Chronicles of the Adventures of Super Chicken Part 2
Archive: 12 posts
A remastered version of the original level, employing more gameplay and stonger visuals than ever before. Super Chicken has arrived and it is time to face Hoodoo directly. Only you can help Super Chicken find Hoodoo's hidden lair and defeat him once and for all. But first, you must arm yourself and prove your worth. Thanks to Aquaris96 for some visual/gameplay ideas. Complete the in-game obstacle course in record time (>6000 points) to recieve the custom Timer Logic Network used for this level. It's very nice. 3/31/2012 Replaced the elevator to hanger/caves with a new one. I thought the old one looked rushed so I just made a simple, cleaner replacement. There have also been other smaller tweaks over the past few weeks, such a little extra music among other things. Update 8/31/2011 Super Chicken entrance now player activated rather than time activated. Super Chicken enters based on player movement similar to the previous update, alieviating the wait for faster readers while allowing slower readers as much time as needed. Minor tweaks. Update 8/29/2011 Made beginning of level player activated rather than time activated. Lights and sounds now begin by player movement to eliminate wait time for faster readers. Update 8/26/2011 Minor tweaks/bugfixes. Thanks Firehuntah. UPDATE 8/25/2011 Increased given time to reach top of moving platform tower as well as increased distance between each platform to ease difficulty. Thanks tdarb. http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee406/xxMATEOSxx/LBP/LBPCBriggsShot.jpg http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee406/xxMATEOSxx/LBP/LBPCGameplayShot1.jpg http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee406/xxMATEOSxx/LBP/LBPCGameplayShot2-1.jpg Feel free to try the original version of this level as well as Part 1 of the epic adventure. http://lbp.me/v/5mrcjn | 2011-08-25 01:32:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
The level looks great and seems really well planned out. There was a lot of reading, but the story was enjoyable. The environments look fantastic. I especially liked the part with the downward firing lasers that alternated back and forth. The look of the disks rotating to indicate which one was firing was very slick. Unfortunately, that was as far as I got. The next part with the moving platforms functioned very well, and looked awesome. I just couldn't get past it. I suppose I could eventually, but after about 5 minutes of trying I gave up. There needs to be more room to jump in those. I gt why you made the spaces between platforms so small. It looks really nice, and keeps you from just working your way up them regardless of position, but it just got very frustrating for me. Maybe other people won't have that problem. Other than that, it looks like really well planned and thought out story and game play. | 2011-08-25 09:45:00 Author: tdarb ![]() Posts: 689 |
The next part with the moving platforms functioned very well, and looked awesome. I just couldn't get past it. I suppose I could eventually, but after about 5 minutes of trying I gave up. There needs to be more room to jump in those. I gt why you made the spaces between platforms so small. It looks really nice, and keeps you from just working your way up them regardless of position, but it just got very frustrating for me. Maybe other people won't have that problem. Sigh. I knew this was going to be a shaky spot. For people who tested this level it was split about 50/50 with half being able to do it easily and the others making me wonder how it could possibly be that hard. I'm working on an alternative way of having this becuase, as you said, if I move them any farther apart it becomes easier to just jump from one to another vertically, skipping half of them. As for the heavy storytelling, I was hoping for some input on how long people need to read it. Some of them are automatic and I wanted to leave enough time for slower readers to finish before it ends. So in addition to there being a lot of dialogue, was the delay between certain segments too long/short? Thanks for the input, I really did work hard on it to make it as smooth as possible. I'll update with a fix on the moving platforms so feel free to check if you wanna give it another go afterward. I'll also try out your levels. I do enojoy casual games. | 2011-08-25 16:23:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
Hey, got it queued, sounds like its going to be pretty interesting I am also working on trying to get some feedback on a level that I have been trying to fix. If you could make any suggestions I would appreciate it: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=62094-A-Quest-for-Stratta-Various Thanks, Alidmadia | 2011-08-26 06:33:00 Author: Alismadia ![]() Posts: 77 |
