Soo Anyone here care about FFXIII-2?
Archive: 29 posts
Yeah im kind of surprised that I havent seen a topic on it here. But judging from the topic I made a while ago about FF13 like most people here hate it, for understandable reasons of course. FFXIII was one of my favorite games of all time and ive played FF7, 8 ,10, and 12. Yeah well anyway If any of you have played FF13 you know its linear and has no towns or sidequests and blah blah blah. But FFXIII-2 is supposed to have more open areas and have towns and be wayy less linear and more player driven. Here is a new trailer on it.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7UoUvqcXvs Well yeah idk about you guys, everyone seems to be so pessimistic on it but I know it will probably be one of my favorite games of all time. | 2011-08-27 02:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Soo Anyone here care about FFXIII-2? From what I hear, it's gonna be just as bad as the first. So Nope, not interested. *mew | 2011-08-27 02:30:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
What did you hear about it? There taking criticism to everything. If you didnt like the battle system then well you wont like this one. But the battle system was the most praised thing in ffxiii. So there adding new features to that. And the main complaints were that there was no exploration until the end and the sidequests suck and the game was overall too linear. They said there would be like and open world like older ffs and there would be towns and whatnot. Its only improving from the original. So why do you think it will be just as "bad" as the first? Geez am I the only one who LOVES FFXIII on here? | 2011-08-27 02:37:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Square suckered me into buying a linear train crawl for sixty dollars once before. Even though they say they're listening to fans, listening to the developers it seems like they're just going through a checklist for all complaints. It doesn't seem to have any "soul", just like the first one. Regardless, I was suckered into buying the first one, so if I ever get this I'd wait till it's old and used, as I do want to give Square the middle finger they deserved but never got from me over that first 6 year abomination >_> | 2011-08-27 02:43:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Who cares if they put there souls into it? If Its a good game then its a good game. Im half joking..... And what do you even mean by that? There putting alot more "soul" into this one then ffxiii it seems like. There listening to complaints, why would it matter if they are going through a checklist of complaints anyway? It makes a easy way to sort things out..... | 2011-08-27 02:57:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Who cares if they put there souls into it? If Its a good game then its a good game. Im half joking..... And what do you even mean by that? There putting alot more "soul" into this one then ffxiii it seems like. There listening to complaints, why would it matter if they are going through a checklist of complaints anyway? It makes a easy way to sort things out..... It means they aren't making their game into a game that should be something they want to make. Turning the process of game making into a machine meant to appeal to people without the creators making the game they want to make... it just sickens me. People should make games they want to make instead of just going through a list of what people want and just trying to appeal to as many people as possible. Plus hearing them say that people disliked FF13 because it was a "Story focused game"... as if they couldn't understand that people hated FF13 because it was a linear trainwreck with purty graphics. People WANT story focused games in RPGs... we just want games to not be ****ing linear tunnels. Unfortunately the creators did not seem capable of understanding that. they jsut seem to be going through the motions, trying to make the game appeal to the masses, without placing a bit of themselves in it. Thus it'd be a regurgitated pile of machine wreck. Meh. | 2011-08-27 03:05:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Rock said it well xD The game had no soul. it was just more or less a movie with FF name slapped on it~ hardly what I'd call a real game at all. they need to stop spending all their time only on graphics and make a real game with real fun gameplay. | 2011-08-27 03:08:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Well, I actually enjoyed FFXIII (I always have to be contrary don't I? ![]() It's certainly not my favourite in the series - but it had a good driving narrative which probably wouldn't have been achieved with a more open-world approach. I'm much more in favour of a return to proper turn-based combat. again - being contrary. | 2011-08-27 03:14:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
