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Comeroiroc's detailed cars: Ferrari 458 Italia

Archive: 9 posts

This may not be perfect, but you can't say its not awsome!
It took about 2.5-3 days to build and that is apparent, due to the working automatic convertable top, and various other nice features. Sorry i shall not be giving this car away for a while due to renovations on my level, so if you wish to test it please add me, or send me a message, so we can meet up. ohh and next i'm think to build either a mclaren f1 or lamborgini revonton please post your choice below, and rate the car between 1-5 stars, and what could be improved in your review, thx here are the pics!
And this is it in the new car showcase of mine along with a few other elite cars.http://if.lbp.me/img/ft/3bf4b47992f1fbbcb4072d420292247cfb18416b.jpg
Hope you enjoied this Sincerly, Comero-iroc
2011-09-01 00:54:00

Posts: 157

Needs more "things" on it 2011-09-01 01:07:00

Posts: 948

like.., it has gears, turning signals, actual exaust, windsheild wipers, radio, convertable top, self opening hood, with engine, my deluxe sound system, replicated logo, enterior, front lights, and even brakes behind the rims http://ia.lbp.me/img/ft/1caf717cb007a84f27be394ecf91129842297748.jpg2011-09-01 01:12:00

Posts: 157

People judge or just ignore car threads....

And I still can't see why you said it wasn't perfect that one time i saw it, but this is over the top FOR SURE.

And the mclaren cuz its 10x times better then a reventon.
2011-09-01 04:41:00

Posts: 74

Only thing is the 458 has a MR drivetrain, I see you put an engine in the front.
But still, good work.
2011-09-01 21:43:00

Posts: 1176

It's a nice effort, but as for how does it look... it being a replica of an actual car... I'll just put it this way; One of the main things anyone would like about a Ferrari's looks is the smooth, carefully detailed curves, and yours looks kind of... squarey? Maybe it's just the quality of the pictures.
On the other hand, I see the list of features you crafted through logic, and looking at some of the pictures beyond the actual looks I can tell it must be fun to play around with, and anyone who's really into cars, having the chance to play around with something as detailed (features-wise) I'm sure they wouldn't be so picky about the contour.
All of that said, if there's one thing I didn't like, is how it looks like it doesn't have tires The shadows from underneath the car + the pitch-black tires + the part of the wheels that have the little yellow logo on, it all makes it look like the car was made to run through train rails... but then, I'm guessing you wouldn't be able to add the detail of the brakes on the wheels if you built them any other way, so I'll just blame LBP's limitations as far as layers

I give it a 3 in your Poll.
2011-09-01 22:23:00

Posts: 128

I'm not much of a LBP supercar replica enthusiast so I can't give much feedback on this. I will say however that at one layer thick the proportions seems a little too squashed. I just did a quick image search of the car and unless there was an older more angular model that this is replicating I'd strongly suggest trying to get those curves a lot smoother.2011-09-02 18:27:00

Posts: 572

yeah, i know where your comming from, but it is supposed to be to scale, and shrinking the body does edit the actual shape of the car, so its not as easy as it sounds to just make it more smooth, but i appreciate the feedback!2011-09-03 00:19:00

Posts: 157

http://ib.lbp.me/img/ft/6eb33dc1546c8553ba5eba348eada1f23a2a2b6d.jpg2011-09-04 02:39:00

Posts: 157

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