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To much Butthurt about cars :(

Archive: 4 posts

There has been a mixup, with a celebrity and a peasant, me being the lowly peasant, and the massively huge celeb, comero-iroc.

So Im hoping me and comero can make a combined thread!

I shall start a fad of making these LOADED CARS on LBPC, and I'm hoping some one can join us, me and comero-iroc.

And to comero-iroc, I CHANGE MY THREAD NAME FIRST.

Me and comero-iroc's next car: A SIX LAYER ABFLUG R35 NISSAN GTR!

2011-08-25 04:01:00

Posts: 74

here we go, this is gonna be epic with a great car logic creator (me) and a great car designer (sylux) what we can do is "limitless" and No, i'm no celebrity, and your no peasant, we are masters. in our category of course, no were not as good as some, but together, we are a force to be recon d with.2011-08-25 12:32:00

Posts: 157

Looking forward to your advanced car design tutorials and such!

I saw that you played my Temporal Experiment stage also, any pointers are welcome.
2011-08-25 13:01:00

Posts: 1799

You should talk to Nacho212, he's been working on his newest gearbox for ages, it has like 6 gears, all displayed by a HUD thing on the car, plus all the camerawork for reverse and drive and all the other essentials.

He's made some pretty dang good looking stuff if I do say so myself. He could probably help alot as well.
2011-08-25 14:05:00

Posts: 403

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