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Swimming Sackbot! Jetpack Sackbot For real, need art help, and a little more logic

Archive: 4 posts


Please check it out and if anyone is good at hologram art or really really good with advanced logic please contact me via. PSN and we'll get to work.

Still no luck with the grappling hook, but the jetpack and the swimming work pretty amazingly!

Together we can finish where MM left off on sackbots!!!
2011-08-22 19:55:00

Unknown User

yes, the jet pack thing is cool, but the water set up is kinda cheesey, sorry, but if only a sackbot could go in actual water.2011-08-26 13:42:00

Posts: 157

I made a sackbot that could go in actual water, but it doesn't look like it's swimming.
Waterproof Sackbot (http://lbp.me/v/5xyczh)
2011-08-31 21:35:00

Posts: 9

if only a sackbot could go in actual water.

I hear that!!!
2011-08-31 23:11:00

Posts: 948

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