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Comero-iroc's and Sylux's Detailed Car: Gallant Abflug Nissan R35 GTR

Archive: 9 posts

This was a quick project, and it turned much more nice than expected.

The Gallant Abflug Gtr is a tuned version of the Nissan GTR.

Here is our car:

Side view:


Logic, all by Comero-iroc:


Interior: By Comero-iroc too.


Back view:


Front view:

2011-08-27 05:29:00

Posts: 74

Ohh and it has a recreation of a v6 engine (which was interesting putting in, beacause it just wouldn't fix, it was trying to fit a rectangle in a triangle, litterally, so it was put inside the front axle.2011-08-27 13:06:00

Posts: 157

Ohh and it has a recreation of a v8 engine (which was interesting putting in, beacause it just wouldn't fix, it was trying to fit a rectangle in a triangle, litterally, so it was put inside the front axle.

It was a V6
2011-08-27 17:12:00

Posts: 74

lol, logic, by comero-iroc. inside, by comer-iroc too. and i get first REAL comment!!! yay!!!!2011-08-28 15:37:00

Posts: 157

And I still wonder why there's soo much logic on cars in LBP2 .........2011-08-28 21:00:00

Posts: 948

lol, logic, by comero-iroc. inside, by comer-iroc too. and i get first REAL comment!!! yay!!!!

I did the body-- whats a car with that? and The Engine-- ill post that up right away!

And I still wonder why there's soo much logic on cars in LBP2 .........

Think how difficult it is to make a radio, make a transmission with 6 gears on a car, A working engine, lights, turn signals, and brake lights? Theres much more stuff in real life that is IMPOSSIBLE to recreate in LBP. Traction control, all that stuff.

Making car in LBP should be as realistic as it is real life pal. Not a model that doesn't move.
2011-08-29 06:06:00

Posts: 74

thanks guys, it means alot that people like my creations and Sylux is a awsome creator, and i hope he gets some props for this.2011-08-30 01:58:00

Posts: 157

Think how difficult it is to make a radio, make a transmission with 6 gears on a car, A working engine, lights, turn signals, and brake lights? Theres much more stuff in real life that is IMPOSSIBLE to recreate in LBP. Traction control, all that stuff.
OMG! Sylux i'm goona try to add traction control, thx dude!
2011-09-07 20:43:00

Posts: 157

OMG! Sylux i'm goona try to add traction control, thx dude!
I stand corrected :/
2011-09-07 23:23:00

Posts: 74

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