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John has postponed his Kayak Adventure

Archive: 9 posts

John Beech is back at Mm towers today, after making the heartbreaking decision to postpone his trip. Over the last two weeks he had kayaked Nearly 300 miles, and as we followed him on his journey hearing about massive waves, blisters, whales, storms etc, both us at Mm and John’s family became increasingly worried about John’s safety. We talked with him and together decided that it would be best to put the trip on hold, so that he could be better prepared to try it again next year. 

Here’s John…  <blockquote>Hello everyone!

It's me John(ee) I?m back! Sruprise: I?m back in MM towers instead of being half way around the country. I got pretty far,  Nearly 300 miles far, but had to postpone my little adventure. Fear not it shall continue next year.

I decided to stop for safety reasons… along with my dad and friends, we had worked out that if I had continued at my current rate I would of reached Scotland when it looked a bit like this…

<div class="center"><img src="http://www.mediamolecule.com/images/uploads/image001.png" alt="Oooooh!" width="470" class="marg" height="353" />
2011-08-24 12:50:00

Posts: 421

Such a pity, but it really is much more important that he stays safe. There's always another chance to try again!

And rest be assured we'll all be supporting you next time Johnee, stay safe
2011-08-24 12:54:00

Posts: 1015

Thank god man! Honestly I'm glad that I can stop worrying about Johnee now.2011-08-24 16:27:00

Posts: 415

I saw reports on the news about the bad weather. So I'm glad you've put it on hold. Saftey first.2011-08-24 16:53:00

Posts: 920

Safety is more importent then continueing the trip in the face of freak waves and bad weather. I kept an eye on johnee plenty when he was on his trip, and I have to say 300 miles is an awesome distance to cover even though he had to stop there.

It's good to know that johnee is safe, and I hope when he resumes his journey next year, it'll be a safe, non-postponed one. GO JOHNEE!!!!
2011-08-24 17:33:00

Posts: 76

If Johnee ever encounters a wave like in that picture, all he needs to do is flex his god-like musles and the wave will get scared and run away.2011-08-24 17:52:00

Posts: 2333


Huzzah for rational decisions!
2011-08-24 19:02:00

Posts: 1076

awwwwwwwwww,oh well 300 miles is a great feat..and,i waqs at a pool that emits waves and that pic remided me of that...2011-08-24 19:09:00

Posts: 398

I'm relieved that you decided to postpone. I was a little worried about you being out there but I'm glad to hear that the next go round you'll have a follow vessel. 300 miles is still an accomplishment, just glad you're back home and safe. What about the pants? Are they safe?2011-08-24 19:40:00

Posts: 8424

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