Winches...what's the point?
Archive: 7 posts
Can anyone tell me an advantage of using a winch? Cuz through my level creating i've noticed that the winch is just pretty much a piston that doesn't do as much, so i don't see the point in ever using one, is there any advantage a winch has over a piston? jw | 2008-12-21 19:35:00 Author: jjdragon ![]() Posts: 257 |
You can swing on winches... Dude, seriously. I might put this in my sig <_> | 2008-12-21 19:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The advantage is that winches are flexible. Even if your piston isn't stiff, it will never bend. They aren't as useful as pistons, sure, but they have their uses. | 2008-12-21 19:40:00 Author: BassDeluxe ![]() Posts: 984 |
oh ok, so i know u can use them for something, i've been thinkin forever about what they're used 4, now i kno, thanks ![]() | 2008-12-21 19:46:00 Author: jjdragon ![]() Posts: 257 |
Lol @ creative. & Yeah, if you're trying to give something a dangerous effect, you might use winches instead of a piston for an elevator. | 2008-12-21 19:49:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
i believe a winch can go slack, meaning that the piston is always stiff, where as a winch can fall in on itself if gravity or force dictates. much like a string vs. a rod. i haven't actually verified this but this seems to be the main difference as i just think about it. you are right though, the are virtually the same (except that a winch can't push like a piston can... which sometimes is what you want) *** good freaking lord. a guy opens a thread, does some other things on the net, comes back to it, replies... and 4 other responses slip in past him. 4!! this board is too active for my own good. | 2008-12-21 19:51:00 Author: Conall-Star ![]() Posts: 157 |
also, if you ever want to use chains as decorations in your level the winch is very good. look at my old beta level Aftermath and you can see how i used winches on a bridge | 2008-12-21 22:39:00 Author: Gondito ![]() Posts: 1082 |
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