PSN Error 8002AD23
Archive: 11 posts
Ever since yesterday, I can't connect to PSN for any longer than around 5 - 10 minutes without getting disconnected with the error 8002AD23. I really don't know what to do here, I've searched around and I did come across a solution, which was to disable media server. But, I use media server and would prefer to keep it enabled. Another site said to disable UPnP, but that did nothing at all. Does anyone else know of a solution, other than the ones above? | 2011-09-04 22:42:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
Are you using a wired or wireless connection? | 2011-09-04 22:48:00 Author: bagheadinc ![]() Posts: 172 |
Are you using a wired or wireless connection? Wireless. Wired is not possible from my room either. | 2011-09-04 22:59:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
You sure you're not just having connection issues? Like are you getting disconnected from the network, or just PSN? | 2011-09-04 23:11:00 Author: bagheadinc ![]() Posts: 172 |
You sure you're not just having connection issues? Like are you getting disconnected from the network, or just PSN? Everything else is connecting to the same network fine, it's just my PS3 which isn't. So yeah, I think I'm just being disconnected from PSN. | 2011-09-04 23:27:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
I had that same error code the other day & am on a wireless connection as well. it only happened once when I tried to sign in though & hasn't happened again since. | 2011-09-05 00:21:00 Author: IAmChavez ![]() Posts: 142 |
It's not like everyone is complaining of the same thing - so I doubt it's an issue with PSN; Sounds to me like it'll be your own network connection that could be causing the problem. I'd try the usual router reboot etc - see if that helps. Failing that - check your router/firewall settings ( www.portforward.com is a good site for that). One thing to check (for additional troubleshooting) - is see if you can access the internet (just browse to any site) once you get signed out of PSN. ![]() This'll show wether it's just your PSN connection, or the entire network connection. You may also want to try deleting your current network config and re-enter it from the XBM. | 2011-09-05 00:35:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Has had this happen randomly to me, quite often, it tends to go on its own later on tho. But, just out of random curiosity, have you downloaded any MMO's lately? | 2011-09-05 01:35:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
If your connection is NAT type 2 then you can disable UPnP without issue. If you really do not want to disable the media server I suggest reconfiguring your connection settings with a custom IP and DNS. Make your IP static and forward every port on your router (or use DMZ). Make sure your subnet is correct and use and for your primary and secondary DNS Servers. You could also try adjusting the MTU and/or QoS settings to allow gaming the priority. | 2011-09-05 01:53:00 Author: tanrockstan34 ![]() Posts: 1076 |
This is going to sound completely cliche and unprofessional, but if this persists then I suggest you take it up with Sony. | 2011-09-05 06:35:00 Author: nk827 ![]() Posts: 193 |
Thanks everyone, I'll try some of the things mentioned. Has had this happen randomly to me, quite often, it tends to go on its own later on tho. But, just out of random curiosity, have you downloaded any MMO's lately? I downloaded the Assassin's Creed: Revelations multiplayer beta, but it happens even when I'm not playing that. | 2011-09-05 14:36:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
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