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Boo! Did I Scare You?

Archive: 16 posts

Here is an Idea that i had last week. I tried making it, but I'm just not that great at creating. But if somebody better with sackbots and logic and such wants to use this idea, I'm all for it. I just would like a tiny spot of credit in the description...
Anyhow, the idea is as follows: You are a kind of ghost, who lives in a haunted mansion, however recently some people have been renovating the mansion into their own home. They are going to have a party celebrating their new house, and this is the perfect opportunity to strike and get them out of your house. There are sackbots dressed as party guests, and you have to get them out by scaring them. You can freely roam throughout the house, and there are certain items that you can possess to scare the party guests. These will be indicated by a light that glows above your head when it is possessable. If you made it float around or something like that, the people would run and jump out the window or door. The object is to get all the party guests out of the house as fast as you can. Then you would have to scare the owners, who go from the top floor down until they're at the bottom floor, and when you scare them there they leave.
It could also show a number like a/b where a is the number of people you've scared and b is the total number of people. Other than that, I can't think of logic and stuff to do with it. So if somebody wants to use this idea, it's be great. Just give me a tiny mention and I'll be satisfied...
2011-09-04 20:49:00

Posts: 111

I'm not saying your idea is bad, it's fine, but it's rather simple. Giving credit to that would be like Giving credit to the lumber mill for supplying the wood to build your house which also contains electrical work, plumbing, etc. The reason I say this, is I can imagine a bit of a problem arising if someone were to make a level similar to this, and NOT give you credit. They probably just came up with it themselves, but you might accuse them of theft.

My two cents~
2011-09-05 04:06:00

Posts: 114

True but it is an ideas forum, no sense discouraging a discussion just because it's possible more than one person will have the idea -- how else can ideas be discussed?

With any luck someone will work with mikie to see this to creation and if not, it's still okay to post -- it has a Beetlejuice sort of vibe to it, from when the Baldwin and Davis were trying to get rid of everyone.
2011-09-05 07:27:00

Unknown User

I'm not discouraging him, this is just silly. I don't think you can just say "Hey, I have this basic idea, if you use it give me credit even though I won't work on any part of it myself."
You should just ask someone to help you :3
2011-09-05 14:32:00

Posts: 114

I'm not discouraging him, this is just silly. I don't think you can just say "Hey, I have this basic idea, if you use it give me credit even though I won't work on any part of it myself."
You should just ask someone to help you :3

I understand what you're saying, but it came off as kind of harsh, no offense.

I'd be willing to give help and assistance if someone wished to make this, but I don't have the time to make the whole level. You could pull a group project together...
2011-09-05 14:35:00

Unknown User

I don't take offence from being told I'm harsh. Why should I, being harsh makes progress. Progress is good. ^_^2011-09-05 14:48:00

Posts: 114

I agree, you have to be told blunt otherwise you won't be able to improve
BTW aren't u the bitmin girl?
2011-09-05 15:22:00

Posts: 515

Why yes, Yes I am. Though girl may be a 'tad' inaccurate 2011-09-05 15:38:00

Posts: 114

This idea has already been used, it is already a flash game on the internet. So it is not original. Granted it was fun to play. But if you make it anything like the original, it will be boring. It took to long to scare them out. And if you didn't do it fast enough they'd come back. Nice of you to try to take an idea that is already used though. http://www.gamesroot.com/play/1666-haunt_the_house.html Proof right there...2011-09-05 18:25:00

Posts: 142

-sigh- Even worse, I'm glad you opened our eyes even more Archon ^_^2011-09-05 19:31:00

Posts: 114

OMG! I was just working on a level just like this. The story would be you were the youngest ghost of the family and everyone would tease you and stuff so you head out to scare people in this Hotel Mansion. The idea was that you possess objects such as candles, paintings etc and each sackbot would have a bar above the head that would decrease each time you scared them, once it was fully depleted they would faint and you could possess them and each of them had different abillities (similiar to the game 'Stackings&apos examples of abillities are:
- Small kids could go through vents.
- Fat people would fart, emptying out occupied rooms
- The staff that worked there would have access to different areas.
And in the end the manager would call 'The Ghostbusters' and you would have a boss battle with them.

I quit working on it because I didn't have the time but if someone is still willing to work on it, I'd love to help.
2011-09-06 08:43:00

Posts: 280

Well, sorry for handing out an idea that is used and stupid. But thanks everybody for their feedback. As always, I forgot to search before posting... And Archon, I'm not one in the flash games world, so I had no idea . But now I feel a bit embarrassed... So thanks for the feedback. Peace! I'm off to become a better creator.2011-09-06 12:44:00

Posts: 111

Don't be embarrassed, everyone makes mistakes! I'm glad to hear you're jumping back on that horse :32011-09-06 21:03:00

Posts: 114

Thanks, I think i have my confidence back now. Time to work on the level i can never finish. Mods should've locked this, it got just a bit off topic 2011-09-06 23:13:00

Posts: 111

Don't say that :3 70% of this website isn't even about LBP anyways. xD2011-09-07 00:11:00

Posts: 114

To 11204's credit, I never heard of any concept similar to this. Even if there is, it's anything but a generic idea for a generic level.2011-09-07 16:17:00

Posts: 2452

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