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Background Theme complaint

Archive: 23 posts

I really do not like the background settings in this game however I clearly seem to be in the minority judging by the amount of other creators who do use them. My problem is that they are totally out of scale with sackboy and in my opinion they only seem to belong in a Honey I shrunk the kids or land of the giant type level. Whenever I see a really well designed level that immerses the player in it and then I see a giant beach ball in the background theme it takes me out of the level. If the backgrounds were actually to scale with the character I think it would make a world of difference. The metropolis background to scale would be fantastic.

My problem with the background settings is the reason all of my levels have stickered backgrounds. I would rather show the borders of my background than have the background settings. Does anyone else have a problem with the backgrounds or am I in a Minority of one on this topic?

"Time is precious, but truth is more precious than time." Disraeli.
2011-08-29 16:08:00

Posts: 50

Well, after all, Sackboy is only about 7 cm' Tall, so it makes sense.
like in LBP2, the negativitron is a vacuum cleaner.
2011-08-29 16:13:00

Posts: 276

Sackboy can be whatever size the player wants him to be. The backgrounds however make it clear he/she is tiny and that is a mistake in my opinion. There should be an option to resize them.2011-08-29 16:42:00

Posts: 50

exactly. i say sackboy is 7 cm tall, so the backgrounds make sense to me2011-08-29 16:58:00

Posts: 276

I seldom use backgrounds, and so do you, I don't get what you're complaining about.2011-08-29 18:21:00

Posts: 5482

Y U complaining to us? complain to cambridge...ohwait..you cant...MUHAHAHAHA!!!2011-08-30 11:29:00

Posts: 382

Sackboy can be whatever size the player wants him to be. The backgrounds however make it clear he/she is tiny and that is a mistake in my opinion. There should be an option to resize them.

Lies. Sackboy was officially named by Playstation to be 8cm tall while fully grown. Proof comes from an official playstation video:

2011-08-31 00:04:00

Posts: 1654

Yeah dude, you are wrong on that one. Sackboy scaled to real life objects is only 3 or 4 inches tall. Like in LBP2 he goes up to a normal sized PS3 controller, and he is only taller than it laying down by about 1/4 of an inch. So yeah, they are actually scaled fine2011-08-31 01:15:00

Posts: 732

Sackboy is perfect.
Your argument is invalid.
2011-08-31 03:44:00

Posts: 2333

I posted this just to share some of my thoughts on why I don't like using the backgrounds and must admit to being very disappointed by the responses received so far. Anyone would think I had claimed that Adolf Hitler was an all round good egg. My opinion on the backgrounds is my own personal view point. I do not expect everyone or in fact anyone to agree with me. What I did not expect however is the following:

Valmassoi wrote:

"Lies. Sackboy was officially named by Playstation to be 8cm tall while fully grown. Proof comes from an official playstation video:"

Before accusing someone of lying Valmassoi you should make sure you know the difference between a false statement and a lie. You clearly do not understand this. Please let me explain it for you.

A lie is a statement given by a speaker who knows what they are saying is false.
A false statement is a statement given by the speaker that they believe to be true but in fact is false.

I can only be charged with the latter statement not the former. If any of my statements is wrong then they are false not lies.
Now let us look at exactly what I said in order to establish whether or not I am actually guilty of issuing false statements which is what Valmassoi was trying to state but who failed dismally to do so.

"Sackboy can be whatever size the player wants him to be."

Allow me to elaborate here. Sackboy can be whatever size the player wants him/her to be in their respective levels. In my levels for example the player character is clearly not 7cm tall. He is supposed to be similar in size to the human characters in the level. The player takes on the role of an msf soldier male or female. As Big Boss and Miller etc are clearly not 7cm or smaller, nor are the buildings and vehicles, then it follows that sackboy is a bigger size in my level. I personally see sackboy as a blank canvas. He is not a sackboy to me but is simply whatever character I want him to be in my level. In my levels (published and unpublished) sackboy is an msf soldier, a kryptonian refugee, a 1930s private detective and a time travelling adventurer etc. In none of those levels is sackboy 7cm tall. Nor are any of the other characters in those levels giants. This is the point I was trying to make in my statement. Perhaps I worded it incorrectly and should have worded it better but even then that does not open me up to the charge of lying which is totally uncalled for and unwarranted and I would certainly have expected better from yourself Valmassoi.

