The Moon That Never Sets (A Zen Level)
Archive: 3 posts
36708 What we have here is basically a zen level, meaning that there is no real game play, just relax and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere. The reason I have even decided to publish a level like this is mostly because I don't have any paper do draw on, so I wanted to express my art through LBP. This is also a work in progress meaning that what you see is not going to be the full thing, like a painting I will add more to it every now and then. As for now relax and enjoy the moon that never sets. ![]() http://lbp.me/v/5e-wb7 | 2011-09-04 19:43:00 Author: SolidNInja2020 ![]() Posts: 39 |
I'm going to go have a go at this now, so I'll be back soon with t' feedbacks. If you could play the level in my sig, that'd be awesome. You can wait till after I've given feedback if you want (: Feedback: While this was a great effort... it was a bit lacking. On the whole I just found it kind of rushed. The music was okay, though sounded like it was going to break off into our favourite french nursery rhyme at any point, it was really short and really simple. While the concept of a "zen level" is not a common one, it has been done before and that's shown us that these things are good because of the little subtle details that you only *just* notice. I guess you could edit it and play around with it for a bit, but it needs just general work pumped into it. I don't mean to sound harsh, I quite like it when people make levels like this (I've made a couple myself), but yeh... this one didn't work for me. Sorry ): | 2011-09-05 11:53:00 Author: JonnysToyRobot ![]() Posts: 324 |
I really enjoy a contemplative Zen based level. In fact I made one with a similar concept way back on LBP1 http://lbp.me/v/q5995r/comments will happily check this out and feedback. F4F:https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=59298-Mr-Fugu-s-Sushi-Emporium | 2011-09-05 21:48:00 Author: EnochRoot ![]() Posts: 533 |
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