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The Notorious RoboCrab Project!

Archive: 1 post


Hey Guys, just wanted to share my latest creation, RoboCrab!! RoboCrab is based on your everyday UFO design, with the addition of Crab Claws, and many other features which I will explain to you. Well, let's get to the first screenshot!

Right off the bat you notice the Crab Claws, and the eyes I used. This project really brought back some LBP1 Memories since I used plenty of the game's building methods.
It is powered by a Advanced Rotator, Advanced Mover, and Anti-Gravity Tweaker.

Here is the base logic used in this object. It has three main Microchips which are used to add feature to the robot. It has a Sound Chimp, Radio Chip, and Note Chip.
The Sound Chip bases around what noises will be heard when first entering the robot, and same goes with exiting it.
The Radio Chip is used for having playback music that can be cycled through by pressing X. When first entering the robot, you will not have any music on, therefore you must press X.
The Note Chip has all of my notes on the project, so far it only contains one note.

Here is the microchip content inside the logic. The top Microchip has the Playback radio. While the obvious one if the notes, and the other being the Sound.

Well to end my latest object showcase I want to say that I hope you enjoy the latest showcase I made and please post feedback! Thank you!
2011-09-09 16:30:00

Posts: 60

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