"The backgrounds however make it clear he/she is tiny and that is a mistake in my opinion."

The key word here of course is opinion. However, if you are actually correct that sackboy is only 8cm tall, when fully grown, then this statement would in fact support what you are saying. Once again not a lie. Nor more importantly is it false.

"There should be an option to resize them."
How exactly does this constitute a lie? I have simply stated I think there should be an option to resize the levels. In what way could this be construed as a lie? It cannot.

Valmassoi wrote:

"Proof comes from an official playstation video."

What does this video prove exactly? Please elaborate if you can how this constitutes proof that sackboy must always be 8cm tall in every level that is created. It is simply not written in stone that in every level created the player character has to be 8cm tall. If Sackboy is 8cm tall in every level then all the levels would be land of the giant/honey I shrunk the kids affairs when the vast majority of levels out there are nothing of the kind. The levels are limited only by the imagination of the people who create them. This is why I find the backgrounds to be a problem and why I never use them. Other people may enjoy using the backgrounds but for the reasons listed previously I do not. This is the only point I was making in my post.

RickyIII wrote:

"Yeah dude, you are wrong on that one. Sackboy scaled to real life objects is only 3 or 4 inches tall. Like in LBP2 he goes up to a normal sized PS3 controller, and he is only taller than it laying down by about 1/4 of an inch. So yeah, they are actually scaled fine."

I am not talking about sackboy being scaled to real life objects RickyIII but thank you for at least being able to respond properly. The point I was making is that I cannot use the fantasy backgrounds in the levels I have created because I do not like the giant objects that litter them and which, in my opinion, takes away from atmosphere and setting of the level I am trying to create for the player. This was the point I was making. There are thousands of levels out there that show quite clearly that sackboy can be whatever size the player wants them to be. Levels that have the player character interacting with other characters, vehicles and buildings etc. Are all these things supposed to be miniaturized? If so then why are the objects in the background not minaturized also? Can't have it both ways in my opinion.

Cory_7101995 wrote:

"Sackboy is perfect."
I never stated otherwise and yet even if I had what exactly does this have to do with the statements I have made? Oh that's right absolutely nothing.

Cory_7101995 also wrote:

"Your argument is invalid."

I seriously doubt you could tell the difference between a valid argument and an invalid argument Cory. However, I will give you the opportunity to show me that you can. Please explain clearly and concisely why it is that my argument is in fact invalid. Please remember not to resort to logical fallacies and faulty reasoning however in doing so. Good luck with that.

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." Jonathan Swift
2011-08-31 16:28:00

Posts: 50

Dude... you are so right. Thank you oh so very much for pointing this all out for us incompetent humans. Now to continue with your argument, go ahead and complain to Cambridge. No one is stopping you.

<3 from,
2011-08-31 21:10:00

Posts: 1654

I need a moment to laugh.

*Insert hour long laugh session*


1. This is just a video game! It's supposed to be fun. If your not having fun, then don't play it. (in my opinion, you're taking this too serious for a video game)

2. This game is based around creativity and IMAGINATION. In every level and every situation sackboy is the same size. When you make a level where sackboy is supposed to be like 6 feet tall, that's your imagination. He's still 8cm tall.

You can't complain about yourself not having any imagination to other people.

Therefor, your argument is invalid.

EDIT: I'm not saying your wrong. I see what you mean. I would also like to see backgrounds that made sackboy look bigger, but there's not really a need for it.

And, I think you're taking the people who replied too seriously.
2011-09-06 01:46:00

Posts: 2333

Man you guys have gotten rude.
I see what he means though, the backgrounds do seem to be a whole lot bigger than they should be for example the snails in the gardens pack, since sackboy is 8cm tall that means that the snails in it are at least six inches tall and when was the last time you saw a six inch tall snail?
2011-09-06 02:43:00

Posts: 288

8 centimeters = 3.1496063 inches

Cory jokes.
Val enjoys sarcasm.
MrObycyek doesn't understand their jokes and sarcasm.
Life goes on.

