Acing The Serpent Shrine!
Archive: 9 posts
EDIT: I've finally Aced it. Thanks for reading anyway!!! Ahhh!!!! 10,000th try and still havent done it! I simply cant get past this boss fight at the end with out dieng!!! You go through about 5-10 minutes of jumping over snakes and avoiding getting burnt alive to then get to a boss fight where he hurls explosives at you. I can do the end part because it shows you where the explosives are coming from. Its just that start bit where he hurls 3 impact explosives almost at once. You can imagine the pressure i get under. I HAVE to avoid repeating that long maze again. I need Tips people! Anything!!! I have one idea though, When playing two player collecting all the gifts i noticed that one person can wait at the edge while the other grabs the timed explosives. That person will be me! I Need an extremely skilled gamer to do that level with me and solo the boss part at the end whilst i cheer on from the crowd!!! Yes. YOU. Yes, you! The one going: 'Who me?' I NEED YOU! You wont regret it, I'll be forever in your (gaming) debt, I will heart you and all your levels, Give you reputation on the forum for your helpfulness and be your everlasting friend!!! Who's up for the job or can give tips? POST! | 2008-12-21 09:17:00 Author: lordflash11 ![]() Posts: 194 |
I think you should go on Youtube and watch other people ace it. | 2008-12-21 14:54:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
It took me about 2 tries to ace this (I'm not trying to brag) ![]() Just keep trying dude! ^^ Timing is the key... *edit* Oh yeah: a quick tip. When he's throwing impact explosives at you, run to the very right. Wait until the middle one explodes; then run to the left as fast as your little sack legs can take you! Rinse and repeat. Once again - timing is the key. | 2008-12-21 19:42:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
For the first part of the boss fight, try staying at the far left wall. Jump when the bomb is VERY close to you- it will explode right under you, although you'll be covered in soot- but that's ok. Then just stay at the left for the rest of the bombs, tyhen push the thing over to the right, then repeat two more times. Can't say much about the second part, though. | 2008-12-21 19:44:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Gee, Thanks guys! Rep for you all! I finally cleared it after following your guidelines ![]() | 2008-12-22 20:29:00 Author: lordflash11 ![]() Posts: 194 |
Awesome! Congratulations! =D | 2008-12-22 21:11:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I only have troubles on the second part of the fight, any help? | 2008-12-23 00:31:00 Author: DRT99 ![]() Posts: 431 |
It's really quite simple. Take your time throughout the entire thing, and when you get to the boss, when he throws bombs, run to the place where the first one exploded to avoid the second one. Then grab the time bomb and pull it next to the walls. | 2008-12-23 01:57:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
That's good for the first part of the fight, what about the second? | 2008-12-23 18:59:00 Author: DRT99 ![]() Posts: 431 |
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