The combat is FFXIII was the best battle system in FF to me and most people. The only thing they need to focus on more is exploration and stuff. I hope they dont not focus on graphics because i do love the graphics in FF13 and it really does enhance the game for me alot. And i dont care how or why they make a game whether Its being for themselves or us, actually Id rather them focus on making something people like instead what they want to do since no seems to like what they wanted to do with ffxiii. They really want to win back fans so of course there trying to make something we want. How would that sicken you? I dont give a ****zle why they make it as long as its fun. | 2011-08-27 03:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
From what I heard FF13 had no mini games. a FF without Minigames to me is pure fail. Also i've only liked 3 FFs to date. FF7, FF9. And FFT. I only liked FF12 for the cute Moogles and Bunny girls~ ![]() and I'd not Call FF13 a Fun game. but that's just me and my likes & dislikes so I'd not count that part. *mew. | 2011-08-27 03:30:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
My issue with 13 was the battle system, super easy and utterly mindless...I know some people really liked it, but I prefer to at least have the illusion that I'm in control. I assume 13-2 is the same battle system, which will make it the first FF game since 7 that I won't be getting. I don't care about towns really, talking to npcs in most rpgs is a chore. I do like being able to explore, and 13 did have that one big area which was fun for a while...13-2 should be a better game, but the battles are a deal breaker. I am excited about Disgaea 4 next month and Dark Souls. FF mini games are the worst...calling them games at all is an insult to games...dodge 200 lightining bolts, #$%#@! | 2011-08-27 03:42:00 Author: fullofwin ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Yeah, I thought the combat (and the levelling) was the worst aspect of FFXIII. FFX had a much better system with the turn-based swap outs. Much more startegic thinking involved, rather than auto-pilot button mashing. And they need a Blitzball/Triple Triad style meta-game (not minigame)to make a return. | 2011-08-27 03:47:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
And I'd call a linear game with nothing but battling and linear story a insult to games ![]() | 2011-08-27 03:48:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
The combat is FFXIII was the best battle system in FF to me and most people. The only thing they need to focus on more is exploration and stuff. I hope they dont not focus on graphics because i do love the graphics in FF13 and it really does enhance the game for me alot. And i dont care how or why they make a game whether Its being for themselves or us, actually Id rather them focus on making something people like instead what they want to do since no seems to like what they wanted to do with ffxiii. They really want to win back fans so of course there trying to make something we want. How would that sicken you? I dont give a ****zle why they make it as long as its fun. I made a thread like this a while back and there was a ton of rage that followed lol The battle system i think was technically the worst though. First time in FF history where summons are useless--they make the summons in FF 12 look like gods with their pathetic damage( the characters were stronger than the summons!). I never found the use for them when Renew cost less TP. FF XIII's combat is incomplete, no party switching and party leader death seems like a cheap artificial addition to avoid adding the battle logic for member swapping. This FF also had the least amount of abilities to choose from--using the same moves in an rpg this long..common now and no limit breaks ( Army of one is a skill, not a limit break). There was no MP , so it focused on the Break Guage, so battle felt like Xenosaga mixed with a watered down X-2. They need to get back to the FF style, its been far to long since i played an RPG like FF 1-10. 12 was ok, but i was hoping they would go back to thier roots after that one. With XIII they lost their minds, especially the story which is the most disappointing part of the game.I dont see how the writers could forge such a intriguing world and make the plot so shallow. And the lines in that game are worse than FF X's--probably some of the worst characters i have ever seen in my life. If the game is going to be that linear, they could have at least made the characters more interesting and better written. The characters seemed like strangers even by the end of the game and thats a first for a FF game i played. I felt closer to FF 12's characters and they had WAY less cutscenes in that one. I will still give XIII-2 a chance just to support Final Fantasy Versus. But this is the first time i am not excited to play a new Final Fantasy honestly. The combat looks the same and the third party member is a MONSTER! Lame. It reminds me so much of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. The cinematic prompts just seem like another illusion to hide the games shallow combat. Hopefully i am wrong, but this game doesnt seem too great. I am better off hoping the Last Story and Xenoblade make it to the US and wait for Tales of Graces/Xilia and finish my rpg. Seriously, with SE's money, FF 13 should have been big like FF VII and FF X was back in the day. But so much for that ![]() | 2011-08-27 03:54:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
