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Alien Invasion Training (LBP2 FPS)

Archive: 3 posts

Hop on board the flying gunship and defend Craftworld from alien invaders! This is the training level for a full multi level game that is somewhat near complete. By near I mean almost all game logic and most enemies are done and the levels just need to be put together. I started work on this game when LBP2 first came out and the logic has gotten insanely complicated but everything is finally coming together! I think I have about 1000 logic components just on the display and weapons system lol..

This is a FPS type game that differs from most FPS in a number of ways. I've played most if not all the FPS games for LBP2 and I am pretty sure my game is the first too:

1. Feature 2 player co-op mode (maybe not, do kinda remember one other)

2. 8 selectable weapons with ammo counters on a rotary selector (3 in the training mission)

3. All enemies/targets are animated material characters with some level of AI. NO SACKBOTS!

4. 5 types of grenades (1 in training mission)

5. 3 special attacks (lockdown, slow and 2x turret) and boost

6. Enemies fire back damaging your ship (damage is fully animated)

7. Various impact effects depending on what you shoot and with what weapon

8. This game does not use the 3d layer glitch at all and all 3 layers can contain enemies and targets.

All display is done using holograms and decorations and will likely be overhauled when the move pack drops! (that sticker board tool looks awesome) I also plan to add optional move support for second player aimer and possibly a full move version as well. Please check it out and tell me what you think before I release the first full level!
2011-09-05 20:13:00

Posts: 72

Que'd again.. - What happened to the original thread?2011-09-07 20:27:00

Unknown User

I may be guilty of double posting.. I put the level up as F4F and then later as a regular level showcase.. Is that bad?

Thanks again for playing my level, if you get low on health fighting the boss, try shooting the far right cactus. There's a couple other hidden things that you might have found and I may randomly add new weapons/grenades to the level for testing purposes..
2011-09-07 20:45:00

Posts: 72

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