2) Disturbing/scary images The trailer is out now on DAHAJI's planet, and I reccomend you watch it to get a better idea of what the actual film will be like XDDahaji. We are also wishing that some people can volunteer to help make this film possible, because unfortunately our staff is quite limited at the moment. If you have any questions, just leave a comment. Even comments are appreciated. :tophat: http://lbp.me/v/Dahaji | 2011-09-13 20:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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