Whatever.... I found the battle system to be the most strategic and most intense in the whole ff series.... Its definitley not mindless. I'd rather be pressing XXXXXXXDownDownXXR1DownDownXXXXXX than X..................................... XX...... Down..... XX. And FFXIII-2 will have minigames. Well yeah anyway. FFXIII had super high expectations and although the majority liked it, it definitley was one of the most hated in the series. Now eveeryone is all pessimistic about FFXIII-2 which obviously is going to be a better game with the improvements they are adding.... | 2011-08-27 03:56:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I made a thread like this a while back and there was a ton of rage that followed lol The battle system i think was technically the worst though. First time in FF history where summons are useless--they make the summons in FF 12 look like gods with their pathetic damage. I never found the use for them when Renew costed less TP. FF XIII's combat is incomplete, no party switching and party leader death seems like a cheap artificial addition to avoid adding the battle logic for member swapping. This FF also had the least amount of abilities to choose from--using the same moves in an rpg this long..common now and no limit breaks ( Army of one is a skill, not a limit break). There was no MP and it focused on the break guage, so battle felt like Xenosaga mixed with a watered down X-2. They need to get back to the FF style, its been far to long since i played an RPG like FF 1-10. 12 was ok, but i was hoping they would go back to thier roots after that one. With XIII they lost thier minds. I dont see how the writers could forge such a intriguing world and make the plot so shallow. And the lines in that game are worse than FF X's--probably some of the worst characters i have ever seen in my life. I will still give XIII-2 a chance just to support Final Fantasy Versus. But this is the first time i am not excited to play a new Final Fantasy honestly. The combat looks the same and the third party member is a MONSTER! Lame. It reminds me so much of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. The cinematic prompts just seem like another illusion to hide the games shallow combat. Hopefully i am wrong, but this game doesnt seem too great. I am better off hoping the Last Story and Xenoblade make it to the US and wait for Tales of Graces/Xilia and finish my rpg. Seriously, with SE's money, FF 13 should have been big like FF VII and FF X was back in the day. But so much for that ![]() Well the monster thing is optional and Im sure they are not going to have just two human slots and one monster slot. They keep avoiding answering questions about more playable questions so its obvious that they are hiding them... And the summons in FFXIII helped me out ALOT by keeping me alive they came to good use for me ALOT. And it would be stupid to have MP in this kind of battle system. I mean just think about it.... And the whole plot for FF13 was SOOO AMAZING. They just sucked at telling it in the game. I loved this game so much lol cant wait for ffxiii-2 omgomgomgomgomgomg lol | 2011-08-27 04:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Well, that's also one of my gripes. Final Fantasy's have never been "intense" - they've been cerebral. You should think about your next move. It goes right back to Pen & Paper RPG's - the whole reason why Final Fantasy exists in the first place. There's enough "high-octane/intense" games elsewhere. I've got the same gripe with the new Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine game... why they couldn't just make a proper "Table-Top" style game (which is surely what every Warhammer 40k fan really wants) I'll never know. I blame CoD/Halo (for everything!) ![]() They're trying too hard to woo new fans and forsaking the long-term fans. If you are going to target your game towards the goldfish attention spanned action fans - then don't be surprised when after 3 minutes their attention is drawn elsewhere. | 2011-08-27 04:06:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Well, that's also one of my gripes. Final Fantasy's have never been "intense" - they've been cerebral. You should think about your next move. It goes right back to Pen & Paper RPG's - the whole reason why Final Fantasy exists in the first place. There's enough "high-octane/intense" games elsewhere. I've got the same gripe with the new Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine game... why they couldn't just make a proper "Table-Top" style game (which is surely what every Warhammer 40k fan really wants) I'll never know. I blame CoD/Halo (for everything!) ![]() They're trying too hard to woo new fans and forsaking the long-term fans. If you are going to target your game towards the goldfish attention spanned action fans - then don't be surprised when after 3 minutes their attention is drawn elsewhere. Well out of all the FFs ive played the only other one ive liked was 7. And I really like FFXIII because its intense and strategic. The only reason you had to think about your next move in older ones is because it gave you like 10x more time TO think. In ffxiii you are