Elysium Saga
Archive: 18 posts
Evening all! I have spent quite some time working on my 'Elysuim saga' and would love to hear peoples thoughts on the levels! I currently up to 3 levels 1) Prologue http://lbp.me/v/5r0f7r 2) Basic training http://lbp.me/v/5r0c0f 3) The awakening (the first level of the main story) http://lbp.me/v/5r0efv The levels are loosely based on the film Pandorum which for those who haven't seen the film its basically a space action/horrorish film with loads of bits in the dark (which kind of lends itself to my style of LBP levels as i tend to like playing with lighting etc) I have tried to create some hopefully unique contraptions and logic sets including: A comuter system that you can log into (although im not 100% happy with it so far) An interactive intercom system where you can talk with characters within the level and you have different dialogue options (the best example of this is in the basic training level so far) A fully functioning lift - again in the basic training - epic amounts of logic behind it so you can select multiple floors etc and not break it Im planning to start the 4th level soon and would love you guys to take a look at the first 3 - let me know what you think - perhaps you have some ideas for the forthcomming levels! Thanks for looking!! Smokey Changes made - With thanks to the LBPC community: 1) Fixed (hopefully) the issue in level 2 (basic training) where sometimes the trainer does not follow after activating the generator - Thanks to Maxouze for pointing this out 2) Degenderised the prologue - Many thanks to rialrees for the heads up http://lbp.me/v/5r0f7r | 2011-09-01 22:24:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Allright, Added you to my queue (F4F) I'll post my feedback here after playing it ![]() | 2011-09-01 22:36:00 Author: Maxouze ![]() Posts: 96 |
got er queued | 2011-09-02 01:38:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
I'll be giving this puppy a shot tomorrow. | 2011-09-02 03:52:00 Author: Mysteltain ![]() Posts: 59 |
Wow sounds great! I'm queuing it now. Also, I'd appreciate some feedback on my level, A Thousand Suns: Decay (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=62664-A-Thousand-Suns-Decay-(1.1)) if you could find some time. No trouble if you don't though! Can't wait to play this! | 2011-09-02 13:56:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Wow sounds great! I'm queuing it now. Also, I'd appreciate some feedback on my level, A Thousand Suns: Decay (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=62664-A-Thousand-Suns-Decay-(1.1)) if you could find some time. No trouble if you don't though! Can't wait to play this! Can always find time to play levels! Will have a play next time im on ![]() Let me know what you think of my levels when you've had a play ![]() | 2011-09-02 19:56:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Left feedback for some of you in your threads ![]() Would love some feedback on mine - especially part 2 - the awakening ![]() | 2011-09-03 09:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hey, I just played your 3 levels. I loved it a lot. The intro was really well made and made me want to play the next levels. The level I liked the less was the second, there was too much dialogs and I had a bug. After comming back to the first stage, I put the power on and returned back to the entrance but nothing happened. I thought that myabe the sackbot trainer would follow me but i didn't move. I tried to go to stage 3 but level restricted. After 10 minutes of searching I decide to go to the third level. This one is really amazing. The intro where you are awakening is completly fantastic. Really looks like a movie. The design of the level is awesome. You really are in a spaceship. The computer cracking was really fun, I especially liked the map af the ship to be able to see if there are failures. You made me want to see the movie ![]() Can't wait to see next part and fight these creepy monsters ![]() | 2011-09-03 10:34:00 Author: Maxouze ![]() Posts: 96 |
Thanks for the feedback maxouse.. was made aware of the trainer issue last night, for some reason he wont follow up the stairs so i put an 'acting' portion in to try and fix that... looks as though that still isnt enough - I'll edit the level and probably remove the stairs... I know theres loads of dialogue for the 2nd level, but unfortunately a necessary evil for the training aspect.. | 2011-09-03 12:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
That issue should now be fixed - many thanks! P.s I have started level 4 and im open to ideas people may have as to content | 2011-09-03 17:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hello, I played your 3 levels and liked them. I didn't have major bugs, but ran into some minor issues. The first part and introduction was good, I liked it. I saw the movie some time ago, I dont remember if there was an intro on earth before the ship leave, but it's a good idea, as it let you teach the basics of the game in part 2. the trainer talks a lot, but as you said it's needed for the training aspect. I liked the dialogue with multiple choice, it make me think about point and clicks game, as well as the ability to use the computer to unlock the box. I have to trackback during the training to unlock the trainer (just before the part where we have to quickly push the button six times). Another thought about this part is during the course in the 3rd floor : what happens if you trhow all the blocks instead of using them to make your sway up on the right? I throw the first one by mistake and I was afraid to be stuck. I managed to climb, but I thought i might get stuck here. The third part was good to, the intro was cool, and this is what I remember from the movie. The gameplay is nice, you combine all the elements teached in the second part in a nice way. Congrats for these 3 nice levels, and if you have the time to return F4F favor, please check my Sackmagnet (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=62679-Sackmagnet-1-Player-only)level. Thanks ! | 2011-09-03 21:10:00 Author: Slurm ![]() Posts: 262 |