Glad to help.
2011-09-06 03:06:00

Posts: 1651

Sorry bout that. I realize that Sackboy is not 8cm in levels. to be honest, i usually think of Sackboy to be about the size of a 5th grader (4ft 11in)
I think the only background that really makes sense is the fantasy background.
2011-09-07 15:02:00

Posts: 276

if you make your levels higher up in the background, all you can see are the trees and hills in the distance which lets sackboy look regular size.2011-09-07 21:59:00

Posts: 191

Cory_7101995 wrote:
?I need a moment to laugh.?

Don?t we all? They do say laughter is the best medicine.

Cory added:
?*insert hour long laugh session*?

This is what is known as the appeal to ridicule. It is a poor attempt to try and discredit the poster. The only people who fall for that fallacy are of course imbeciles and ignorant people. An intelligent and well informed person will never fall for such a ploy. It is always a sure sign of the person who uses it that they are on shaky ground and not at all confident in their position.

Cory also wrote:
?1. This is just a video game! It's supposed to be fun. If your not having fun, then don't play it. (In my opinion, you?re taking this too serious for a video game)?

This a total non-sequitur and has nothing to do with what I was talking about Cory. Of course I find the game fun at least the creating side of it. That is why I have created so many levels so far (published and unpublished) and am working on more. Just because I do not like a certain aspect of something it does not follow that I should reject it all. I have many albums on which there are certain songs I am not keen on but it does not mean I throw away the whole CD. As for taking it too seriously I have not accused others of lying nor argued about how big sackboy is in REAL LIFE. Those are sure signs of taking things too seriously. I am always impartial and objective (or at least strive to be!) and am not prone to blind faith ranting or pettyness if only others could say the same. I just wanted to share my thoughts on this board about why I don't use backgrounds in my levels. It was a crazy belief on my part that some posters on this board might actually be interested in what I had to say. I will not make that mistake again and will simply just stick to writing up reviews (for anyone that wants one) and publishing my levels in future.

Cory also added:
?2. This game is based around creativity and IMAGINATION. In every level and every situation sackboy is the same size. When you make a level where sackboy is supposed to be like 6 feet tall, that?s your imagination. He?s still 8cm tall."

So in every level and every situation sackboy is the same size except when you use your imagination in which case he can be any size you want him to be. Got it. I am glad you could clear that up for me.

Cory_7101995 wrote:
?You can?t complain about yourself not having any imagination to other people.?

Yes you can. Not that I have ever actually done this of course as it would be an absurd statement to make. How does it follow from my complaint about the backgrounds that I have no imagination? Now if I did not create any levels and used my background complaint as a reason why I did not create anything then you would have a point there. The fact is, however, that I have created levels (nine so far published) and have created my own stickered backgrounds for those levels. This takes imagination. Your statement has no merit. Now of course people could make the argument that they do not actually like my backgrounds but that would be a whole other issue. My complaint about the background has absolutely nothing to do with the statement you have made above.

Cory wrote:
?Therefore, your argument is invalid.?

No. It does not logically follow from the points you have made above that my complaint about the background is invalid. I do appreciate, however, your attempt to explain why you consider it invalid. Thank you for taking the time to do so Cory and if I came across as rude in my earlier post then I apologize.

Cory then said:
?EDIT: I?m not saying your wrong. I see what you mean. I would also like to see backgrounds that made sackboy look bigger, but there?s not really a need for it.?

Eh? Now you are just contradicting yourself. If you are saying that my argument is invalid then you are saying I am wrong. You understand exactly the point I am getting at with the background. The backgrounds are not a problem to you but you acknowledge that the backgrounds could be bigger. That is a valid point. They are actually a bigger problem to me but they are not such a problem that it would make me stop using the create mode. Only if my entire profile was corrupted would I give up on this game and never return to it.

