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Working 3d cam after patch.

Archive: 20 posts


For anyone who needs a 3d cam.
2011-09-12 16:51:00

Posts: 1800

For anyone who needs a 3d cam.

Nice. I'll have to check this out. I tried making one with a single cam, but couldn't get it to behave.

Oh, and kudos for not using the word "glitch" in the title. Kinda bugs me when people refer to anything slightly unexpected as a glitch...

ZOMG!!! In/Out Mover says Pink Floaty has weight. Must be a GLITCH!!!!!1!!!one!!!

2011-09-12 17:48:00

Posts: 2870

Its pretty easy to make if you have the sidecam, or feel like messing with a game camera until you make it turn sideways.
Putting the normal game camera turned to the right at the exact amount makes it go between the normal game camera view and the sidecam, making the 3d cam.

You could probably retweak the cams so you have multiple of them pointing in different directions with relative ease, then cycle through them for turning instead of having to rotate an entire map..

Its worse when they say something thats actually doing what its supposed to is a glitch
2011-09-12 18:20:00

Posts: 1800

You could probably retweak the cams so you have multiple of them pointing in different directions with relative ease, then cycle through them for turning instead of having to rotate an entire map.

Ah. I figured that's what you had, i.e. one which works correctly when rotated.
2011-09-12 18:29:00

Posts: 2870

Yea its the same as the old 3d cams just made with 2 cams, so it cant rotate.2011-09-12 18:47:00

Posts: 1800

i republished my 3d cam level with a fixed 3d view about 5 mins after i finished downloading the update, i just had to hold R2 for 2 secs to invert it and it was done2011-09-13 03:03:00

Posts: 612

I just tried pressing R2 until it flipped, it didnt work :/

I figured other people had come up with working versions, but noone seemed to want to share how to fix them.
2011-09-13 07:26:00

Posts: 1800

Now I would like to put the 3D camera on the drill object of the Icredible pack and see what happens 2011-09-13 07:32:00

Posts: 5112

I've just created a tutorial for 3D cameras as well. The one I made can rotate in 90 degree increments:

2011-09-13 17:53:00

Posts: 274

I create level whit 3D camara and is nice ^^ but is too hardly2011-09-13 21:39:00

Unknown User

What I'd REALLY like to see is a video tutorial on how to make a proper and fail-proof 3D cam. Usually the community levels don't explain things all too well and end up including unnecessary logic.

This is why I think comphermc is the best "teacher" in the community I've seen so far. Extremely easy-to-follow (and actually NOT boring) tutorials on Youtube, and you can see what needs to be done STEP BY STEP.

EDIT: Not saying this level is bad. I just queued it and I'm going to play it the moment I turn on my PS3. It's just that video tutorials are always the better option.
2011-09-14 00:38:00

Posts: 65

@Entity, going to check that out.

@Zackboy, I dont have a way to take high quality video so.. :/

If you want a tutorial heres the way i did it:
Take sidecam
(Sidecam is a modified version of the original 3d cam that points camera to left/right)
Place a normal game camera on front of material that sidecam is on.
Set game cam to local space.
Rotate angle to the right(between 90 and 180 degrees) until you hit a sweet spot somewhere in the middle.
You'll know when you hit it because while you are rotating it, the cam will show the level turn diagonally right/left and you'll see it flip if you go too far.
Once it hits inbetween the left/right it should snap to being horizontal.
2011-09-14 04:30:00

Posts: 1800

I still don't get this whole thing about 3D cams... yours doesn't seem to rotate (I've played your level multiple times just to be sure), and has a weird camera angle (I'm not sure if this was intentional or not). The tutorial Entity posted above however, enables the 3D cam to turn 90? degrees. Even better, there are 3D cams that make possible a FPS perspective. I know that in this case, the whole level needs to rotate as well, but this is why I want a video tutorial fully explaining what needs to be done to achieve this, because it looks interesting. Check the level Dem Bones (http://lbp.me/v/1g9hte), for example (although it's not completely flawless). So, if I got this correct, we have partially rotatable 3D cams AND fully rotatable 3D cams (needs the whole level to rotate as well).

I've also noticed that both of Steve_Big_Guns levels that used a 3D cam have been locked (that FPS trailer and racing level), probably because the new patch "messed" things up. But why are levels like Dem Bones still playable (it hasn't been updated in days)? I mean, didn't these levels used the same "fully rotatable" 3D camera concept? (EDIT: Nevermind, I just realized the level Dem Bones was updated AFTER patch 1.06. So forget about this paragraph I wrote xD)

Sorry if I don't seem to be making sense. It's a bit late over here and I need to get some sleep
2011-09-14 05:16:00

Posts: 65

I still don't get this whole thing about 3D cams... yours doesn't seem to rotate (I've played your level multiple times just to be sure), and has a weird camera angle (I'm not sure if this was intentional or not). The tutorial Entity posted above however, enables the 3D cam to turn 90? degrees. Even better, there are 3D cams that make possible a FPS perspective. I know that in this case, the whole level needs to rotate as well, but this is why I want a video tutorial fully explaining what needs to be done to achieve this, because it looks interesting. Check the level Dem Bones (http://lbp.me/v/1g9hte), for example (although it's not completely flawless). So, if I got this correct, we have partially rotatable 3D cams AND fully rotatable 3D cams (needs the whole level to rotate as well).

I've also noticed that both of Steve_Big_Guns levels that used a 3D cam have been locked (that FPS trailer and racing level), probably because the new patch "messed" things up. But why are levels like Dem Bones still playable (it hasn't been updated in days)? I mean, didn't these levels used the same "fully rotatable" 3D camera concept? (EDIT: Nevermind, I just realized the level Dem Bones was updated AFTER patch 1.06. So forget about this paragraph I wrote xD)

Sorry if I don't seem to be making sense. It's a bit late over here and I need to get some sleep

Yea, thats because 3d cams only work at the specific angle they are fitted at.
The cams dont rotate(as far as I know noone has a smooth rotating 3dcam) the levels do.
To get the 90* turns you would have to refit the cams.
Im not exactly sure how rotating the levels relative to the player works but ive heard it involves putting rows of microchips with tag sensors and rotators in them.

I just published it right when I figured it out for people who need a version of the 3dcam.. obviously there are better out there but for some people this is all they need, and somone who knows what they are doing can edit it to make it fit their needs.
2011-09-14 05:54:00

Posts: 1800

Im not exactly sure how rotating the levels relative to the player works but ive heard it involves putting rows of microchips with tag sensors and rotators in them.

my level (Dem Bones) is done using feedback movers, i have a copyable tech demo that people can use to learn how it's done http://lbp.me/v/1jk4xb .
i'm not good at explaining things so i wouldn't even know where to start, but Comphermc said that he may do a video on feedback movers, would also depend on him having time b4 he goes to europe too. might have to give him another push
2011-09-14 08:36:00

Posts: 612

i'm not good at explaining things

So very true
2011-09-14 09:49:00

Posts: 1799

Havn't played yet, but does it rotate?2011-09-14 16:09:00

Posts: 153

I think the 3d cam looks pretty cool. Never figured out how to do it though (0____0)2011-09-21 23:26:00

Unknown User

Very nice thanks for publishing, I have some ideas to do, and I will give you credits for this 3d cam!2011-09-26 23:33:00

Posts: 73

I made a 3D 3rd person camera a few days ago but that was before the 1.08 update. I hope it still works now. My 3d camera allows the player to move (Forward/Backward/Left/Right) but can't rotate. It can also jump. Does anyone know if the camera will still work after the update? Thanks.2011-11-02 02:36:00

Posts: 406

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