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Mushroom Meadows Creations

Archive: 3 posts

Hello! I just posted my level in the Level Showcase forum, called Mushroom Meadows (http://lbp.me/v/51572s). As there are twelve original obtainable creations in it, I decided to post it here as well to say a little about them.

Brick Block - A common, floating block of bricks. An italian guy used to hit it with his head for some reason.
Green Pipe - A green pipe to step on. You can't enter this one!
Mushroom Decor - A thin, floating decoration using the in-game Mushroom sticker.

Goomba - A small monster resembling a mushroom. Remember him?
Koopa - An aggressive turtle. The shell actually remains after you kill it!

Hollow Pipe - Looks like a common green pipe... but has points inside!
Jungle Climber - Somewhat resembling a jungle vine, you can use this to avoid the dangers on the ground.
Prize Booth - A booth that liberates points once certain conditions are met.
Question Box - The classic "?" box. Really drops points if you hit it with your head!
Shroom Jumper - A small mushroom that can be used to reach high places.
Victory Flag - Grab the sphere and pull it all the way down for extra points!

Dangerous Contraptions
Fireflower - A fire-shooting flower coming out of a pipe. Responsible for most level deaths...

Have fun playing Mushroom Meadows (http://lbp.me/v/51572s) and try to collect them all!
2011-09-07 18:12:00

Unknown User

Hello! I just posted my level in the Level Showcase forum, called Mushroom Meadows (http://lbp.me/v/51572s). As there are twelve original obtainable creations in it, I decided to post it here as well to say a little about them.

Brick Block - A common, floating block of bricks. An italian guy used to hit it with his head for some reason.
Green Pipe - A green pipe to step on. You can't enter this one!
Mushroom Decor - A thin, floating decoration using the in-game Mushroom sticker.

Goomba - A small monster resembling a mushroom. Remember him?
Koopa - An aggressive turtle. The shell actually remains after you kill it!

Hollow Pipe - Looks like a common green pipe... but has points inside!
Jungle Climber - Somewhat resembling a jungle vine, you can use this to avoid the dangers on the ground.
Prize Booth - A booth that liberates points once certain conditions are met.
Question Box - The classic "?" box. Really drops points if you hit it with your head!
Shroom Jumper - A small mushroom that can be used to reach high places.
Victory Flag - Grab the sphere and pull it all the way down for extra points!

Dangerous Contraptions
Fireflower - A fire-shooting flower coming out of a pipe. Responsible for most level deaths...

Have fun playing Mushroom Meadows (http://lbp.me/v/51572s) and try to collect them all!

Wow very popular among the LBP community--- even for a LBP1 level!
2011-09-08 05:32:00

Posts: 74

Thanks! It's actually being a little of a challenge to get people to try out my level because it's a LBP1 level. But, even though I don't own LBP2 yet, I don't imagine I would have made it much different in it since my idea was exactly to make a level that's simple to play. Please give it a chance!2011-09-09 13:16:00

Unknown User

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