Finally Cory said:
?And I think you?re taking the people who replied too seriously.?

You may have a point here Cory. I do tend to get carried away and take things very seriously regardless of the company and the environment I am in but that is always preferable to coming across as an immature petty minded (present company excluded) cretin. I do also think however that when someone states you have told lies then you are duty bound to respond and to take it seriously even if the poster who said it did not. Especially when as I have already shown they clearly could not be lies in the first instance. I expect to be treated the same as I myself treat other people. Surely that is not asking too much?

Thanks again for getting back to me Cory.

Aceof thorns wrote:
?I see what he means though, the backgrounds do seem to be a whole lot bigger than they should be?

This was the point I was making aceofthorns. I think they should have been smaller or, better still, there should have been an option to resize them to suit the level being created. I don't see why they could not have provided this option in the game when just about all else can be tinkered with and edited.

Woodbury Raider wrote:
?MrObycyek doesn?t understand their jokes and sarcasm.?

MrObycyek gets their attempts at jokes and sarcasm all right Woodbury. He also gets your attempt to keep the peace. MrO is not just a pretty face with a killer body (are you listening any ladies lurking out there?) you know. He is also highly intelligent and articulate as well. I know it came as a surprise to me as well. MrO is also patiently awaiting Crisis II so he can give it an in-depth review, and find out just who exactly Aunt Samantha is and whom she works for. Get a move on Woodbury.

junk-warrior7 wrote:
"Sorry bout that. I realize that Sackboy is not 8cm in levels. to be honest, i usually think of Sackboy to be about the size of a 5th grader (4ft 11in)
I think the only background that really makes sense is the fantasy background."

You don't have anything to apologize for as far as I can see junk-warrior. Also regarding the fantasy background a vast number of levels do seem to have this background setting in them. I wonder does it have anything to do with the lack of objects in that background perhaps?
Were you not working on a mech level junk-warrior? How is it coming along? I am hoping to have a metal gear ZEKE level at some point and hope to learn some things from how others create mechs in their levels.

darcyh wrote:
"if you make your levels higher up in the background, all you can see are the trees and hills in the distance which lets sackboy look regular size."

Yeah that is a pretty good suggestion. I might try that at some point darcyh although I do prefer making my own backgrounds with stickers. I just wish there could have been some editing options on the backgrounds.

?Here?s freedom to them that would read,
Here?s freedom to them that would write,
There?s none ever feared that the truth should be heard,
But they whom the truth would indite.? Robert Burns.
2011-09-08 15:57:00

Posts: 50

Loooooooooooong post, and its an UMD, not a CD. 2011-09-08 16:30:00

Posts: 5482

Mr. O, this isn't a debate forum. Nobody cares how logically you think here. We all understand what your point is. We're just messing with you. If you're here on LBPC to cause arguments and show how high your IQ is by pointing out our 'flaws' in posting, go somewhere else.

LBPC is for discussing anything LBP related (except the general stuff forum). Sure, this thread started as a LBP topic, but when you said:

Does anyone else have a problem with the backgrounds or am I in a Minority of one on this topic?

You started a simple conversation here. We voiced our opinions and had some sarcastic posts. Boo hoo. You asked what we thought. So we told you. Then you backfired.

If you don't care about LBP and are here to debate, please go somewhere else. But if you're here to have simple conversation about LBP or to publish some levels, by all means, stay.
2011-09-10 19:01:00

Posts: 1654

@Obycyek, do you need a lesson, perhaps, in how to become fluent in "quotes"?2011-09-11 05:06:00

Posts: 673

Mr Quote really needs to realise when he's lost an argument...QUOTES DON'T HELP!!!2011-09-12 17:52:00

Posts: 382

I can't believe you are having such a large debate about about such a small sackperson... n.n2011-09-13 17:12:00

Posts: 1316

I can't believe you are having such a large debate about about such a small sackperson... n.n

Apparently, that's what Mr. Obycyek was looking for >_>
2011-09-16 03:35:00

Posts: 1654

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