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Contraption nut

Archive: 3 posts

Hi Im Hennfam and I create tons of contraptions mainly my area of expertise trains and military vehicles. Currently I run a few levels that show of most of them because most of my levels are just my contraptions that I have made and perfected few which I have not even shown the updated versions. If you wish to see my many contraptions just visit my planet and you can either see contraptions of the past or some of the present my most current and favorite contraption I've made is my working replica of the Tripod from war of the worlds (2005) its sort of still in the testing stages and can fall over if you stop in the middle of it striding, but its a lot of fun to play with especially if you make your friends run from it. So feel free to check out all of my contraptions that I've made over the years.2011-08-22 22:50:00

Unknown User

I gotta check your stuff out!2011-08-24 18:45:00

Unknown User

i will check out your stuff,too.
could you please test my vehicle in my level "Times of War...(1P)" ( http://lbp.me/v/5kdppq ) ? and give some nice feedback so i can improve it..
thank you
2011-08-24 21:24:00

Unknown User

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