Banned!!! WTF???
Archive: 15 posts
I recently checked my PS3, it wouldnt let me sign in, i have auto sign in turned on so i figured it was internet problems as usual, but i sign in manually and im banned? What in the hell? i follow the code of conduct and havent even hacked once in my life, i didnt even get an email from playstation saying i was suspended. Is there anyway to email them back? ive had it for years and i DONT want to lose any of my friends or the ranks in my games. | 2011-09-02 01:09:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
I'm sorry to hear that... anything you can think of in the last week that might have warranted it? I checked your profile on LBP.me but it seems you've blocked most updates from the site. | 2011-09-02 01:18:00 Author: schm0 ![]() Posts: 1239 |
Did it actually say you were banned? The reason I ask is my daughter tried to sign in and like you couldn't. We checked into it and found she wasn't banned, she just had to change her password (since the hack awhile back) and then enter the new password on psn. She is now able to get on. Hope that's all you have to do, Good luck. | 2011-09-02 18:18:00 Author: Lady_Luck__777 ![]() Posts: 3458 |
I'm sorry to hear that... anything you can think of in the last week that might have warranted it? I checked your profile on LBP.me but it seems you've blocked most updates from the site. Mighta done a bit of trolling ![]() | 2011-09-02 19:44:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
Well, if you want to email Sony about it, heres where to send the email ![]() support@ie.playstation.com | 2011-09-02 19:55:00 Author: jeperty ![]() Posts: 486 |
Mighta done a bit of trolling ![]() Well, did it straight-up say that you were banned? Maybe something like you can't use the PSN with this account (http://attackofthefanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/ps3-jailbreak-01.jpg)? Because if that isn't the case, then you're probably not banned. Being banned for a troll is one thing, but being banned for calling someone a "noob" doesn't happen. Unless security has gone completely Communist and has deployed an ethnic cleansing of trolls, I don't think you got banned for that. I know Sony doesn't support that behavior, but you don't see the guys on MW2 (who cuss up a storm) being banned anytime soon. And if people were getting banned for having multiple accounts, I'd be the first one to know; I got 4 (2 on one profile, actually) accounts on the PSN. There could have been several reasons why you weren't able to log in: you haven't got the latest update yet, Sony was doing a security check/ modification (it does that sometimes without notice), your connection was acting goofy for that moment in time, etc. Just keep trying to log in (or try logging in on Sony's website; it's just like the PSN), and if you get that message and/or things still don't work out, contact Sony. I'm sure they'll explain what happened. | 2011-09-02 20:23:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
When they ban or suspend you they'll send an email with a brief and horribly vague reason (I know from experience...). Be sure to check your spam or junk mail folder. | 2011-09-02 20:30:00 Author: Radishlord ![]() Posts: 706 |
Well, did it straight-up say that you were banned? Maybe something like you can't use the PSN with this account (http://attackofthefanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/ps3-jailbreak-01.jpg)? Because if that isn't the case, then you're probably not banned. Being banned for a troll is one thing, but being banned for calling someone a "noob" doesn't happen. Unless security has gone completely Communist and has deployed an ethnic cleansing of trolls, I don't think you got banned for that. I know Sony doesn't support that behavior, but you don't see the guys on MW2 (who cuss up a storm) being banned anytime soon. And if people were getting banned for having multiple accounts, I'd be the first one to know; I got 4 (2 on one profile, actually) accounts on the PSN. There could have been several reasons why you weren't able to log in: you haven't got the latest update yet, Sony was doing a security check/ modification (it does that sometimes without notice), your connection was acting goofy for that moment in time, etc. Just keep trying to log in (or try logging in on Sony's website; it's just like the PSN), and if you get that message and/or things still don't work out, contact Sony. I'm sure they'll explain what happened. Just contacted em'. They say theyll get back to me shortly, it specifically says "You have been either banned or temporarily suspended from the use of this account" but from radishlord said im sure its some kind of horrible mistake, i didnt get any emails whatsoever, even checked my spam, nothing. I contacted the service all the way in ireland, im sure its some kind of mistake theyre taking a while to get back to me on that. | 2011-09-02 21:09:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
well a lot of people are getting banned or suspended because of lbp idiots so just be careful what you say or do | 2011-09-02 21:37:00 Author: danger sackboy ![]() Posts: 177 |
Refrain from sending anybody messages that may seem like you're insulting them or bullying them. Sony will only see one side of the argument. Better still, just ignore them. If they send you offensive messages, just send a grief report to Sony. There's nothing good to come out of arguing on PSN. | 2011-09-02 21:53:00 Author: shindol ![]() Posts: 78 |
well a lot of people are getting banned or suspended because of lbp idiots so just be careful what you say or do Haha. lbp idiots --> so just be careful what you say or do | 2011-09-02 21:55:00 Author: StaticLinuxpro ![]() Posts: 482 |
Refrain from sending anybody messages that may seem like you're insulting them or bullying them. Sony will only see one side of the argument. Better still, just ignore them. If they send you offensive messages, just send a grief report to Sony. There's nothing good to come out of arguing on PSN. Last offensive thing i sent to someone was "*yawn* shoo Noob" and thats it, other than that i havent sent a single message in weeks. | 2011-09-02 23:15:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
I know someone from another forum who just had the same problem. He's been suspended, received an e-mail informing him though. It said he had engaged in "hate speech" (literal translation from the words used in their e-mail) on the 1st September, no more specific details than that. And he wasn't even online in LBP that day. I'm pretty sure he didn't do anything, I saw his LBP.me profile and his last activity was from a month ago. And now for this, and I quote, "unacceptable behaviour", he can't go online for 9 days. So let me get this straight: hundreds of members in LBP are getting cyber-bullying, xenophobia, racism, harassment and whatnot all over their profile and level comments, and the mods don't do **** about that. But some random troll reports a level or person for no good reason and Sony suspends them immediately without seeking real proof? Small effing wonder people have been abandoning the game. | 2011-09-02 23:38:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
I know someone from another forum who just had the same problem. He's been suspended, received an e-mail informing him though. It said he had engaged in "hate speech" (literal translation from the words used in their e-mail) on the 1st September, no more specific details than that. And he wasn't even online in LBP that day. I'm pretty sure he didn't do anything, I saw his LBP.me profile and his last activity was from a month ago. And now for this, and I quote, "unacceptable behaviour", he can't go online for 9 days. So let me get this straight: hundreds of members in LBP are getting cyber-bullying, xenophobia, racism, harassment and whatnot all over their profile and level comments, and the mods don't do **** about that. But some random troll reports a level or person for no good reason and Sony suspends them immediately without seeking real proof? Small effing wonder people have been abandoning the game. This isnt lbp related whatsoever, the point is i didnt even get an e-mail explaining why im just suspended/banned and thats it its been a few hours since i emailed them and still i havent gotten anything back other than "A member of our customer support team will be with you shortly" somethings obviously wrong, i can feel it. UPDATE: Yup, just as i expected, hate speech, ps home, havent even been on ps home for weeks ![]() | 2011-09-02 23:49:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
Mighta done a bit of trolling ![]() UPDATE: Yup, just as i expected, hate speech, ps home, havent even been on ps home for weeks ![]() You should probably edit the title of your thread, hm? | 2011-09-03 01:23:00 Author: schm0 ![]() Posts: 1239 |
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