Archive: 2 posts
I'll give feedback for anybody who wants it. All this week at least... If you REALLY want it after that then I still will but I would rather not... But yea... So the level is basically a minigame that I remade from my calculator. (But apparently it was also on LBP1... o.O![]() Thanks in advance! ![]() http://lbp.me/v/5v9fb9 | 2011-08-30 02:48:00 Author: Speedynutty68 ![]() Posts: 1614 |
Just tried playing your level. It looks pretty good and the concept of the level is good as well. Problem is just that it isn't really working. It takes too long for the 5th platform to show up so you either get squashed at the top if you don't go through the hole just yet or you die at the bottom since you jumped at the last moment and the platform didn't show up fast enough. Not sure if it happens to any other platforms after this since I couldn't continue. Also when the platforms show up they sometimes move back and forward once for some reason. Think this shouldn't be happening either, end up dead sometimes while I should have been on top of the platform. If you'd fix these things I'm pretty sure you'll get a lot more plays. Seems to be very fun if it would work. As for F4F, would be cool if you could try my level and leave some feedback. ![]() Edit: Just made it past the 5th platform, really had to go through the hole at the very last moment. Had a few more of those platforms after that but I still made it. Then I got to level 4 and no platform showed up while I again went through the hole at the very last moment. Other than that I also think it's a bit too easy since you just have to move and get through the hole. Maybe add some obstacles on the platforms in the higher levels. | 2011-08-30 16:42:00 Author: Firehuntah ![]() Posts: 75 |
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