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Start the sackbot

Archive: 4 posts

Is there a way to send a signal to a sackbot to make it start it's recording? I was hoping to have a camera activate, and put its output to the sackbot. But right now, it just starts whenever I unpause.2011-08-20 05:33:00

Posts: 60

there's a behavior chip next to the sackbot in the tools menu, put it on the sackbot, and put ur recording there.
then activate it whenever
2011-08-20 05:53:00

Posts: 107

there's a behavior chip next to the sackbot in the tools menu, put it on the sackbot, and put ur recording there.
then activate it whenever
Combine this with a NOT gate for the "resting" or default behavior.
2011-08-20 10:22:00

Posts: 1878

By the way, this bot is not controllable. It's just an acting bot like what you would use in a movie. (Though this isn't a movie)2011-08-20 18:32:00

Posts: 1614

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