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1-Player Only - Spectator System

Archive: 3 posts

Hello again!

I was in need of some sort of system that would count the number of players in the level, and depending on how many players were active, the first player would be able to play, while the other/s (1-3) would spec.
After some serious thinking (I'm slow with Logic <_<) Sean88 (forum member/friend) and I managed to come up with a system that works just as I wanted, and even better, but of course, the "better" is just to my taste, for my particular need for my level... others may not be so happy with the plus

Here are a couple of snapshots:


Basically how this works is, when you enter the level, a player sensor automatically activates a Level-Close Post so no-one else may join the level for Playing. However, when you bring the other players yourself (randoms/friends), the level post won't work as intended, and this is when the actual system kicks in.
The players counter checks for the number of active players and starts feeding the appropriate timers set to Backwards/Forwards (these timers are set to 3 seconds, and are mainly there just so when the First player dies, there's plenty of time for them to respawn without the system thinking one of the players left [you can set the time as high or low as you see fit]), and depending on the number of players, it will deactivate the corresponding follower-controlinators by sending them a constant ON signal through (a bit of a complex for what it really is, but that's just my bad, always looking into the hardest way to do things) a tag sets system, and of course, the whole thing is set to follow the first player at all times.
*The sequencer is set to trigger whenever there are more than 1 active players in the level, and set to subtitles. On for 5 seconds.

Example: If there are 2 players active, after a 3 seconds cool-down, the Counter will activate the 2-Players set of tags, deactivating 2 of the controlinators, and automatically sending one of the players to an available seat (in this case only one would be available), while the other simply stays in the level, unaffected by the system.

*The added plus (that is more a bug than anything else ) is that if there are no checkpoints on-screen when the first player dies, the system starts "cycling" backwards, allowing each of the spectators to try their hands at the level. When there are no more players left on the seats, the system restarts, obviously.
Again, this is more like a bug in itself, and I could find a way to work around it, but I figured that it is actually a nice one

I have added the entire system as a Prize when you complete my Mech Test level, so either if you would like to check it out, or grab a copy for yourself, if anything just to save yourself some time instead of creating it yourself, just visit one of the 2 links below

LBP.me link. (http://lbp.me/v/5fy7tr)
LBPCentral Mech Level Thread link. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=62006-Fire-Squirrel-Mech-Exo-Suit-UPDATED&p=912096&viewfull=1#post912096)

NOTE: I'm adding this here because I looked on the Internet and through Tutorials to see if anyone had already something up for me to use, but I couldn't find anything that would work for me.

Hope it helps!

NOTE 2: System might not be flawless. If anyone finds anything that could be fixed, please do let me know

NOTE 3: Forgot to mention (for whatever it's worth ) that the system barely uses any thermo.
2011-08-31 14:44:00

Posts: 128

i made a similar setup for the creators toolkit (http://lbp.me/v/1jdvkm), not sure if it's been added yet or not though, but mine gets around the bug you mentioned by sending it back to the last checkpoint when the active player dies.2011-09-01 08:54:00

Posts: 612

Aw, now that I finally finished mine I find that someone has already made a good one D: Oh well, it was fun making it anyway
I'll queue the level and check the tools in there it sounds interesting!

Edit: Oi, behaves exactly the same :o I knew there had to be a simpler way than how I did it lol. The only difference is that yours does fix the player-death "bug"-sorta-thing, but again for my particular level, I found it accidentally useful

Thanks for sharing evret
2011-09-01 09:16:00

Posts: 128

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