Sorry Alidmadia, I don't have LBP2 yet. I can try any LBP1 levels you have though. | 2011-08-26 17:44:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
Just played this level and part 1. I like the story in these levels, already looking forward to part 3. ![]() Anyway, about part 2. The training course was pretty fun though I didn't make it in time. The last part with the bungee things is really annoying. Took me a while to pass that part. Didn't have any problems with the lasers though. I managed to jump on top of the thing you're supposed to grab (between the 2 moving platforms), was easy to avoid the lasers after that. Don't think you should be able to get up there so you may want to fix that, it's just a minor issue though. Also I didn't really get the part where you first get the paintinator. Was pretty much searching for an entrance there to the training course, didn't realise that I had to go back through the enhancement remover and down at the elevator. Didn't make much sense to me. For the rest I really liked the level though, good job. ![]() As for F4F, I'd like it if you could try my level and leave some feedback. ![]() | 2011-08-26 23:59:00 Author: Firehuntah ![]() Posts: 75 |
I managed to jump on top of the thing you're supposed to grab (between the 2 moving platforms), was easy to avoid the lasers after that. Hmm, I'll have to fix that. Although once you know what to do at that part, it's just as easy as if you can just jump over it. I'll make it run higher. Update: I fixed the problem but before I did so I tried reaching the top myself. I was unable to do so. How exactly did you do it? Could it be done consistently or was it a random event? Also I didn't really get the part where you first get the paintinator. Was pretty much searching for an entrance there to the training course, didn't realise that I had to go back through the enhancement remover and down at the elevator. Didn't make much sense to me. Fair enough. I'll make it more clear where your supposed to go. Thanks for the feedback. Your level is actually next on my list to play. I look foward to trying it. Looks to be interesting. | 2011-08-27 01:49:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
Update: I fixed the problem but before I did so I tried reaching the top myself. I was unable to do so. How exactly did you do it? Could it be done consistently or was it a random event? Think it was just a random event, was pretty surprised when I got up there. ![]() ![]() | 2011-08-27 10:50:00 Author: Firehuntah ![]() Posts: 75 |
I'm queueing this. Prepare for a review! | 2011-08-27 10:59:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
So it has recently come to my attention that the camera angles on this level in particular are too wide on certain tv's, making too much of the level and beyond visible at one time. If anyone experiences this can you let me know? Thanks and enjoy. | 2011-11-30 03:40:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
Hello! Not sure if I'm too late or anything, but I played your levels, and they were really nice! I especially liked the ending of part 2! So exciting! Can't wait for the next part. Now for the comments. I don't really have anything, except that I think the environments are too squared. In a level like this, it really fits though, so I don't know what I'm talking about. There are just some of the houses in part 1 that puts me off I think. I see another person has said that the visuals are great, so maybe I'm wrong. Just pay attention to it. ![]() I would be glad if you played mye level! ![]() | 2012-01-14 15:11:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Wow, thanks for the feedback on this, its never too late. I think the environments are too squared. In a level like this, it really fits though, so I don't know what I'm talking about. For Part 2 at least, this is relatively on purpose since the majority of the level is inside a building. For everywhere else this is the case because of how I generally build levels. each section starts off as a square with whatever i need built into it. I do think this does leave to a linear feel for the level as a whole though. There are just some of the houses in part 1 that puts me off I think. I'm guessing one of the ones your talking about is the last one before you enter the bunker. I've been editing Part 1 for a while and lately when I look at that one I wonder, "What was I thinking, that doesn't belong anywhere" I think I'll change that to belong more in a central metropolis rather than be a randomly placed suburban home. I see another person has said that the visuals are great, so maybe I'm wrong. There is no right or wrong in this, everyone is entitled to their opinions. I'm glad people like these and I also appreciate the feedback I'm getting to make them better. | 2012-01-14 20:51:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
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