Hello there! Here's your feedback: Good points: Visuals show some effort, and I like the themes you set up using materials and objects together - simplistic but effective Dialogue options are great - I always love this as a way to broaden the story or throw in a good joke, and you do that really well (I really enjoyed insulting the security guard!) Points for improvement Bear in mind that the player may not be male. I know this sounds finnicky, but I find it really irritating when I play a level which is designed for a male character, with my female sackthing. I understand that in some cases it isn't possible, due to logic, or use of grappling hooks etc, but why not try a costumed controlled sackbot, at least for cutscenes - It prevents the player losing their suspension of disbelief. It's not a major case in your level, but the mention of a wife etc...well... I AM a wife! lol! Many of the tutorial cutscenes were a little obvious, and you could be demonstrating these guidelines with simple on screen commands. Things like "use triangle to enter", "use x to select" - most players in lbp will already grasp this simple idea because they're essentially standard controls. So at times, these scenes can get a little dull, especially when I'm watching scenes more than actually playing the level. Also, your elevator broke! (I entered the floor number, came back out expecting to have been teleported there, and it left without me....) I think that the panel operation is a little complex for something as simple as an elevator. Maybe try simplifying it to make it Ria-proof... errr... dummy-proof... ![]() Overall though, a good set of levels! Good work! | 2011-09-05 19:17:00 Author: rialrees ![]() Posts: 1015 |
I just played through the three parts yesterday, and this was a pretty good level. I liked the set up for it, and the interaction between the character and the environment is really well done. The multiple choice in the dialogue chains are probably the stand-out for me in that respect. You also really nailed the atmosphere really well--the ship was definitely as creepy as it should have been. I did run in to one glitch though, where Matt didn't follow me onto the elevator after I learned about terminals. He kinda got stuck, and I couldn't proceed through the rest of the level. There were a few other minor issues I found, but I can't really remember what they were, to be honest. I had a pretty big backlog of levels in my queue, so they're all a little muddled, haha. Regardless, this was a really good level, and I can't wait to see what comes next! | 2011-09-05 22:04:00 Author: Mysteltain ![]() Posts: 59 |
Played all 3 levels and the training level a couple times. The instructions are clear and not overly detailed. I like the way you set up the computer terminal system and look forward to seeing how this impacts the game play in future levels. Same goes for the generators. The 3rd floor race was quite fun and everything worked well. I found the elevator a little confusing at first but maybe the controlinator needs to pop you in and out automatically when you get to the selected floor, just to dummy proof it a bit.. Minor things though I didn't find any major bugs or issues. All and all this game is very well done with lots of details to make it feel authentic, I look forward to trying future levels in this series! Thanks again for playing my level btw, I fixed a few border issues and now when you blow up it at least drops you at the end of the level. Please try it again if you get a chance, so far you are the only one to play it and I really need feedback on the 2 player mode! http://lbp.me/v/5wm543 Thanks! | 2011-09-06 05:22:00 Author: Death_with_an_H ![]() Posts: 72 |
Thankyou all again for your feedback! rialrees Yep totally agree with the gender - i did think this halfway through the second level - Sackboy/girl is refered to as 'sackthing'...... not sure why i have left the prologue as it is - definately going to change this. Not sure how you broke the elevator tho!! :lol: should be fool proof (theres an epic amount of logic behind it!!) But i will take a look at it Mysteltain Not sure what happened with the trainer there - will take a look at it tho! Death_with_an_H Many thanks! Will definately give your level a go again (2p if i can) as i really enjoyed it! I think I'll take a look at condesing down the dialogue in the training level as it seems to be the main gripe so far! Thanks guys!!!! | 2011-09-07 19:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Anyone else had a play? ![]() | 2011-09-13 20:07:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thought i'd bump this up and see if any fresh sackboys/girls fancied a play ![]() | 2011-10-12 20:58:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thought i'd bump this up and see if any fresh sackboys/girls fancied a play ![]() Well from the feedback I read so far this actually makes me want to play it. So I'll add this to my queue, but may not get to it until Friday. UPDATE: I have quite a huge backlog of levels to get through but I'll do my best. | 2011-10-12 21:55:00 Author: LittleBigDes ![]() Posts: 920 |
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