always on your toes and it takes more strategy than the older ones. Well i mean.... If something is challenging then all you have to do is go and grind and then smash your enemy. In ffxiii if somethings challenging, you actually have to come up with a strategy to figure out how to beat your enemy. Which I really like about It.. | 2011-08-27 04:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I never had to level grind in any of the Final Fantasy's - It meant it was a constant struggle to manage hit/healing/magic/item use - using strategy, the way it supposed to be. Final Fantasy XIII was an ok game - but it didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game at all. | 2011-08-27 04:19:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I never had to level grind in any of the Final Fantasy's - It meant it was a constant struggle to manage hit/healing/magic/item use - using strategy, the way it supposed to be. Final Fantasy XIII was an ok game - but it didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game at all. Most people who play FF grind when they cant beat a boss. Its unreasonable and a lot of the time impossible to beat older ff bosses if you werent strong enough. | 2011-08-27 04:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Nah, never been into Grinding game-play. Of course, I would frequently get lost in an area, or lose my bearings after a random battle and end up double-tracking - but although I found some boss men incredibly difficult, they were never "impossible". | 2011-08-27 05:47:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
To me, it seems final fantasy has taken a side-step to Kingdom Hearts... | 2011-08-27 05:59:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Nah, never been into Grinding game-play. Of course, I would frequently get lost in an area, or lose my bearings after a random battle and end up double-tracking - but although I found some boss men incredibly difficult, they were never "impossible". If you dont grind enough then its impossible ![]() | 2011-08-27 15:36:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
i personally don't like final fantasy at all because its not sort of thing but they have gone too far now and just need to give up because its clearly obvious they are just making the games now for the sake of it because it has a strong fanbase and it will sell but that will all change soon | 2011-08-27 18:29:00 Author: wolfy_616 ![]() Posts: 202 |
All i want is versus nao.... | 2011-11-25 02:29:00 Author: Bash ![]() Posts: 39 |
I just want a good, engaging story, tactics heavy combat that isn't repetitive, no awkward dialogue, and no sexy fan service, or brooding or whiney protagonists or supporting cast. Judging by the history of the series, I will only get the first two requests. However, at this point I'm more intrigued by FF Versus. | 2011-11-27 19:15:00 Author: RagTagPwner ![]() Posts: 344 |
Well heres the new battle theme...I guess its better than FF X-2, but...personally I find its lacking the magic even the original FF XIII's battle theme had. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuPV_TGy-U8&feature=player_detailpage#t=2s From what I understand the game follows Serah( Lighnings little sister) and this guy from the future name Noel and they are going to find lightning to put it blankly. You only have two party members in battle and the third slot is occupied by recruit-able monsters--but you cannot control them. Story is even worse, and hopefully it gets better. I am writing a Time Travel Plot as well, and this one...it just seems like an excuse to promote a non-linear design, rather than benefit the narrative. Personally I felt the characters in XIII and the world needed way more fleshing out--it was pretty convoluted as it was, and the story sounds like a mess right now. | 2011-11-28 17:45:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
They spent a huge amount of money making FF13, they didnt/couldnt finish/fix FF14 by release(maybe its related to the money issue..) and now they're making a second part to FF13? 3 flops, a huge loss, angry fans, they should have spent they're time working on KH3 or a FF with the FF7 characters. | 2011-11-28 20:55:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
They spent a huge amount of money making FF13, they didnt/couldnt finish/fix FF14 by release(maybe its related to the money issue..) and now they're making a second part to FF13? 3 flops, a huge loss, angry fans, they should have spent they're time working on KH3 or a FF with the FF7 characters. if they want to make money all they need to do is remake ff7. if the fans like it or not it will sell a lot i loved ff13 combat and everything but i never read anything about it and im intrigued about ff13 part 2 the monster allies i remeber reading that you can combine then to past on abiltlitys and such. im looking forward to see what has happen to the characters. its also nice to know there is no longer a level cap now. http://www.rpgsite.net/previews/342-final-fantasy-xiii2-the-first-three-hours--gameplay-preview | 2011-11-30 10:31:00 Author: Ash_uk1 ![]() Posts: 255 |
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